Chapter 316: Before the Bells Toll

"Do not look back. And do not remove your masks"

Those ominous sounding words filled my ears. It was getting annoying to use a mask over another mask.

I had used the spirits to send the message to everyone about my plans, and thankfully had been on time with making them make me sober so that I could move through this place.

With Seri Al in the front, and many more in the back, I took in a breath and heightened my senses as we passed through the cave that led to the black market.

A creature…

The entire darkness in this narrow path leading into the black market was not just an absence of light, but a creature likely pulled out from deep within a dungeon.

There were only three major dungeons in Schwarz anyway. One in the Hall territory, another was the merged project of Deep Down Town, and the last was the Forever Icy Caps of the north.