
Chapter 9


The walk back is uneventful. Upon reaching home, I dump the bags on the counter and sigh in relief. "On the counter?" Max asks.

"Yes, please." The others follow suit and leave their bags as well.

"We're going to clean up," Christopher calls. "Just yell if you need anything!"

"Before that..." All four stop abruptly and turn to face me.

"How does pancakes for breakfast sound?" They all grin in delight, even Asher.


While the boys are upstairs doing their thing, I start putting away the various purchases, the set to work preparing and measuring ingredients. I'm not sure how much four teenage boys can eat, so hopefully this amount is just right. I fire up the stove and heat a pan.

As soon as its ready, I begin pouring the batter into the pan. The milky substance bubbles, turning a lovely shade of golden brown. Kinda like Lucas's pretty skin, I muse. Hold on. Why did I just think of that? He's my freaking brother.

I shake the thought away and flip the pancake. I have made half a dozen so far. They are all stacked on a single platter I retrieved from the dishwasher. Probably around another six to go.

Oh! I forgot to get extra plates. They are stored in one of the higher shelves. Those dammed tall cupboards. I climb onto the counter, careful to avoid the stove, and reach for the handle. Shoot. Short legs and arms! Just my luck.

A deep voice comes from behind me.

"What are you doing?"