Chapter 71 The Deal (2)

"You. You're not going to live with Hu'er."

Shun Su who just joined them got a shock. He looks at Hu'er. She gave an innocent look, making him feel that it is not what Hu'er said or decided

He then stared at Ke Rin. Shun Su thought of an excuse before acting shocked, "What? No way! I need to guard her."

"See! That's my reaction too!" Ke Rin pointed at Shun Su's face.

Shun Su clapped his hand, proud that he tricked Ke Rin, "Ah ha! So it's not me who not living with Hu'er. It's you!"

Ke Rin didn't know why, but he panicked and wanted to explain, "No! I—" that started their argument.

Hu'er interrupted them when she could take it anymore, "Alright, alright. Let me reason it out with you. Calm down." Hu'er pats Ke Rin's shoulder to calm him down.

Shun Su pouted and Ke Rin pursed his lips but still obeyed Hu'er, calming himself down.

"Breathe in, breathe out. There, there. Let me talk first, okay?" Hu'er coaxed him.

Ke Rin nodded, blushing suddenly when he realized how over the top his reaction is and how Hu'er coaxed him like a cub.

A beastman who can transform isn't a cub anymore. He is a man.

"I want to have my own house. If it's about guarding… You all knew that I will be mating more beastman right? Not just the average count." Hu'er waited for them to react.

When Hu'er saw them slowly nod, she continue, "I made it like that because I can't live with tons of beastman at the same time in the same house. I would feel that there is no privacy anymore."

"We will give you space," Shun Su muttered.

Hu'er waved her finger, "Shh… No, no, no, no. Let me speak first." After a while of silence, Hu'er sighed.

"If you are worried about my safety, there will be two beastman who will be sleeping downstairs. My house will be on three floors. The first floor will be the sleeping place of the two future mates I have. The second floor is my sleeping place. The third floor is for me to have some things to play with. With that my safety will be guaranteed right?" This is the limit of what she can give them.

"Why two mates only?"

Hu'er didn't know how to filter it well so that they wouldn't feel awkward, so she just directly said, "If I count the mate who will sleep with me, it would be three."

And with that, their whole body went red. They couldn't look at Hu'er either. They feel very stuffy and didn't know where to put their hands.

Hu'er was still waiting for them to speak but didn't, "Okay. Since you guys won't speak, I'll go on first and you talk about how you can build the house. Just make my house first with the pond on the side." She then walked away while waving goodbye.

"I'll follow her." Ke Rin ran, face still blushing red.

"I'll—," Shun Su interrupted and pulled back.

Jiu Lin gave Shun Su the extra papers. "Don't even think about it. We need you here to write all the numbers and stuff that we need."

Jiu Lin looks at Xin Hua next, "Let's think about what materials should we use to build Hu'er house. I don't think wood is enough to hold from a snowstorm. But I think Hu'er likes wooden houses.``

Xin Hua remembered how Hu'er didn't like to go to their house because it was changed into a mud house. She came back and visited more often when their house was finally built again into a wooden house.

Xin Hua then remembered that he saw trees that have strong bodies. "If we built a wooden house, we would need to go deep into the forest to get the strongest wood."


They were in a deep conversation when Jiu Lin asked something that made Xin Hua freeze.

Xin Hua looks at Shun Su that is on the other side muttering some numbers they couldn't hear.

"Xin Hu. What was that? Why did you suddenly blush when she told us about it?" Jiu Lin was talking about the third floor Hu'er wanted to build.

"I— that…" Xin Hua looks at Shun Su, who is still far from them. He went near Jiu Lin and whispered.

Jiu Lin's eyes widened and his whole face turned red. "Are you telling the truth?"

Xin Hua nodded. He could still remember that Hu'er asked him to inquire about how to make the room and those things in his mom's room to his dad. He asked for advice without knowing what she was talking about. Xin Hua only knew about it when his dad brought him into that room with his mom's approval.

He would still blush whenever he remembers it.

"Why are you two blushing? What are you talking about?" Shun Su looks at them with suspicion.

Jiu Lin didn't like the way Shun Su looked at them back to back, he slapped his shoulder lightly, "Go do your job. I'll go ask Dad some things."


"The land you got is still small. You also wanted to build a wall that surrounded your house. We can only build the middle one. If the four of them gave all the merits and they agreed to it, they can build the front and middle part but not the back part…"

They are all on Hu'er's study floor. Her Dada is holding the paper where she drew the boxes.

"With how big the place you wanted, I don't know if the tribe will agree to it." Yun He took the paper from Jiu Hu and inspected it.

"No. They can agree to it but we surely need to give them benefits," Min He stood up and looked at the paper too.

Everyone likes the fact that they have their own place in Hu'er's place.

Jiu Lin asked, "Like Hu'er mating more beastmen?"

Although Min He is reluctant to answer, he still says, "Yes…"

Hu'er nodded, "I can do that. It's just that, it won't be just anyone. I want to have someone that I want, not what someone the Tribe wants."

They all pursed their lips and nodded, "We will follow what you wanted."

After all, right from the start they all knew that Hu'er would get as much as beastmen she wanted, might as well get benefits then.