Chapter 340: Dive in and Attack

I dashed through the outsides of the streets and straight toward the center. A lot of people had already disappeared while a lot more were on their way away.

As I dashed through.

[Tree Coffin]


Roots rose from below the ground and came crawling up to my feet. My intent ki slashed them all away in a single go as I continued running onward. In the next moment, a flash of blinding light spread in the skies.


An aggressive snore!

Like the rage of the heavens, a pillar of lighting came crashing down on my back.

I swerved to the right and kicked. The lighting pillar burst, then the air broke apart, and lastly, my feet crashed into the armor of Zachariah Arke.


He squealed.

A crash resounded through the skies as he flew away.

My gaze turned back.

Tens. Hundreds.

Tens of thousands of spells came rushing my way.

"We got more gold-ranked mages now!"

"Shut up! I am handling half of this."