Chapter 143 I— (2)

He pinched her nipple, rubbed and pressed it, making it harder and harder. Her breathing rushed, arching her body forward. A moan escaped her mouth.

She could feel her hole twitch. "Jiu Lin… Do it…" Then, she looks at him, beggingly. Her body is restless. Twisting her butt on the chair, not knowing what to do. The water went left and right, splashing on the floor.

He took a deep breath. Jiu Lin raised her, her legs instantly locked on his waist. He sat on her chair and let her sit on his lap.

Her body moves, rubbing it to him. He groaned, putting his hand on her waist, supporting and helping her to rub faster. The sound of water spilling out of the bathtub was getting more and more until no slashes could be heard.

Both of them stop their movements, catching up with their breath. After a while, Hu'er stood up. Jiu Lin understood her and held his manhood. Hu'er took hold of it too and slowly moved down.

She gasped when the tip of his manhood went in. Clutching his shoulder for support as she calmed herself. She closes her eyes from the pain as she slowly lets her manhood in her.

Beastmen's manhood is so different. She couldn't help but lament how big it is compared to what she has seen so far.

Jiu Lin was just looking at her fascinatingly. Her face is flushed and her hair is straight and wet. Droplets are all over her body. He saw the water dripping from her face to her neck making him gulp. His eyes went deeper and deeper. He gulped and his eyes landed on her lips. It's trembling.

Hu'er gasped when she was finally able to sit on his lap with his manhood inside him. She felt so full. "You… Why are you so big?"

"Do you like it?" His question made her jaw drop only to be seized by his hand. Her lip was kissed by Jiu Lin. His enthusiasm made her feel excited. Tongue clashed and her body started to move up and down. Her breasts are rubbing on his chest making his hand feel itchy and grab it. "Ah…" To be suddenly attacked like that, Hu'er's body arched.

Her inside tightens. He groaned and tensed. "Too tight…" He breathlessly rubs her back to coax her to loosen up.

Her body is still moving even though her walls are all tight on his manhood. He could feel her insides sucking him in. "Arg…" Jiu Lin stopped his groan and gulped. He looked at her wearily, his gaze went towards her hand.

His wet tail is on her hand. As her body went up and down her hand that was wrapped in his tail was also stocking it up and down.

His body felt weak. He gasped, "Hu'er… You… Don't…" he plead as his body trembled underneath her body.

"Don't..?" she teasingly stroked his tail which turned straight. "Hmm?" she interestedly squeezed it.

He groaned loudly and his stomach tightened. His breathing rushed, and his mouth opened. His saliva filled up on his mouth making him gulp. "Please…"

Hu'er blew air into his ears and gave it a bite. His body trembled, even his ears went down. Her eyes shone brighter, her body became active. 'The book is right. This is the sensitive place you have. Then… your fetish. I will change your fetish. I will make it into wanting me to dominate you,' her thoughts can be seen clearly, her eyes are full of desire to dominate him yet Jiu Lin was too caught up with what he was feeling. It's making him too weak yet excited. A new feeling that he didn't know if he would hate or like.

Stimulating him, rubbing his tail, teasing and moaning softly on his ears, touching his body, even pinching his nipple, she did everything that made him groan in satisfaction.

"Faster…" He groaned and took hold of her waist. Their speed increased.

"Ah!" Hu'er slumped down on his body. His manhood went too deep. Her body twitched. She has already reached her limit yet Jiu Lin hasn't gotten his release.

Gasping for air, trembling as he could feel the feeling of wanting to get a release yet couldn't. "Hu'er… Please…" his voice sounds like a whimper in her ears. She buried her face in his neck and moaned softly.

He muttered her name repeatedly as if begging for her to continue. She picked herself up and started moving. She went faster and faster, the waves of the water that her body created as she went up and down have turned bigger and bigger.

Her hand went down to the end of his tail, near his butt. "Ah. Hmmm.." His body went restless. His hands went to her waist supporting her to go faster. "Ah!" They both gasped.

She feels so full. Hu'er whimpered as she pulled up to take him out. Her knees are trembling. He held her body and stood up worriedly. "Hu'er…" His face is flushed, still embarrassed about what happened. He never imagines himself begging like that.

A wind blew as her body trembled, "Bed… It's a bit cold."

He immediately stood up and carried her out of the bathtub. "I'll dry you up." He was about to put her to bed but she refused to get down.

"The bed will be wet," she tiredly muttered. "Can stand up." He looks at her worried and lets her stand. Holding her waist, he reached for the fabric and dried her up.

Once she was dry, he helped her lay on the bed. He fixed the mess they made and cleaned himself. When he is done, Jiu Lin saw that Hu'er is already sleeping.

He went to the bed and lay down beside her. His eyes fell on her tired yet stunning face. He stayed there watching her sleep. After a while, he muttered, "I need to clean it again." He stood up but was stopped.

"Don't clean it anymore." Her hands held his wrist. Her eyes are still closed. "The white inside… Don't take it out anymore." She opens her eyes and looks at him.

Stunned, he looks at her belly. "This…"

He sighed and let go of him. "If there's a cub. Then, there's a cub."

Heart beating fast, he hummed, "...Okay." Since Hu'er got the answer she wanted to hear she closes her eyes again to go to sleep.

"I—," Jiu Lin muttered something and Hu'er didn't hear it.

She tiredly opens her eyes. Hu'er saw the blurry image of Jiu Lin. She blinked to clear the image and hummed, confused. She didn't know if she heard it right. She hummed in question.

He blushed, "I love you… Hu'er, I love you."


A/N: Sorry for the late update. Very busy.