Chapter 404: Just How Life Is

Ten more years passed. I finished two laps in the time.

It was quite a shocker for me too, but thanks to the constant breakthroughs that Eugene helped me with, my speed and strength and pretty much everything was physically incomparable to before.

And now, I was already on the verge of the level of Ki Emperor while having hit the peak of my mana utilization. Thankfully, this place was also just as filled with all sorts of energies as it was filled with time.

How the three from Eugene's time would have made this place was still pretty much a thing of complete mystery for me.

Of course, this cycle of ours mostly involved of me running and utilizing all my strength. Getting beat into a pulp till every bone in my body had been crushed at least a few dozen times, and then by me hunting the clones of the Outer God and eating them which also got progressively stronger.