Chapter 47 Sick

She's weak, sleepy, hot, and heavy, that's what Hu'er is feeling right now. Hu'er slowly opened her eyes. She could feel herself breathing heavily. Opening her lips to easily breathe, she got the attention of her Dada.

"Hu'er… Do you feel anything painful? Are you dizzy?" He looks at her worried. Jiu Hu then starts to measure her temperature by putting his palm on her forehead. It wasn't as hot as she was anymore. She is still hot but it's good that the temperature went a little lower.

"No pain, not dizzy, it's hot." Hu'er hoarse voice made Jiu Hu feel sad. Hu'er smacks her lips. Her lips, throat, and eyes feel dry too.

"Wait for me. I will get something." Jiu Hu went out to get water and her medicine. When he got back Yun He and Min He also appeared with him.

They greeted her. "How are you Hu'er?" Yun He brushes up her hair and helps Hu'er to sit up. He puts her on his lap. Jiu Hu and Min He sat down in front of her.

Hu'er answers, "Hot.." Then, weakly look at them. She didn't like getting sick. She couldn't even raise her hand properly. Hu'er could only weakly lean at Yun He.

"Drink first." Jiu Hu put the wooden cup to her lips and made her drink a bit of water. "This is your medicine, drink it so you can heal much faster." The medicine smell made her feel like puking. She stopped breathing and drank it by swallowing it immediately. 

"Bitter…" looks at her Dada, wronged. Pull out her tongue.

Jiu Hu smiled and gave her water. She drank. "It's bitter because it's effective. Don't worry you will only drink this twice a day." Hu'er pouted her lips.

"Your brother Jiu Lin already called your Aunt Qiao. She will wipe your body to lower the temperature." Yun He wipes the sweat on Hu'er's face.

"Why am I sick?" Jiu Hu made her look up and drip a drop of water into her eyes. 

"It's natural. Every female gets sick after the blessings. It will take time though as you need to absorb everything. You just absorbed it faster which made you sick earlier. You were supposed to feel this way later. But absorbing it faster and earlier is better. It means you will be much healthier and grow faster," Min He explained, smiling gently at her.

"How will I grow faster?" Hu'er voice cracked at the end, making them worried.

"Let's talk about this when you finally get healed. Okay?" Jiu Hu stops the conversation. Yun, He tied her hair making Hu'er feel a little bit refreshed.

"Okay.." Hu'er yawned. Her eyes tear up and become blurry.

Yun He put Hu'er in her fur blanket "Go on. Sleep."

"What about Aunt Qiao?" The way Hu'er looks at them with innocence and confusion made them smile.

"She can wipe your body even when you're sleeping, so it's fine. Don't worry. Sleep well." They pat Hu'er's arms and caress her hair to coax her to sleep.

When Hu'er finally fell asleep they sighed a relief. The first time they felt that her temperature was so high, they panicked. However, realize that the blessing of the tree is already absorbed by Hu'er's body, which made sense why she got sick suddenly.

Hu'er has been unconscious for five days before waking up today. Most females do wake up on the sixth day but it's not rare that they would wake up by the fifth day.

Now that the blessing of the tree is fully absorbed by Hu'er, they are now confident that she wouldn't die because her body is too weak to survive. Her body would only become weak if she got injured or gave birth to twelve or more cubs at once. Anyway, they would make sure to live a long life to make sure that they could help and heal Hu'er when needed.

Jiu Lin peeked at the room and informed them, "Aunt Qiao is waiting downstairs." He then came in to put a basin of water and a wool fabric beside Hu'er. 

The four of them went down. They didn't need to go out but no beastmen should be on Hu'er's floor.

"She's awake?" Aunt Qiao greeted them with a question. Her two mates are also in their house. It's fine though since the first floor is mostly for treating beastmen.

"She did but we let her sleep again to rest. Her temperature is going down, so there's no problem." Jiu Hu nodded at Aunt Qiao's mates. They also greeted Hu'er Daddies.

Aunt Qiao clapped her hands in delight. "That's great. I will go up now. If ever I need help to get something, I will just go down." She's very happy for Hu'er and of course for her son who has good taste and eyes for his future mate. Aunt Qiao is feeling so proud right now that she wants to go up and see Hu'er.

"Okay." Jiu Hu told her where the room is and how to go there.

Before Aunt Qiao could even go up, she remembered to remind them, "Oh! Make sure to prepare a change of clothes too."

Hu'er's clothes aren't in her own treatment room but on the top floor. They didn't know what to do. They could go up there and put it immediately before Aunt Qiao starts but she will wait far too long to do so. Aunt Qiao isn't that patient when it comes to just staying put without doing anything.

Min He hesitated but still felt that it was the only 'proper way', "We will send Xin Hua upstairs later. We trust that you would call him when Hu'er is covered."

Aunt Qiao rolled her eyes. "Of course. I don't play dirty. I'm also confident that my son will be a good-looking beastman once he transforms." She snorted and went upstairs, not waiting for them to respond.

Yun He sighed, "You shouldn't have told her that."

"I just want to make sure." Min He is Hu'er's Daddy, and he wanted to make sure that her daughter wouldn't be taken advantage of not one bit. It's especially his idea that Xin Hua could go up, and it will be his fault if something happens. He didn't want to get Hu'er in trouble because of him.

"It's alright. We understand. My mate also understands. I will call my son. He's been looking for so many herbs these days. He will be happy to know Hu'er is awake," Xin Hua's Daddy went out.