Power System

***Power System***


— Mana :

Magical energy used by humans. Is present in the air all around the world but only mana that has been usurped by a magician using their own mana core can be used by them, Modern ways of using mana involve forming intricate, ethereal magical circles and formulae to imbue the mana with different properties. Ancient Forms Exist.

Three methods of utilization depending on refinement and purity

1) Mana - Most basic and impure, can be used immediately.

2) Arcana - Purer and can be imbued with greater properties and exert greater strength. Needs to be refined

3) Aether - Purest form of mana. Can affect the realms with its prowess. Needs to be refined from Arcana

— Ki:

The life force or inner energy of all humans. Is present in the air all around the world but only ki that has been usurped by a warrior using their own ki core can be used by them.

Eight divisions of Ki made by humans depending on the realm of breakthrough in Ki

1) Charge Ki - Most basic form. Sends currents of ethereal Ki through the weapon.

2) Aura Ki - Envelops weapon in ethereal Ki. Can extend a little more than the weapon's length.

3) Projectile Ki - No upper limit on the length of Ki. Depending on the user, can cover the entire world in ethereal Ki.

4) Manifest Ki - Can manifest ethereal Ki into physical form. Weapons and monsters of Ki can be created depending on the user.

5) Intent Ki - Can manifest ki through thought alone.

6) Soul Ki - Ki can affect the realm itself. Is on the same level as Aether.

7) Ki King - Ruler of Ki.

8) Ki Emperor - Emperor of Ki, the highest peak of utilization.

DEMONS AND GODS ABILITIES (Lower and Higher Plane)

— Demonic Energy:

The energy form used by demons and demonic monsters exclusively. Is charged from the barren lands of hell and the negativity existing in the world. Present everywhere but can only be used by demons that have usurped the energy and stored it in their horns.

One Higher Realm of Utilization exists:

[Authority] - Can only be used by Demon Lords. A refined and aged, limited and replenishable mass of demonic energy that can affect space and time to a certain degree. Each authority bestows a different power on the demon lord and can affect the world in different ways. Is shaped by the emotion that is utilized in creating the authority.

— Holy Energy:

The energy form used by angels, gods, and celestial monsters exclusively. Is charged from the rich lands of heaven and the faith existing in the world. Present everywhere but can only be used by beings that have usurped the energy and stored it in their halos.

One Higher Realm of Utilization exists:

[Divinity] - Can only be used by Over Gods. A refined and aged, limited and replenishable form of holy energy that can affect space and time to a certain degree. Each Divinity bestows a different power on the Over God and can affect the world in different ways. Is shaped by the emotion that is utilized in creating the authority.


— Alfheim:

A realm and power in one. Can be used exclusively by beings of and in Alfheim. Powers of the entire realm make it one of the strongest and purest forms of energy. No other forms of utilization exist. Can affect the fabric of the realm on the truest scale.

— Spirits:

Beings and power in one. The keepers of the Lower, Mortal, and Higher Realm form the energy of the three realms. Can be used and seen only by people chosen by the spirits. More attuned to stronger life forms i.e Fairies - Over Gods - Demon Lords > Gods and Angels - Demons > Humans - Beastfolk

Can affect the fabric of the realm on the truest scale.

One other form of utilization exists

1) Sorcery - A skill used mainly by humans in an attempt to convince the spirits into changing the realm in certain ways. Can only be used by people the spirits prefer but have not chosen. The result must be of the spirits' taste which brings in a large risk of failure and kickback.


— World's End:


— World's Beginning:


— ??????:
