
Chapter 6

A week later


I get up at seven thirty. A cool breeze blows in through the window. The other doors along the hall are still shut. Late sleepers, apparently. But that's a good thing for me.

I brush my teeth, then swap my pajamas for leggings and a graphic tee. Before leaving the house, I leave a note on the table. Hopefully, I won't lose my way to the supermarket.


I startle awake at loud banging on the bedroom door. "Chris! Max! Open up!" Asher. That damned brat. I am so going to give him a piece of my mind for disturbing my sleep at this time.

I slide off the bed and hurl open the door, scowling. This better be important. "What is it?"

My little brother wordlessly hands me a bright yellow post-it. There is something scrawled on the paper in blue ink. A girl's handwriting, no doubt.

Dearest brother,

Whichever of you is reading this: I have gone to run an errand in town. If Dad or Mariam drops a call while I'm gone, do let them know that I am perfectly safe and happy with you all. Thank you for your kindness last night. It is greatly appreciated.

Be back soon.


"What's all the noise?" My twin grumbles from the end of the bed, staring at us with bleary eyes and a bedhead. Neither of us are morning people.

"Apparently, our dear sister has left for an errand, although we're not quite sure where." His eyes widen in concern.

"Does she even know her way around Peachtree? She just moved in here from the opposite side of the country!" Max is getting more and more agitated.

"Wait. Wait. How long has it been since she left? We might be able to catch up with her if she just did."

The way to town is a straight path from here. Even if we weren't able to locate her immediately, our town is quite small. We could easily ask around to find out if anyone had seen her.

Lucas's sandy brown head appears at the door. "Why are y'all yelling this early in the morning?"

"Evangeline is gone."

The three of us give him a brief rundown of everything. The eldest brother frowns. "Let me see the note. There might be a clue as to where she's headed."

"No time for that right now. We have to leave as soon as we can," Max says, throwing on a gray tee. " You can do that on the way there." The words 'who knows what might happen' are left unspoken.

As the four of us dash out the door, I think to myself. Why are we all so worried? This isn't like us. We just only met her a week ago, but in that short time...Even Asher, with his hostility toward strangers, softened toward her. Did we bond that quickly? Evangeline.

Our sister. Ours.

For some reason, the words feel right in my chest.