Chapter 33 Selling Her Sons (3)

When the bamboo trumpet sounded twice already, Aunt Qiao seemed to be waiting for something to happen but the trumpet already stopped after that two long sounds. Aunt Qiao sighed in relief, and looked at her, "Everything is fine."

Before Hu'er asked her what that was, Xin Hua's father peaked at their door. "Is everything okay outside?" Aunt Qiao immediately questioned him as soon as she saw her mate peak.

He nodded at her and gave a smile, "Just two wild animals in heat rush in the tribe. They are restricting them now, the tribe might raise it though, so no meat."

Aunt Qiao's eyebrow raised "Female wild animal?"

"Yes. Coincidentally, we have two males that we just caught when we hunted with her Daddies." He pointed toward Hu'er not daring to say the female's name in front of his mate. Although, Aunt Qiao wouldn't care. He then explained, "It's supposed to be her future rations, everyone already agreed with that as Qiang Li was the one who caught and tamed those two. But because Qiang Li decided to breed the two outside, our tribe might take more land and expand the breeding house. Or build it here near the treatment house. Then if the wild animals get pregnant, the cub would be raised and sent to the tribe storage as a ration so we can all trade for it or if it is a female it will be raised so we can breed more," he looks happy while saying that.

Aunt Qiao nodded at him, "That's great! Who is in there now?"

"Some beastmen who are working near here and some patrols." He then looks at Hu'er, "Her Daddies are there, even Qiang Li joined them so it should be fine. Taming it will be easy for him." He heard someone calling him so he went away and closed the door.

That's when Hu'er got a chance to ask her, "Aunt Qiao what's that horn? Does it mean anything? Is it because of wild animals?"

Aunt Qiao patted her hair, "Ah, yes. You are very smart. Since you could already understand things. You might as well know about this too so you can avoid danger."

She carried her upstairs and explained, "There are five types of wild animals warning. One, you will hear one horn sound. It means the danger isn't that much and everyone can still do their thing. The ones who are going to kill or cage the wild animals are the patrols. The half of animal meat will be divided among the patrols and the other half will be divided among females.

Two is what we heard earlier. There are certain dangers and the patrol needs some help. Again the meat will be divided between the patrols and the group who helped. Nothing for females. My mates are surely helping right now, so they could give me meat. They do that a lot. Although, it's been more than a hundred days since a wild animal accidentally got into our tribe.

Three, the sound of the horn is continuous meaning everyone who can help must go there immediately. It will only stop when they think that the one who's fighting the wild animals can manage it. There are two outcomes, we will have meat or the wild animal must be caught for breeding. If not for breeding, the tribe will divide it in a way where those who helped can have more and those who aren't in the scene can have less. This is very fair. Sometimes there will be an excess of meat, anyone can trade the meat for plants, medicine, fur any materials that the tribe needs. These three are fine when compared to the next one.

Fourth, the sound of the horn is different, it hurts my ears every time I hear it. I hate it. Fortunately, I only heard it twice, but many died every time. One is when I was ten and the other is when it was 50 days before you were born. I remembered it because your mom went to me to learn how to braid when that time happened. We both hid underground with my cubs who can't transform yet. Your mom loves you very much. She was looking forward to giving birth to you. Once you turn five, ask your Dada to bring you to her grave. No one will forbid you by then." Hu'er nodded at her. She did hear that her Daddies went to his grave several times but she can't because they believe that there is a huge possibility that if a little female goes there cold will go in their body. They have too many rules, beliefs, and other things. Hu'er can only respect it and do what they do.

Aunt Qiao continues, "Anyway, I never want to hear that sound ever again in my entire life. It's a certain wild animal that prefers to kill females. All females will hide underground. The last one is not just a horn but the drum will also accompany it. It means more than ten wild animals are attacking the tribe. In my whole life, this thing has never happened and I don't want to experience such a thing. Your house is much safer, that's for sure. Because the three are sturdy and tall. The door is very thick too.

I don't think you need to worry that much either. The next whole season, the tribe will finally start to construct a tall wall for protection. We didn't build such a thing this season because we don't have time to do so."

"Yes. Daddies are very busy." Hu'er nodded. She didn't dwell too much about those warning horns but kept that in mind.

"Did your Daddies tell you what they are doing right now and what it is for?" Aunt Qiao curiously asked. Hu'er nodded.

"I am right. They never really treat you as a baby and protect you tightly, never limiting your abilities. Have you ever felt that they treated you as an equal? Right now, I feel that you can be my equal." Aunt Qiao does feel like that. 'The child has matured too early. The reason might be the way Hu'er Daddies treat her and how she didn't have a mother to baby her.' Aunt Qiao suddenly feels sad but also grateful that Hu'er, a little female, could be this great.