Chapter 201: Tale

The man in the mirror wasn't me.

The man who spoke for now wasn't me.

'I am who I am.'

"There must be something."

With clarity like none other, I pressed down on the granite and stared deeper into the mirror. The mirror that shows only 'you' now showed me someone else. I wasn't one to have faith in a mirror's capabilities over my own.


My eyes cut into the sight of 'Eugene Hall' as I observed his face.

Seeing a face… made me want to puke. It felt as if something deeply wrong was going on, afflicting my soul itself. But I had to.

I must.

I swallowed my discomfort and continued staring. From the clothes to the hairstyle. His eyes that were deep red with the color of blood weren't mine. After using World's End mine had slightly faded toward purple, is what I had heard from Lethe.

Everything. Eugene Hall was different in every aspect. No one could call him me.

This body wasn't Eugene Hall's… it was mine. That was what the mirror said.

