Chapter 151 Space (3)

After a long 'rest', Jiu Lin went down to go cook some food while she was left dazed in bed. He cleaned her body through and through and only stopped when he was satisfied. Even bathing together has become an exhausting thing to do.

Hu'er thought that she was the only one who wanted to eat meat, yet Jiu Lin wanted to devour meat.

It was already the next day when they finished. Instead of getting sleepy, Hu'er got famished and wanted to eat real 'meat'. That is the reason why Jiu Lin stopped eating his favorite meat.

Right now Hu'er is in the bed, her body is exhausted but her mind is still active. Since Hu'er was left alone with nothing to think or do, she began thinking about what happened and how she got her berries in the space.

'I thought that the space I was in is the 'space' that can store things. But when I think about it…. The berries didn't disappear. The berries only disappeared when I thought of a plain space…. So it should be a different place.' She clicked her tongue in interest.

She looks at the books and remembers the books in that space. 'The place I went in should be just that. Where some books and signs are. Space, that ability is a different matter.' Hu'er close her eyes and and thought of a plain space. But what she did see was a space with a big sack of dried berries.

'So it's true! My space is another place! Can I go in?' She tried thinking and envisioning herself inside and even clasping her hands together but nothing happened.

After several tries she stops. 'Seems like I can't.' Hu'er did other things instead. For example, thinking one of the dried berries in the sack goes to her mouth, the result delighted her. She swallowed the dried berries.

"Hu'er?" Jiu Lin have already call her twice yet Hu'er didn't respond. He thought that she was already sleeping and dreaming of eating something. That is why she was swallowing.

Jiu Lin put the meat on the table so he can wake her up. It's not good to let her continue to sleep when she's hungry.

Hu'er snapped out of her thought and open her eyes, "Oh?" She saw him standing next to the bed and bending down, still holding the food.

"The food is here. Let me help you up." He let go of the food and sat down the bed. Jiu Lin slowly raised her up sa she could sit down properly.

Her body twitched from the pain she felt down there. "Sorry," he muttered.

Hu'er giggled, "I'm fine. I want to eat." she acted spoiled and opened her mouth wanting Jiu Lin to feed her.

His smile finally appeared and got the food to her mouth, "Here."

They spend their time sweetly until the food is gone. "We only have three days…" Jiu Lin couldn't help but say it.

"Yeah.." Hu'er nodded and slid herself to lay down. However Jiu Lin made her sit again she pouted.

"You just ate." He pats her head and lets her drink some squeezed juice. "You miss them don't you?"

Hu'er looks at him confused and realize he was not talking about their Daddies but 'them' her future mates. "I do. I do miss them." She didn't even want to lie. They spent almost all her life together. It's a bit hard to get used to a life without them by her side.

"Do you regret spending time with me?" He looks down, not daring to look at her. Jiu Lin is afraid to hear her answer, that she would say yes.

Shocked, she immediately shook her head "Never. I would never regret spending time with you."

She remembers something about the 'book' Jiu Lin indeed has the tendency to be insecure, overthink and look down on himself. He kept all of that because it's something that would make him weak. He needs to raise his younger brothers after their Daddies die one by one. It all began when 'Hu'er' the female she replaced died. When their Daddies couldn't take it and surrendered to death.

She just didn't expect he would still be like that. Even though those things didn't happen anymore. Even if she is already with him.

'Why would he be like this? What made him think so much? Did I… Did I give him a lack of security? Attention? What should I do…?' Her thoughts was interrupted with Jiu Lin's question.

"After… After we are all done spending time with you… Will you still do it to others? If you wanted to mate more..?" Hu'er felt her heart break when she heard that.

'Did he not want me to take another mate? Is it because of this..? No. I also shouldn't think too much.' She closed her eyes and calmed herself down. She gave him a gentle smile, held his face and gave him a light kiss.

"No, I wouldn't. It's a different matter. You all have been with me for so long. Everyone of you pampered me until I am of age. I did this, because you deserve to have it. All your efforts, I appreciate it." Her eyes are full of affection, beneath it is filled with worry, worry for Jiu Lin.

He thought that Hu'er misinterpreted their actions. And thinks that they were serving her just to be her mate. They love her. He loves her and knows how much the rest also love her. "We didn't do it for that. We just want to—" He was interrupted by a kiss.

"I know. But I want to give something back and this is the only thing I know. I enjoyed our days, don't be fussy. Don't you want to be with me?" She blinked at him and drilled on his chest.

"No.. I mean I want to," he panickly said.

"Then that's it. No more thinking." Poked his nose and giggled.

He is still feeling off and uncomfortable, "But…"

She sighed, sat properly and made him look at her eyes. "Jiu Lin… Jiu Lin, I love you."