
Chapter 40


It's a little past one in the morning. I woke up because I need to pee. Why else?

I kick away the blankets, leaving me bare in just a thin shirt and panties. Whatever. It's not like anyone's gonna see me in my underwear in the middle of the night.

It's pitch dark outside. Not a soul in sight. Asher's door is closed shut, and I think I even hear snoring from the other side of the hall. Lucas isn't home. It's the norm, now.

I brush away the thought of my stepbrother. I don't want to think about him. If I do, I'll feel like puking, even if my heart aches t do so.

The rumbling, whistling noises intensify as I near the bathroom. I snicker to myself. Not even the ghosts would want to come here with that snoring.

I quickly relieve myself and open the bathroom door, only to nearly piss myself as I hear the door burst open downstairs. My heart rate spikes.

Shit. It sounds like someone breaking in. A burglar?

I don't have anything that can be used as a weapon on me.

Silent steps, meant for silent kills bring me closer to the kitchen. A shadowy figure is hunched over the counter, shoulders quivering slightly.

Crap. There goes my opportunity to grab a pan or something, I think to myself. Wait. Is he crying?

Clink. The sound ricochets off the wall in the silence. Deafening. I flinch at the noise, my hand knocking into the sofa.

The person turns slowly. His features become visible in the dim moonlight, and my chest feels like it's cracking again.
