Chapter 189: Temp Lodge

"O-our orb…"

"The years of research!"

The two researchers crawled over to the shards of the broken orb, tears welling up in their eyes. Vienna started cackling out loud while slapping my back, and the rest were just too confused to say anything.

"Good job, brother."

"Naturally, sister."

"Ahh… all that money!!"

"Our hard-earned funds!"

"So?" I stepped ahead, my grin too fierce to be stopped my by willpower. "What's the verdict, huh? Do I pass?"

The researchers sniffled in perfect sync and looked at me. Then, with tears still dripping out of their eyes, both of their neck muscles twitched in a wide smile.

"What does black color mean anyway?"

"Is it an all aptitude? No, wasn't that purple? Isn't purple just a lighter shade of black though?"

Ah, researchers. Even while crying they were both deeply intrigued by me.


"Right, yes. Well, it's a pass no doubt."

"But… the orb…"

I shrugged. "Told you."

So what if they were sad? Their fault, I even warned them.