
Chapter 20


A few days later, my period has finally ended. I have more or less gotten over what happened. It wasn't my first, so I should've been more aware.

Asher nudges me with a foot. We are lying sprawled on his bed. "You've been acting strange around Max and Chris lately. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." I continue staring at the pages of my book. "Are you sure?" I nod my head aggressively. His hand brushes my hair. He's... stroking it? I feel the strands sliding through his fingers like liquid. He leans close, twirling a lock around his finger. "Really sure?" My face flames. What is he doing?

He pokes my side playfully. Unbeknownst to him, that is where I am extremely ticklish. A slow smirk spreads across his face. He pounces on me, jabbing the soft spots of my torso mercilessly. I screech and wriggle violently to escape his hold, but he's pinned me down to the bed. His weight is crushing.

"Okay, fine! Fine!" I gasp, planting my foot on his chest to push him off me. I slam down the book onto his duvet and move away from him.

I spill the beans. Now Asher's face is red too. Ha. Serves him right. I smirk and smack his shoulder as he grimaces. "Damn."

"What time is it?" I change of subject. He reaches for his phone on the bedside table and checks it. "Almost five."

"Come on. You're gonna cook dinner with me!" I grab his hand and roll off the bed. He groans and stumbles after me. "Fiiine."



Evangeline starts taking out various ingredients from the fridge. "So, boss. What poison are we cooking up today?"

"Penne Au Gratin," she replies, throwing that luscious ebony hair I was just playing with earlier up into a bun. I've been repressing the foreign feelings in my chest. The fluttery, warm ones I get whenever she smiles. Whenever she looks at me. Whenever she laughs.

"Asher?" She waves her tiny hand in my face. Pale grey eyes shine with iridescence in the late afternoon light. I blink. "I asked if you're okay with mushrooms going in the gratin." I swallow hard and nod shakily. "Yeah."

Evangeline gets to work, boiling pasta while I chop up garlic, onions and mushrooms. I stare at her petite figure.

I'm pretty sure I'm harbouring a fucking crush on my gorgeous stepsister. Not to mention, I have a growing suspicion that my brothers do, too. How could they not? Evangeline's sweet, kind, funny and totally innocent. The gentle demeanour makes her all the more tempting. I want her. I admit that. But our parents will marry in a month. She will be my stepsister. Talk about forbidden fruit.

I need to vent. For now, I'll have to direct all this emotional and sexual frustration somewhere else. After all, I am still a testosterone-fueled teen boy.