
Chapter 42


I burrow further into the cocoon of silky covers, seeking refuge from the bright sunlight streaming into the room.

Someone snuffles behind me. Panic shoots through me. What's going on?Then I recall last night's events. Lucas's apology. The kiss.

Shit! The kiss.

My fingers automatically go to my lips, and my toes curl. I roll over, trying not to disturb his slumber and study his features. His eyes flutter open. "Morning." Lucas murmurs.

"Gah!" I screech and jerk back, tumbling off the edge of his bed and onto the floor, taking the duvet with me.

Heat fills my cheeks as the cold floor kisses the bare skin of my thighs. Crap. I'm still in my panties, but I'm not sure if Lucas noticed last night.

The boy in question peers over the bed with a messy hair and confused expression on his face.

"Are you okay? And what are you doing in my bed?"

My hearts skips a beat. Does he not remember? Well, I suppose he was drunk. Instead of replying, I swallow ad mumble. "Uh, you came back last night and asked me to keep you company, so..."

"Hmm? Alright then." His brow furrows slightly, and he looks slightly... disappointed?


He shakes his head, then pins me with his gorgeous green gaze, grabbing my hands. Like how he did last night. "I'm sorry." I nod.

"I know.""

I lean forward and plant a kiss on his jaw.

His eyes sparkle with joy, but he tries to hide it by keeping his expression one of mild happiness. (I know, I know. This one sounds weird, but I wast sure how to express it. Any suggestions?)

I blush and make a move to stand. "Okay, I'm gonna go now. Lemme borrow your blanket for a sec."

His brows furrow. "What do you need my blanket for?" I clutch the ends of the heavy duvet around my waist, before pulling the side end over my head to make it look less obvious that I'm trying to hide my bottoms. My face turns even redder, and I look at the floor. I really don't want to say it, so without a second thought, I turn and dash out of the room.

"Hey!" As I race down the hall, heavy footsteps thud behind me. I see the twins and Asher at the juncture, and immediately make a dive toward them. "Eeep!" Asher's quick reflexes allow him to catch me with an arm under the stomach before I fall.

"Woah, what's happening?" Chris is, understandably, absolutely befuddled at the bizarre sight. Imagine, your shirtless brother chasing your stepsister who is bundled up in a blanket down the hall at 7.30 in the morning?

Lucas catches up in no time. "Princess. My blanket. Right now." He holds out his hand expectantly from behind. I squeal, not noticing his presence and dart around behind Asher, fisting my hands in his shirt and peer out from under his arm. "Save me!" Max looks highly amused, and Chris is fighting a grin while Asher appears flustered and slightly...pleased?

Max raises a brow. "Why'd you steal his blanket?"

"I didn't steal it! I just need to borrow it." I huff and pout, gripping the ends of the blanket around my body. I roll my eyes and scowl at the skeptism in their gaze. "Unless you wanna see me in my panties, you're not getting your blanket back. Got it?" I spit, face burning with humiliation at what I'd just admitted.

The brief awkward silence that hangs between us is suffocating. I'm actually tempted to just turn tail right now and hide in my room for the rest of the day just to escape the tense atmosphere. Chris bursts into howls of laughter. "You are so fucking cute!" He chortles. Without warning, I am swept off my feet. He gives me a shit eating grin as he pulls the blanket tighter around my body, even as I wriggle violently to escape his hold. Is he swaddling me?? "Let me go!"

He smirks and hands me over to Lucas, who is waiting with open arms and an evil expression on his face. Ooh, damn. What have you gotten yourself into, Evangeline?

Max sniggers. "Aw. Isn't Evie just the cutest?" Lucas rumbles, low and deep in my ear. "You're gonna pay for that."