
Chapter 13


I am plugged in to Spotify, rapidly going through Neil Gaiman's Coraline when someone knocks at the door.

"Come in."

I remove my earbuds. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well, I actually wanted to speak with you about the school term." He comes closer, looking unsure. I pat the spot next to me. "So, you'll be starting ninth grade in the fall. Summer break ends in a few weeks, so we'll get Asher to help you with your school stuff. A note from our parents: We'll be expected to keep our grades up once school resumes. Alright?"

His eyes fall on my lit up phone screen. "Whatcha playing?" I pick it up and show him.

"Cradle by Sub Urban. I love it!"

Lucas's eyes light up. "You like music?"

"Yeah, I do! Reading while listening is my favourite pastime."

"Can I see your playlists?" We exchange phones.

"Wow, aside from your Classical music playlist, our taste is pretty similar!" Lucas grins. His excitement is contagious.

A thought occurs to me. I better ask before I forget. "Does the school have a band, or other clubs?"

He pauses to think for a moment.

"Peachtree has a wide variety of clubs. Too many to remember, actually. I'll compile a list for you instead."

I nod. A laugh bubbles in my throat.

"Hmm? Is there something on my face?"

"No," I giggle. "I just find the word 'Peachtree' funny." With that, I burst into another round of giggles.

"I'm really sorry. I can't help it!"

The next thing I know, the both of us are laughing. It feels good, because I haven't felt this happy in a long while.