Chapter 174 Song Li (4)

"Hu'er…" Song Li didn't know what to say.

She stood properly and told him the results of the check up. "My health is great. I'm not pregnant. My body might not be in top condition right now but mating is fine." It wasn't in top condition due to recent mating with Jiu Lin. However, that fact has nothing to do with mating Song Li. Hu'er felt her body can take Song Li in. For her, nothing can stop them from mating.

Song Li doesn't want to lie to himself and think he doesn't want to mate with her now. He does. He really wants to. His love towards Hu'er made his heart full of her that sometimes he didn't want to share her.

He pursed his lips before looking at her eyes with conviction. "Are you sure you are ready?" he asked.

She gave him a light smile and nodded. "Yes. Song Li…. Is there any time that I didn't do what I promised?"

He shook his head. "None. You always do what you promised."

Hu'er smiles and nodded at him. "And I promised to mate you after Jiu Lin. He went away to give us some time together. We can't waste Jui Lin's effort right?"

That's true. Song Li also knew why Jiu Lin joined the traders this time. Although he can just give the Tribe compensation for not joining for this whole season. Jiu Lin chose to go.

He sighed and looked down. "...."

"Come…"A gentle voice, urging him to obediently give himself to her. "What are you waiting for?" She slowly used her finger to touch his chin and made him look at her.

"Don't you want to be my mate?" She seductively moved closer to his face.

Song Li couldn't help but look away. His eyes caught on the bright sight outside. "Can we do it at night…?" he muttered.

She chuckles. Hu'er still got the answer she wanted. Delaying it will not change the fact Song Li will be hers. and so she gave her a way out. "Alright. Let's just play dice?" She dragged him upstairs and let go of his hands when they went into her room.

"Dice?" He seems to have heard of it somewhere.

"Yes. I got this toy from grandma. She said this was traded from a monkey tribe with some fruits she grew. I'll tell you the rules once we are in the game." Hu'er took two dice on a box.

"Okay." Song Li saw she was holding something else, but didn't ask. He patiently waited for her to sit on a bed.

Hu'er tapped the bed in front of her. "Sit here so we can play well."

He saw that Hu'er have no hidden agenda and just obediently sat down.

Once Song Li was settled, Hu'er gave him one of the dice and showed him the sides of it. "Here it is. It's not that big but you can clearly see the numbers on it. There are six sides, every side corresponds to a number." She let him hold it and waited first before showing him another item needed for the game. "These are the cards. The cards will all be face down. There are twelve cards. I can't let you see it yet. What is in the card is what you need to do. Did you understand the two items?"

Song Li nodded showing he understood.

Glad he understood, Hu'er took the die from him and put it on the side. "Let's start the game. First is to shuffle." She gave him a show and tried to shuffle the cards in different ways.

She grinned proudly. Then, she continues, "Second is to line them up while facing down. Third is the dice. These two dice need to be shaked and thrown." Just as what she said, she executed.

Hu'er looks at Song Li and pointed at the thrown dice. "Now, you count how many the numbers are when added together."

He glanced at it and didn't touch it, afraid he would mess it up. "On one dice it's four and the other is six equals ten."

Hu'er nodded in agreement. "So ten. From left to right, I will count ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. This tenth card is mine now. I will open the card and do what it says."

Hu'er slowly and carefully open the card not letting Song Li see. When she saw what was in the card, her lips raised. "Take off one piece of your clothing."

Song Li's expression turned from confused to shocked to embarrassed as he watches Hu'er take off her dress.

She is now wearing a very thin loose dress. The dress is her inner clothes. It is a bit see through that her two big peaks and nipple can be seen blurry. Her bottom only covered so little cloth. Only the intimate area was covered down there. Her smooth white thigh is exposed so that even some of the see through dress covered it, he knows how smooth her thigh is.

"It's your turn. Roll the dice." That snapped him out and finally looked away. He didn't see the proud and happy look that Hu'er displayed.

Song Li's heart sped up as his face flushed red. He took the dice while his hands are trembling."O—Okay."

He repeated what Hu'er did and counted the result. "It's also ten." Song Li then looks at the card. He muttered, "Do I need to…?"

Hu'er shook her finger above the cards where he was looking at. "No. It's a different card. Count the card from your left to right. My left to right is different from your side so the cards are different. Also, I already took out this card and can't use it again unless there are five cards remaining. Once there are five cards remaining, we need to shuffle it again and lay the card in line. Is it clear?" She explained.

Her finger looks like a white lotus he cultivated. "Oh. I understand." He looked at the cards and pursed his lips. He didn't really understand. Song Li is too focused on her finger.

Hu'er gave him the card he got. Song Li looks at her. He didn't know what to say. "This…." He looks away.

Song Li can't look at her for long. She's too tempting to look. In order to continue playing he can only endure and look away.

"Hmm? What did you get?" Hu'er wanted to lean forward to check the card, but Song Li turned his body to the side.

He muttered, "Why would a card..?"