Chapter 285: Chaos in the Drug Factory

"Nana nanaaaa…"

Night fell.

"Nana nanaaaa…"

Torches and lamps lit the outside of the cave as the last shipments for the day left.

"Nana nana! Nana! Nana nana nana! Nana nanaaaaa!"

"Alright, Miss Irina, please. I know I said spy, but you don't have to pull the pink cheetah on me."

"I am surprised you know about the Pink Cheetah, it's very old," said Irina.

Yeah well, the Eroge hadn't just ripped off one brand. Changing Starducks into Starquacks didn't seem enough of a copyright infringement, they had to involve the pink jaguar too.

"Now then," I muttered. "I guess the last of the shipments are in here for the day. But we still haven't seen anything going out. Should we try to infiltrate the place?"

"Are you sure you want to destroy it right away?" Irina asked. "I am not sure if there will be other places they are making this. And we better destroy the demand while we're at it. Oh sorry, was that too complex for you?"

"You know what? Go back to singing."