A giant pillar soared through the ground. Its length touched the clouds up above while its blade curving through the skies cut even the wind that dared blow past it.

Even amidst the city of giant rubbles that the already enormous Nagas had created, the length of the staff was far too great.

"Thisss… is the placccce…" The Naga said, pointing at the staff that stretched to the skies. It wasn't something one person could just lift and carry off, Noa was having second thoughts about the Elf Mamon who asked them to bring it back.

The ominous energy of the 'concept' in the scythe was enough to send chills down the entire party.

"Just how do they use this stuff," Kalanaar mused, his hands crossed and a new robe hiding his muscles. "What lets them possess these strengths?"

"It's unclear so far," Emily muttered. "But researchers say it's all related to the string theory. Just like Mana and Ki and everything else."

"The what theory now?"