Chapter 36 Fall Hunting Season

The Fox tribe looks empty. Everyone is done building the tables and booths. They are all working now. The treatment house is also empty and quiet. It's rare for their tribe to be this quiet.  Half of the fox beastmen are gone. They are now participating in the Fall Hunting Season and it's been six days since they went out. Some of the beastmen like Jiu Se, Hu'er's hunk daddy, are building a temporary house that other tribes will use as they will stay in the Fox tribe for five days. Some are mining, planting, fishing, and such. Even females are forbidden to go out now.

No one is idle except for females.

Qiang Li also stayed as he is the only one who can tame those wild animals. Some beastmen are now under Qiang Li. He is teaching them how wild animals act, what they like, and how to take care of them and tame them. He still wants to hunt throughout his life and teaching them this knowledge is him freeing himself.

The only one left with Hu'er is her Dada. Some physicians went hunting too, while the others went to the other ends of the tribe to station there. He too is busy but will occasionally peek at the room to check on her whenever her Dada needs to make medicine.

Yun He also took Jiu Lin to learn how to hunt. Jiu Lin has been learning so much that he is like a sponge that absorbs everything. He knows how to treat wounds and some basic medication. He also knows what plants can be used. Jiu Lin learned all of those as soon as he transformed. All of her brothers know basic cures and treatments. Then he also learned how to fish, plant, weave, sew and cook. He is an all-around beastman. Now that Jiu Lin is also learning how to hunt, Hu'er feels that he is too talented.

Right now she is with Aunt Qiao. When Aunt Qiao heard that Hu'er's Daddies are busy with their work she carries her to their house. Aunt Qiao's mate is also busy but still, she has four of them protecting her so Jiu Hu agreed to give Hu'er to her.  Plus her sons are also busy. Some of them are working, the others like Xin Hua are learning from elders and other beastmen to gain more skills.

When Aunt Qiao and Hu'er arrived at the study room, they began studying another type of method to make a rope. While they were halfway making the rope, Aunt Qiao remembered the floral cleaner she traded. She told Hu'er that she will be back, stood up, and walk out.

Hu'er is already done twisting and now tying her rope when Aunt Qiao comes back. "My mate hid this for me and he joined the hunt. It took me a while to look for this in our boxes."

Aunt Qiao gave her a heavy bamboo that had something inside. "What is this?" Hu'er looks at her, puzzled.

Aunt Qiao unconsciously touched her hair. She used it already and her hair smells great. "Floral cleaner. It's what I use for Xin Hua's fur and my hair. This one is new."

"Oh!" The package is different. Aunt Qiao gave her some but it was in a wooden bowl. Hu'er suddenly thought, 'I never saw them use bottles, glass, or porcelain. They might not know how to make such a thing. Well, I don't know either….'

"That's for you. Lin Wei gave it to you as a second birthday present. She couldn't attend the party because Lin Wei Yu just gave birth two days before your birthday. Make sure not to put too much on when you use it." Aunt Qiao opened the bamboo and made her smell it. Both of them like it.

"I'll remember." Putting too much might damage her hair too.

Even though it is embarrassing to ask her about this, Aunt Qiao still asked, "Ahm. Did your Daddy take you to a bath? Like after your second birthday?"

Hu'er shook her head while putting the lid on the bamboo. "No. Daddy said they couldn't do that anymore. They taught me how to do it before I turned two though." They just wipe her body. Never bathed her. Of course, she wouldn't say that. She's too old not to know how to take a bath. She only acted because it would be too suspicious if she knew how to when they never taught her.

Aunt Qiao sighed with relief. A two whole-season-old female must not let any beastmen see her private parts, even her Daddies. "That's great… When the trading commences, Lin Wei Yu will also set up her trading table. I will go there to trade, do you want to go with me to check it out?"

"Yes, I would want to. I'll ask Daddies later." Her Daddies agreed to let her join the event. However, she didn't know if there is a time limit for that. The way her Daddies are protective of her made her think she will just go around once and they will immediately take her home.

"Great! I heard that Lin Wei Yu has more than this. She didn't want me to see and smell it yet. That female always likes to be mysterious." Aunt Qiao chuckles as she shakes her head.

Aunt Qiao suddenly remembered something, "Oh, right. Make sure to put a veil when you join the trading center if you don't want to have more mates yet. You will have tons of opportunities to look for them but if you promise more beastmen now, either they might pressure you or make a demand. Some beastmen have quite a temper. Luckily, our tribe doesn't have that much, all are mated too. It already happened to one of our females, our tribe paid a huge price to throw them away from her."

"Did she promise them?" Hu'er always believes that problem wouldn't sprout if there is no reason for it to appear. Either the female has a hand on it or that tribe is just rotten.