Chapter 137 Caressing (2)

"No." Her voice cracked. Based on her reaction, if she has energy Jiu Lin would be pinned down by now. Unfortunately, her body is too weak to get up and push him down. She wants to teach him a lesson and tell him to be selfish for once yet the heat made all those words a moan.

Her eyes started to get blurry, gasping for air as she moved her body under him. His body is nice to her. A relief for her heat. She kept on rubbing her body with his body.

Jiu Lin's eyes were closed. Trying to calm himself down. His jaw is clenched, and his blood vessels are all showing in his arms. When he opened his eyes, their color changed. A tint of deep orange was in the middle surrounding it was his normal light orange color.

He took hold of her body, stopping it from rubbing into his. He starts kissing her. Jiu Lin wanted it to be slow and gave her a different experience in mating, as he knew how hard he was earlier. He has no doubt, evidence is still on her skin.

Hu'er who just got a taste of something cold going into her mouth made her want more. Her hand was weak and suddenly got the energy to wrap it around his neck, pushing his head to her. Kissing deeply and urgently. Sucking his tongue that kept on teasing her. She grumbled under her breath.

He pushes his head to hers, sucking her lips, from time to time. His hands never stop massaging her legs, making her moan in pleasure.

Wet noises of two lips and tongues clashing and playing can be heard in the room.

He forcefully pulled out of her and chuckled. Her eyes are full of confusion and loss. His eyes looked toward her body. He began caressing every part of her. Massaging and giving her relief from pain.

"Ah… Need it…" She muttered. Her eyes are closed, her lips gasping for air, and her whole body is flushed red.

"Wait for a bit," he coaxed her. Her body is trembling and keeps on following his hands. His lips went toward hers and continued kissing her deeply while his other hand was rubbing his manhood hard, up and down.

He groaned and went faster. Pressing Hu'er for a bit. When he felt the urge to release, he slowed down. A bit of liquid came out, just in time for him to use it to get inside her.

"I'm going in, Hu'er," he huskily told her as she hummed in return.

He positioned himself to her, rubbing his manhood to her entrance making her moan as he slowly went in. "Ah…" The head of her manhood went in when her hole tightened. They both twitched.

He took a deep breath and groaned from the pain. His hand starts caressing her clitoris, rubbing it up and down then going in circles. The other hand is massaging her swollen breast.

"Ah… Hhmnn…" She twisted her body toward him, helping him to go in. He took the chance and slowly got half of his manhood in. He could feel the hotness surrounding his manhood, making him breathless.

He continues to go in and when he is already blocked by something, he starts to move slowly, going in and out of her. Giving her small kisses on the neck. Her body joined him, moving up and down, clearly getting impatient. "En… Hu'er…" he mutters as his speed increases.

"Hmmm," she hummed in satisfaction, arching her body.

"Ah!" With one push he climaxed. He felt that his manhood got pushed too far inside and went in somewhere. He panicked, pulling out his manhood.

"Ah!" Her body twitched and her eyes went black.

"I'm sorry!"

Hu'er woke up as soon as Jiu Lin put her down on the bed. Her body is in pain but tolerable. She didn't have any energy to speak. Opening her eyes is already a lot for her.

She didn't feel any sticky or sweat on her body. Jiu Lin might have taken her to bathe. She feels refreshed and clean. 

Hu'er groggily looks at him with confusion. Then, she looked around. There are only three bedrooms in her house. One is her room. The other is her secret room. This one, where she is in, is her mate's room. There are four beds in this room. It's for her mate so they can sleep comfortably when guarding her. It was her decision to give them their room so they made it.

This time Jiu Lin put her on his bed. "The bed upstairs… It's destroyed…" he gulped.

When Jiu Lin was cleaning he saw how crazy he was based on how many things were broken. Now he is not just guilty of hurting Hu'er, he is also guilty of ruining several things. "Dad Yun He took it to be fixed. But he might just ask others to make another one."

Hu'er hummed and fought her sleepiness. He continues, "The other bed is dirty," he embarrassingly said.

"I want to pee." Hu'er's voice is hoarse. She also looked a bit tired. Her eyes are still closing.

"I'll help you." She hummed and nodded. He carried her to the bathroom and watched her pee while her head was falling from time to time from sleepiness. After peeing, he took her back to the bed.

Jiu Lin starts combing her hair with his hand, helping her to go to sleep. He watches her slowly close her eyes. "I'm sorry…"

Hu'er opened her eyes and looked at him, "No… Thank you. Thank you for helping me."

Hu'er knew she would and might be dead if no beastman helped her. The heat is burning her body alive and at one time she felt drowsy from it. Yet the semen of Jiu Lin would wake her up, like giving her another life.

She didn't know if this was normal. Because if this is normal then females do need beastmen. If they couldn't find one then it would be their death sentence.