Chapter 119 A Beauty

Jiu Hu thought about how he would tell her about Jia Ting's past in a way where she would get benefits. He wanted to Hu'er to learn something from Jia Ting's past.

He drank some water before starting, "Jia Ting was born because someone schemed against his Dad.

Our Tribe Leader back then was my Granddad. He is very scheming and likes to be in control but from the outside, he is very kind. He does have the ability to become a leader.

With the tribe leader's interference something that shouldn't happen was made. One of the fox beastman has already promised his cousin to be her mate. His cousin is from the Swan Tribe.

Yes, Jia Ting's dad, named Jia Cheng, should be mating Jia Wei. But Jia Ting's mom interfered with it. She used herself and her sudden heat to seduce the unmated beastman, Jia Cheng.

A female would give off this wonderful smell that can mess up a beastmans head. It's like an aphrodisiac. He would be completely under the female's control.

If the female is in her first heat, she would also feel out of control but if not, she would be able to control herself.

Jia Ting's mom, Lu Fengsi, already has mates and cubs. She can control herself but blames Jia Cheng for defiling her. Because of that Jia Cheng was punished for one hundred days, locked up in a dark room with only one food a day.

Jia Cheng didn't complete his punishment as he found out that Lu Fengsi got pregnant. He could feel that it was his. He can only have one cub after all. He relented and served Lu Fengsi obediently.

Lu Fengsu never liked Jia Ting. When he was three, Lu Fengsi made her mate throw Jia Ting into the forest in irritation.

Jia Cheng was working as a trader and just came back to hear his son was missing for two days already. He demanded to know where Jia Ting was.

No one answered until he threatened to not help the Tribe out if a wild animal came to hunt them.

He knew that the Tribe leader was behind the 'accident'. Jia Cheng has heard it somewhere. I... It was my work. I heard my Granddad talking about it. I was too young and intimidated by Jia Cheng. I wasn't the one who did it but I felt guilty so I blurted it out.

The Tribe Leader said something 'innocently' to Lu Fengsi which got her to have an idea to get Jia Cheng as his mate. Granddad did it just to keep Jia Cheng in the tribe.

Anyway, the Tribe Leader finally got his attention to their issue because of this threat. Back then, Jia Cheng was the strongest beastman in our tribe. He also has connections with Aquatic Tribes and other Tribes that are far from our Tribe. The Fox Tribe could still exist today because of Jia Cheng's protection and contribution.

The Tribe Leader talked to Lu Fengsi and got the answer Jia Cheng had been waiting for. The Tribe sent almost all beastman to look for Jia Ting. That didn't mean that Jia Cheng forgave our tribe.

Fifty days passed yet they could find him. It was not until ten swan beastman came to their tribe did they find out that Jia Ting traveled far. He remembered where his Dad brought him. He knew where he could happily stay. Jia Ting went to Swan Tribe to live with Jia Wei for three days before sending him back.

After that day happened, Jia Cheng never left Jia Ting anymore. He brought him everywhere. Jia Cheng and Jia Ting never stayed in our tribe for more than twenty days. They would go out even when there is a snowstorm. The Tribe never stopped them as they give so many benefits every time they go back, meats, fruits, materials, and almost everything. Lu Fengsi is also happy with it.

The Tribe got new rules because of what happened. The tribe leader also did that to pacify Jia Cheng.

Females can never throw the cubs or females away. Females can never hurt their cubs and/or their little females. Or directly hurt other females if it's not about teaching them female lessons. Of course, they also have restrictions on it.

If they don't want to raise them, give them to their mates or to the Tribe to be raised. But once they give it to the Tribe they can never call themselves a mother of the cubs or the female.

The rules of the tribe got more and more. The tribe improved. The rules become strict. Everything is to protect the cubs, little females, and other females.

The punishment might not be served but for females who are used to being served, protected, and cared for, locking them in a dark room with one food a day is too much suffering. The tribe can only do that to stop the females from hurting each other.

If a beastman did it, it would be much more. Be it locked in a dark room for fifty to the whole season with one food a day getting thrown out of the tribe and worst getting killed.

I know that it sounds so unfair. But it actually wasn't. Every rule is considered. It might not be perfect right now, but we are still continuously improving.

What you saw… a beastman breaking a promise to a female, in our tribe that's punishable by cutting a part of a male. If he couldn't fulfill such a promise. He doesn't need to mate with any females anymore. Of course, not unless the female is fine with him changing his mind.

Other tribes don't have that rule. Our tribe only has it to protect the interest of females and to let the beastmen man up.

I was just eleven when Grandmom died from childbirth. Granddad followed just eight days after. At that time, it was just two whole seasons when Jia Ting went missing.

I actually think that the Beast God must have punished him. All the good things he did wasn't enough for him to be freed from punishment.

I know this is not what you wanted to hear but I still told you about it so that you understand why we have those rules."

Hu'er is actually thankful that Jiu Hu told her about it. "I understand."

He caressed her hair. "Never wrong yourself. We are here. We will back you up."

Her smile became sweet. "Yes. I know I could depend on Dada and Daddies."

Jiu Hu is satisfied with her response. He coughs. Hu'er poured him some water. "Thank you." And drunk it to moisten his throat.

"Alright. I will now tell you why Jia Ting is much closer than Jia Wei. He isn't just treating her as his Aunt. But Jia Ting treats her as his mom."