Chapter 319: Eugene vs Seri Al Fonias

The duke went flying.

Booms after booms rang as he broke through every single wall in his way and crushed pillar after pillar of the very place that held his market up.

It was al futile though.

In moments, he managed to regain his balance and charged back at me.


He screamed as he came closer.


With a flick of my fingers, the psychokinesis holding up the structure of the cave was undone and all of it came crashing down. Hundreds of screams resounded as patrons of the black market were turned into mush, and with them was buried within the Duke.

The shields all around me, I flew out the cave system and into the wide forest.

The captives were already being taken away by Shilon who was joined by the Albert and the gang. They seemed to have their hands busy, though, with the seemingly unending number of soldiers charging at the captives.

"[Spatial Magic: Domain Crush]!"