Chapter 74 Visitor

It is Hu'er birthday today but there isn't really much. This world wouldn't celebrate birthdays like in the past world. Hu'er was also used to it already. They would just eat noodles that were taught by the Sheep Tribe to them, once the sunset starts.

Right now, Hu'er is just watching Jiu Lin, Ke Rin, Shun Su, and Xin Hua planting some fruits and vegetables on their plantation. She's sitting in a small shelter where the sun doesn't touch her.

It's very calming to watch them do their own thing. Hu'er is smiling contently at the side, what she didn't know is that someone at the side is also looking at her.

The one who is looking at her is that beastman who gave her a gift when she was welcomed. He was also introduced to her by his mother but hasn't been able to say his name.

This beastman will always be seen somewhere near Hu'er, hiding, when she goes out. Except for Hu'er, her Daddies, brothers, and future mates knew about him.

Since the beastman didn't make a move then that's great for them. They wouldn't tell Hu'er either.

"That man is here again," Ke Rin grumbled in annoyance.

"Huh?" Shun Su wanted to look around but Ke Rin stopped him by throwing mud. "Hey!"

Ke Rin snorted, "Stop looking around."

"Just finish this, so we can go home early," Jiu Lin didn't even look up and kept on planting.

"Why does he even keep on looking at Hu'er? Does that beastman have something wrong in his head?"

Ke Rin suddenly thought that he needed to make medicine to cure the beastman's head. He just needed it so much.

The others couldn't help but roll their eyes at him. These days Ke Rin only knows how to make medicine, create cures, balm, and such. He even rarely gets to encounter Hu'er.

All the things in his head are to make medicine and to create better medicine.

Shun Su is the same. He is working so much and could only get today as his resting day, yet he is here planting. Shun Su likes it though. He could see Hu'er watching him happily.

He knows about that beastman who kept on watching and staring at Hu'er. He had been doing that since Hu'er turned six and it's been a year since then.

If he likes Hu'er then that's not a problem as for them it is normal to like Hu'er.

He is just too creepy.

They didn't do anything to him though. The beastman didn't have any 'bad' intentions towards Hu'er. He wouldn't hurt her so they let him be.

Anyway, Shun Su, Ke Rin, and Xin Hua have already made a contract that they will be her future mates. This can't be changed anymore. The beastman who's hiding is not a threat anymore in their eyes.

That beastman can just line up if he wants. They just don't know how long the line is though.

The work is done but the sun's still shining brightly. The four went to Hu'er's place, their bodies full of sweat.

Hu'er stood up to greet them but they waved, "Just sit," Jiu Lin went to Hu'er and made her sit. He then walked a bit far from her.

"You guys… Why are you so far from me?" Hu'er smiles at them, helpless.

"We smell bad and full of sweat." Shun Su even smelled himself and shook his head.

Hu'er laughed, "Silly It's just sweat. I'll need to get used to it either way." Hu'er grinned at them as they all blushed.

"Should we go home?" Ke Rin muttered.

Hu'er got the cups of water that she prepared for them. "Here, drink some cold water first before going home."

One by one they took the water, "Thank you." They felt that the water seemed to be sweet and refreshing.

As they walked on the way home, Ke Rin couldn't help but grumble.

"Huh? What are you talking about Ke Rin?" Hu'er looks at Ke Rin.

Hu'er could hear him mumbling about something. She just couldn't understand it because of the way he sounds.

Ke Rin's reaction made him more interested in what he was mumbling about.

Ke Rin, who was still frozen, didn't know what to do. He couldn't help but look at Jiu Lin, asking for help.

Jiu Lin sighed, "Stop mumbling about. He has been like that since earlier. Don't mind him Hu'er. Oh, we are here. What food shall I cook today?"

Hu'er began listing the food she wanted to eat. Ke Rin sighed in relief. While they were going into the house, Ke Rin glared somewhere before closing the door behind him.

The beastman who is hiding snorted. He then stood up to go away.

"Hu Xian? What are you doing here? Are you watching Hu'er again?" Aunt Qiao raised her brow. This beastman has been watching Hu'er for a while now. Even, she knows about it.

"Mm…" Hu Xian nodded, not denying it and also not embarrassed by what he was doing.

Aunt Qiao just watched Hu Xian leave without saying goodbye to her. She couldn't help but shake her head and glance at Hu'er's house with pity.

Hu Xian is Aunt Qiao's friend's son. Aunt Quao introduced one of her friend's sons to Hu'er back then. However, that son has become very into his work as a patrol and hunter. His free time is to make weapons.

Aunt Qiao has no idea if he would still want to mate with Hu'er. What Aunt Qiao can be sure of is that his weird and quiet brother definitely wants to mate with Hu'er.

'Should I go and tell my friend about this weird action her son is doing?' Aunt Qiao went back to her home in a daze.

On the other hand, Hu Xian went into a house. "Brother."

The sound of metal hammering that can be heard from afar stopped. "How is she?" A husky voice can be heard from the inner room of the house.

"Fine, smiling." Hu Xian sat down on the floor.
