Chapter 197: Entrance Test Ends

A gust of wind swept above my head as I ducked and lowered my hand. At the same time, I manifested a shield right next to me in the air, but Luka nimbly changed his posture and switched out on the attack. His feet landed on the shield that had just materialized and he kicked downward at me.

With a swift back-step, I dodged his oncoming blow and struck him with my knees, but he blocked it in the nick of time.

At that very moment, the block we were standing on started to crumble as Albert used his magic to destroy it from its structure. Luka and I immediately jumped back and the both of us started attacking Albert. Or rather, the air around Albert since we couldn't attack each other. As he focused his attention on the analysis monster, I took the chance to swipe the core from Luka's hands but—


A loud sound resounded as Albert averted my swipe… by punching me.