Chapter 430: Into the Worlds Alliance

It was hard to believe that things would be as organized as they claimed them to be. So naturally, they weren't.

Similar steps were taken all over the world, to hide incompetence was just one. To avoid panic and growth, internal strifes and mutiny, all of these were strongly related to the matter.

"Do any of you know about the Dark Moon?" I asked the ones in front of me, and all of them tilted their head.

"I don't know."

"Haven't heard."

I looked at Noa and she shook her head. A sigh of relief left me.

It seemed the Dark Moon was still running well. If it collapsed a lot of people would have put everyone in the organization at stake. I knew I could trust glasses, the way to contact me I had given him back when I had just left to become an adventurer was still with him.

If something had happened then he would have contacted me. Unless he lost it.

Did he lose it?

Fuck, he didn't lose it now, did he?

I knew I couldn't trust glasses.