
Chapter 22


The first day of school. I'm having mixed feelings about it, because, eleventh grade. Fun. On the bright side, Evangeline will be attending Peachtree with us. Evangeline. Over the summer, we have gotten super close. It's even safe to say that my brothers and I have also gotten closer through our sister. There's just something special about her. You can't help but crave her time and attention.

My thoughts are interrupted by my towheaded older twin tossing a strip of cloth at my face. "Dude. What are you daydreaming about?" I scowl and swipe the tie off my face. He snickers and ducks out the door.

"Asshole." I swing my bag over my shoulder and dash out as well.

Lucas, Chris and Evangeline are waiting downstairs already. Peachtree isn't particular about hair or footwear. Today, Evangeline's jet black hair is neatly plaited away from her face, leaving a few wisps around her ears. It's pretty cute, actually.

Lucas snorts as Evangeline shows him something on her phone. Chris leans over between them. He cocks a brow at me. "Where's Asher?"



Speak of the devil. The boy himself comes running down the glass stairs, nearly tripping on the last step. Flaxen hair tousled, bag half unzipped and shirt buttons undone. Obviously, he overslept. For a nanosecond, we all watch as Asher grunts in frustration, impatiently fumbling with his tie.

I step forward. "Here." Within seconds, the bright red tie is neatly looped under his collar, hanging in place. His devastatingly blue eyes meet mine. "Thanks." He mumbles.

Chris grabs my bag my its strap and swings it over his shoulder, along with his own on the opposite side. I try to protest. He doesn't have to take my bag for me! Unfortunately, he silences me with a wink. "Cmon. Let's go."


We head down the silent, empty street. As we walk, I study my lavender high tops. A gift from Mariam. According to her, it brings out the lilac in my eyes.

School starts at eight. Right now, it's seven thirty in the morning. During the morning rush, I had totally forgotten about any anxiety, but as the wrought iron gates of Peachtree High come into view, I feel myself getting wracked with nerves.

A large hand slips into mine. As if sensing my distraught, Lucas squeezes my hand. We have now walked through the school gates. Peachtree's sprawling grounds consist of a four storey, red brick building, and from what I am able to see, an open, grassy field surrounded by a running track and benches.

Inside the school, a few students mill about, but otherwise, it is mostly empty. A few curious stares are thrown our way, as I can feel the weight of their gazes on my skin. We walk over to a row of white painted lockers.

"Your locker is here," Lucas tells me. "Number 337. Do you wanna open it to check if the code works?" I nod and dial in the code. The locker pops open. I smile in delight. Asher grins and opens his locker too, a few doors down from mine. By now, a steady trickle of chattering students enter the school. They are all decked out in black and white

A whimsical, chiming sound fills the school. "Shit," Chris mutters. "Sorry, Evie. That's the first bell."

"We gotta head to class. Have fun, okay? Meet you back here once school ends." I am taken my surprise when the twins give me a peck on opposite sides of my cheeks before turning the corner, disappearing from sight. I don't have a chance to feel embarrassed, because Lucas presses a piece of paper into my hand. "If you need anything, come find us." He flashes a lopsided smile and dashes down the corridor.

Asher's hand encircles my wrist. The next thing I know, we are racing down the halls, making sharp turns around corners, along with other students who are also running late for class. We burst through the doors of one of the classrooms, causing the seated students inside to startle at the noise. Asher collapses into a chair near the back, pulling me down next to him, just as a balding man with a pot belly scuttles in, clutching a file.

His beady eyes scan the class, as if he's searching for someone.

"Good morning class. Before we start the lesson, Evangeline Whitlock. Present?"