Chapter 68 Shameless Book (3)

Hu'er was about to get into the Tribe Leader's house when she heard Xin Hua, "Old lady," he greeted. 

"Grandmom?" Hu'er confusingly looked at her. Her grandmom is sitting on another tree that she grew at the side of their home.

Everyone calls her old lady except for her own family. Xin Hua isn't part of Hu'er family yet and can only call her Old lady.

"Hu'er." Her grandmom nodded at her and stood up with the help of her mate.

"Old mom, why are you outside? It's very hot right now." She walks toward her Grandmom.

"Your Grandmom is waiting for you," Elder Shu muttered. Until now he couldn't look into her eyes after that incident with the Panda Tribe.

Her Grandmom rolled her eyes, "Don't believe this old beast, I went out to see the sun."

Hu'er didn't mind and instead teased her, "Aww, I thought Grandmom is waiting for me. I would have kissed her if she was."

"Oh! Shut up!" She hits Hu'er lightly on her arms.

Giggles, Hu'er helped her to walk, "Come on, let's go inside Grandmom. I'll kiss you inside if you want."

Pinching her arm, "You are such a teaser, Hu'er. I'll teach a lesson about that, come on." Hu'er just chuckles. Both of them went into the house not paying attention to the beastmen they left.

Elder Shu looks at Xin Hua, "Xin Hua, you can just fetch her by sunset."

He glanced at the back of Hu'er until he couldn't see her anymore before saying, "I'll be going then."

"Go on." Elder Shu muttered and waved his hand.

Xin Hua also knew why Hu'er didn't pay much attention to Elder Shu. He too didn't like what happened back then. But still, both Hu'er and Xin Hua continue to respect Elder Shu in some other way.

The Old Lady gave Hu'er tons of lessons and advice. Both of them communicate so deeply that not one of them feels that they have already passed the sunset.

When one of the Old Lady's mates reminded them, they stopped their lesson only to get to another topic.

"I heard you got your place far north?"


The place of Hu'er 's house has already been decided. It is a little bit on the outer side of the north, near the walls. They would need to walk half incense to walk to the gates out of the tribe as well as to the plantation she bought. Her house will be the first house to be built on this side.

This is the expansion that the Tribe made. Other females that will be getting first mates are a priority when choosing a place from the sides of the Tribe.

Others don't like the place since it's near the wall. They think it's dangerous to be near it and wants to be in the inner Tribe. Hu'er on the other hand liked it because of the wide space they could buy.

Hu'er already told them to get more merit points to buy the surrounding lands. She wants to build another individual house for her Daddies. They would surely visit her.

If they can, they would build a guest house and storehouses too. Her Daddies have a storehouse after all and she thinks it's great to have some.

Old Lady looks at Hu'er with hesitation before asking her, "Although it's near the treatment house, where your Daddies live... Do you think it is a bit dangerous for you to live in that place?"

Hu'er chuckles, "Every female thinks so, but Grandmom knows me. I'm not just every female."

Interested, "Oh? Then tell me why to choose that place and replace the inner land that the Tribe gave you."

Hu'er starts explaining her reasons, "The Tribe gave me double the land space when I traded it because I am the first one to choose it. With just that point, I got a benefit already.

My future mates love hunting. Jiu Lin and Xin Hua hunt a lot, and Ke Rin likes to go out to the Tribe to get wild herbs. Shun Su doesn't go out of Tribe that much but he will always start from one end of the tribe to another end when listing points and supervising the Tribe. I don't know much about Song Li but I'm sure he needs a large space to create some fabric.

Since no one likes the end of the Tribe then I'll ask my future mates to get merit points as much as they can, so we can have more space.

Jiu Lin needs a house so he could treat the beastmen that are near our home anytime. With that, they don't need to go to my house.

Ke Rin needs a house to create more medicine for the Tribe. It's not healthy for me to inhale so many herbs.

Song Li's place for creating fabrics and a large kitchen. He is a great cook. I like his food very much. He also wants to create a pond for me to get lotus seeds.

Shun Su needs to get his own space too. His things, those papers need to be put somewhere to stock up. A place where he could work well.

Xin Hua wanted to breed wild animals and get more supplies for me. He will trade it to Tribe too.

Every one of them needs its own space. Oh. Can grandmom help me with it?"

Old Lady couldn't help but smile, "You are such a sweet female to even think of the needs of your mates. I will help with that but you guys need to deal with my mate and will surely sign something first."

Hu'er eyes beamed, "Then I will be waiting. Thank you, Grandmom."

Old Lady suddenly remembered something. She stood up and took something from a drawer. She then gave it to her. "Before I forgot, here."

She took it but didn't open it, "Hmm? What is this?"

"It's called a shameless book. The first-ever book was created for females. It's very basic as we still are figuring out how to do it. We will be creating more copies and giving them to females who are going to have first mates and need help when it comes to mating," the Old lady explained with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Hu'er couldn't help but blink and look at the book she is holding. 'A yellow book?' "Oh…" she muttered.