
Chapter 27


It's finally the weekend! The first week of school was draggy, but Max promised that soon the semester would fly by in a blur.

The mattress bounces. Two people on either side of me. Without glancing up from my book, I murmur. "Hey, Chris, Max."

Max smirks and ruffles my hair. "What kind of greeting is that?"

"Don't we deserve a more affectionate welcome from our precious baby sis?" Chris cups my cheek and pinches it.

I scowl and swat his hand away. "Fine. You want affectionate? Come and get it."

I tackle Max, slamming my body into his chest with all my might. The momentum causes him to fall backward into his twin, who lands on his back onto my pillows. There. Two birds, one stone. Heh.

I don't give them a chance to grasp what's happening, or allow them to sit back up. I swing my leg over Max's torso and plant my ass on his chest, pinning him down. Now he can't get up.

I rest my chin in my hands, elbows on his chest. "Biiig brother. I'm soooo happy to see youuuu!" I drag out the words in a high-pitched, sing-songy voice and bat my eyelashes at him with an evil smirk on my face.

Max's face reddens.

"Dude. Get off me. You're fucking heavy." Chris wheezes from somewhere under the pillows. Oops. "I can't. She's sitting on me!" Max wheezes.

"Yeah, and I will till you promise you ain't gonna try shit with me no more!" I lean over Max's face and yank away the cushion on Chris's head. "Especially you. I hate when people pinch my cheeks!" He gasps for air theatrically.

"You know, you could get her off you if you wanted to..." Asher leans against the doorframe, arms crossed. There is a mischievous glint in his eyes.

At first, I'm pretty puzzled. What on earth is he talking about? But as his eyes trail over my breasts, it clicks in my mind.

I'm about to launch myself at him to cover his big mouth, raising a finger threateningly. "Asher-something-Crestdale, don't you dare!"

He grins like the cat who got the cream and yells out loud. "Evie's ticklish! Target her stomach!"

Max takes advantage of my momentary distraction. Large hands grip my waist. Max lifts me off him and wraps an arm tightly around my chest and arms, restricting my movement. I kick and flail but to no avail. Does Max have inhuman strength or what?

The weight of the mattress shifts. Someone comes up behind and begins to tickle my sides. I squirm and shriek with laughter, tears forming in my eyes.

"Traitor!" I screech between gasps, throwing Asher my middle finger as Chris continues with the merciless torture. With a sardonic smirk, he winks and runs away. Jerk.

Somehow, in the middle of all the scuffle, I manage to hook my legs around Chris's torso. I don't know why. Perhaps I was hoping to be able to restrain him by pinning his arms to his sides, similar to what Max was doing to me. Obviously, I missed. Terribly. Way to go, Evangeline.

I'm sure you can imagine how compromising our position was. Fuck.

The three of us still immediately. My heart is thumping loudly in my throat, and there are a million butterflies in my stomach. Why am I reacting this way?!

Max slowly releases me. I slide down from his chest and onto the pillows. I try to unhook myself off of Chris's waist, but its like I have been immobilised. He suddenly puts his hands on my calves, as if to stop me, and bites his lip. Heat rushes in between my legs.

What the hell? A few seconds pass with me just staring blankly into his eyes. Cornflowers.

"Um..." Something hard pokes the inside of my thigh. It's then that the signal my brain is giving my legs finally comes through. I practically projectile off of him and onto Max. Then I change my mind and roll over, burying my burning face in the pillows.

"Please, don't EVER do that again," I groan. Through a gap between the pillows and the blanket, I see both of them blink and shake their heads as if to clear it. I lift my head up and peer at them. "Well? You both look like freaking tomatoes."

Their voices are raspy when they answer. "...um, yeah, of course."