Chapter 364: Hidden Demons

"Can you please stop?"

"Stop what?"

"Stop, what you are doing, man."

I tilted my head to the side at Albert's words. We were currently in the largest in all of the North East, the land of a place that was surprisingly also a dungeon city. The dungeon opened us up to a much faster way of travel between the North East and the South East, which made it convenient.

It was ruled by a tyrant first that captured everyone who stepped there. That was how this place got its reputation as a hell hole that no adventurer could conquer. It just didn't attract enough attention to have any Orichalcum rank take it on, the Adamantium one's lost frequently.

It was safe to say that all of my teammates were at the Adamantium level at the least, except the quarter of Mandom, Mandom, Asahi, and Mohawk, who were easily at the silver level.

Not bad.

Still, I didn't understand what exactly this guy wanted.

"What am I doing?" I asked Albert once more.

"This! This thing!"