
Evangeline, age 5

I am fixing a jigsaw puzzle on the carpet when the key turns in the lock. He's finally home! I jump up and run into the corridor. "Hi, Daddy!" I squeal, hugging his leg.

I expectantly wait for him to return it, but he just shakes me off and sighs in annoyance. Hurt fills my chest. He is always like his.

It is quickly forgotten when I notice there is a tall, willowy lady with dazzling baby blues and glossy auburn hair next to him. I stiffen immediately. A stranger, here at the house. What is she doing here? Daddy knows I don't like strangers, but I don't think he cares.

"Daddy, who is she?" I ask warily. The lady smiles at me, but it is tense. "Hello, sweetie! You must be Evangeline, the little girl I've heard so much about!" I stare at her in confusion. She doesn't sound mean like Daddy is most of the time. In fact, she is actually very beautiful.

"This is Mariam. You're gonna see her often from now on." Daddy says curtly. I don't really understand. Why would I see her often? She seems nice, but why is she here? At my silence he snaps. "Well?"

I nod quietly, For some reason, I feel like I can trust her. Mariam speaks in a lilting tone. "Evangeline, shall we get to know each other better?" I hesitate. Will Daddy be mad? He plasters a fake smile on his face. "Just go, Mariam. I have important work to do." He then shoots me a hateful glare.

I stiffen. When Daddy speaks in this tone,it means soon he's gonna get super angry and start yelling and smashing things. I don't want me or the nice lady to get hurt, so I grab her hand and quickly drag her into my room, shutting the door quietly so Daddy won't shout.

"What a pretty room!" Mariam coos, looking at the dingy broom closet I call my room. I put my finger over my lips. "Shush, nice lady. If we make too much noise, Daddy will come." My heart jumps in my chest when something bangs outside.

For a moment, a melancholic expression flits across her pretty, elegant face. She clasps both my hands in hers, sinking to her knees so that she is at eye level with me. Immediately I try to pull back. "Lady, don't kneel! The carpet is dirty. You'll ruin your pretty dress!"

"Honey. Sweetie." Mariam gazes at me with sadness in her beautiful blue eyes. She rubs her thumbs over the backs of my hands. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine soon." I'm not sure what she means by that. It sounds like she's trying to comfort me, but she's definitely the one that needs it more than I do. I incline my head slightly, pulling one of my hands out of her grasp and pat her head. Her hair is soft and shiny.

"Lady, are you scared of Daddy too?" I whisper. "No, honey," she whispers back. "I love him." I stare at her curiously. "Okay."