Chapter 247: Faking For Lovemaking

"Drop it already."

Dawn stuck her tongue out at my words. She then leaned back and smacked her sheets.

I was glad she didn't have any thoughts about my change. Especially since she was an angel, the antithesis of a demon's existence.

'I only care about you dusk, humans demons or angels, all of them can go die in a ditch,' she had said.

"What did you bring me?" She asked. "You better have brought something brat."

"How demanding," I muttered as I closed the door and walked over to her. Titania also floated over and rested atop Dawn's head.

"I am your savior right now, I can demand your life."

"What happened to the whole speech about cutting it even?"

"I'll say I am slightly at the top?"


I actually couldn't argue with that.

"I brought you some Sachertorte from the Sachertorte faction."