Chapter 56 Busy Daddies

Today is a cold day. It's already day five of winter. The snow already piled outside. Hu'er sleepiness worsens. It is not because she is sick but the cold, for some reason, made her very sleepy.

At first, everyone couldn't think of a reason why Hu'er have been feeling sleepy. They even thought that she might be sick but their ability is lacking. But Old Mom heard it from Shun Su and sent a message that she too has been feeling sleepy almost all winter and it is because of the cold weather. Hu'er might have been in the same situation. And it's not that big deal.

She just woke up and is eating a vegetable hot soup. Jiu Lin made it for her. The soup made her awake. After drinking squished berry juice, she walked toward the small window. The snow is covering her window. Hu'er sighed and looks at Jiu Lin. "Is snow always like this?"

"No. It's very good right now. Most winters are accompanied by a snowstorm. Right now the snow is just falling gently," Jiu Lin smiles. Stood-up and cleaned the snow that are blocking the window. When he saw the darkness of the sky his lips pursed.

Hu'er didn't see how he reacted, too busy watching Jiu Lin's hand touching the snow. "Will there be a snowstorm then?"

"Most probably," he muttered. However Jiu Lin knew very well, by the looks of the sky, a snowstorm would come.

Hu'er yet threw another question, "When does snow storms most often arrive?" She's very curious about the winter season. She arrived here in winter but is too sick to even know what is happening.

Jiu Lin didn't know if he could tell her now. It was just in time that Min He arrived and heard her question. He answered, "Every mid-winter. But don't worry, the snowstorm doesn't hit that hard and everyone will be fine. Our trees are especially strong." Pats the tree. His gaze went towards the window, and one of his eyes twitched.

Hu'er went back to her blankets. "Aunt Qiao's house isn't a tree… Will they be fine?" Hugging her blanket, she looks at Min He waiting for his answer.

"Yes, they will be fine. The trees they used to support their house are strong and if ever something happens, they could immediately transfer to our house." Min He went toward her and caressed her cheeks. It's a little red from the cold.

"How about the rules?" Her eyes blink, confused.

And so Min Be starts explaining, "If the snow storm grows too hard all females who are living in an independent house with no trees as a pillar will brave the storm and run out to go into the tree houses nearby. Since it's an emergency, some rules are not applicable and will be void."

"Oh.." After that Hu'er went into a daze. The cold temperature made her groggy. She does want to sleep but sleeping too much isn't great either. She fought her sleepiness and wait for her Dada to come.

Time passed, Hu'er's eyes are already closing, "Hu'er the hot water is ready. You can now go down to take a bath." Jiu Hu just came into the room and saw her nearly falling.

Jiu Hu smiled helplessly. He didn't speak anymore, thinking that Hu'er will stay asleep. However, she only reacted slowly and responded,  "Okay!" She woke herself and stood up immediately.

Hu'er has been wanting to take a bath. Her Daddies didn't let her take a bath for three days already. She didn't know what the main reason was but she just obeyed. She only thinks that it's because they are worried that she might get sick or is sick. After so long, she finally convinced her Dada.

Jiu Hu followed her down and came back for a little bit. "Yun He is downstairs, guarding her." Min He nodded at him and looked at the window, this made Jiu Hu glance at the window too. He sighed. Jiu Lin went down to guard Hu'er too.

Soon someone came in, "The snowstorm might come early. The first floor can't be used anymore. Almost half of the height of the door is blocked by the snow. Open up the other door on the second floor." Qiang Li came in with Wu Yang and Chen Bin. They just got back from the Tribe Leader's house.

When Min He and Jiu Hu heard that they already knew what it meant, "Should we vacate the second to the third floor?"

"Yes. We might even use Hu'er's study floor." Qiang Li looks troubled.

Jiu Hu is fine with it. He nodded, "We're going to gather them now?"

"Yes. It might be dangerous if we let them stay out there for long."

Jiu Hu decided, "We can let Xin Hua's family live there. We can just all live outside Hu'er's room. Let the cubs go and sleep in Hu'er closet." It's much safer to let a female who Hu'er's close to stay on her study floor than the other female.

"Xin Hua's family and one other female who gave birth to a little female are the only ones who didn't have a house inside a tree. If Xin Hua's family will be on the fourth floor, the two females will be on the third floor. Then on the second floor, the beastmen who need shelter can go too," Min He concluded.

"Yes, that's the plan," Jiu Hu agreed.

"Let's prepare all the floors and tell Hu'er first before letting them in," Chen Bin muttered. He looks tired. Chen Bin and Wu Yang came from other female houses to check on them before going to the tribe leader for a meeting. This is the only time they got time to rest.

"Don't forget to get all the medicines and stuff in case we need them," Wu Yang added and lay down on the floor. Closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

"Too tired eh?" Min He questioned Chen Bin and looked at the sleeping Wu Yang.

Chen Bin nodded, "Yeah. He also went out to get some herbs nearby."