Welcome to the DCG

The Shadowhunters Dimension

With a violent gasp Reina awakens within her body, no longer a spirit observing the world yet unable to interact with it. As awareness returns to her she cannot help but place her hands on her face, expecting to feel burned flesh from the Soul Sword's Holy Light, yet only experiencing smooth skin under her touch. Looking at her hands she finds brown skin unblemished and devoid of any burns.

"How?" Reina whispers to herself as the other downworlders around her awaken with violent gasps of their own.

"Do you not remember?" asks the most beautiful voice she has ever heard as a black armored boot stops near.

Looking up Reina is mesmerized as her eyes look into the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen, attached to a face that is impossibly alluring.

As Reina finds herself lost into the man's gaze he kneels besides, gently draws her dark hair away from her face, and gives her the most pretty of smiles.

"There is nothing wrong with not remembering, death is a harrowing experience after all." says the man as he gently caresses her face, shocking her back into reality.

"I-I-I remember the burning Holy Light, and then a voice asking me to make a pledge." Reina says hesitantly before vividly remembering the voice, the same beautiful voice that any woman would fantasize waking up to, the same voice as the man. "It was your voice." she says as she regards him with awe, drawing another smile from the man.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." he tells her as he helps her to her feet.

"How?" Reina finds herself asking once more.

As far as she knows not only is necromancy outlawed by The Clave, the Nephilim government, but it is a form of magic that only the most powerful warlock is capable of; and judging by the man's slightly pointed ears Reina is willing to bet that he is a Fae as opposed to a warlock.

Before the man can answer her a commotion draws their attention.

"The sun!" exclaims a vampire as he basks in the rays of sunlight that come through the window. "I can feel the sun, it doesn't burn!" he says while his fellow vampires join him by the window.

"How?" Reina asks the man who simply tilts his head and watches the vampires with an emotion in his eyes that she can't decipher.

"That is certainly an interesting side effect." says a voice besides Reina, startling her into jumping back.

As she looks towards the voice she finds herself looking at what she can only describe as the spirit of a winter elf.

"She can hear you." the fae says as he regards her and the winter elf with interest.

"She can no doubt see me also, after all, your blood now runs through her veins and the magic of both your bloodlines powered the spell." says the winter elf before deriding the fae, "Even with your faulty knowledge of magic you should have foreseen this outcome." he says.

"Ignore the Other." The fae sneers, and Reina swears she has never seen someone look so pleasing as they sneer.

"You're the one responsible for our resurrection?" asks a voice from behind Reina, making her realize that all of the downworlders have gathered around the fae.

"My name is Aemon, and I am." replies Aemon.

"Then as per our vows, we pledge ourselves to you." says a Seelie Knight with a bow that Reina and the other downworlders emulate.

As they straighten from their bow, Aemon regards them all silently before giving them a roguish smirk and a nod.

"You may return home for the time being. I will call upon you when I have need of you." says Aemon before disappearing from their sight.

As they arrive just outside of the Institute, Aemon gently places Simon and Ghost back on the ground.

"Please warn me next time." says Simon as he dry heaves, confusing Aemon.

"Are you not a vampire?" he asks while gently scratching Ghost behind the ear as the direwolf balefully glares at him.

"Yes, but no one's superspeed me before and I've never gone that fast before. Also, how did you go that fast? I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone move that fast before. Of course by anyone I mean anyone not mundane." Simon rambles on before quickly shutting up when he notices Aemon's dry stare.

"How do you feel?" Aemon asks as he places a glamor over them, making them invisible to the mundane, normal humans.

"I feel fine, actually I feel better than fine. Dude, what's in your blood? I've never felt this full before. It's like I could go months without feeding, and I can be in the sun now?" Simon says as he basks in the warmth of the morning sun.

"Must he speak so much?" asks the Other.

"Ignore that feeling and continue to properly feed daily." Aemon warns as he pays the Other no mind.

"Daily? Isn't that a bit much?" Simon replies, causing Aemon to raise an eyebrow.

"You are Simon Lewis, dearly beloved of Clarissa Fairchild, a Nephilim and daughter of Valentine. For mine own inane reason I wish to see her suffer, but she is a well trained Nephilim surrounded by even better trained Nephilim and due to my cowardice I refuse to target her personally. As such I attack the weakest person around her, the untrained vampire who has absolutely no idea how to make efficient use of his gifts in combat, nor wishes to embrace his new abilities, and spends his days wishfully living as if he were a mundane." Aemon says, making Simon quite uncomfortable with the painted scenario for he has recently lived it mere hours ago.

"However, I wish to see him suffer, and her by extension. As such I watch this untrained vampire and study his feeding schedule. I observe that he only feeds when absolutely necessary and barely keeps track of the blood in his storage." Aemon carries on, increasing Simon's discomfort for he does indeed have a habit of only feeding when necessary and barely keeps track of his blood storage.

"One day, the little vampire realizes that he must feed soon and searches his storage, only to find no blood. At that moment I strike, knocking the weak and starving vampire into a slumber before abducting him. When the vampire awakens he finds himself locked in a room with two women that he knows intimately well, for they are none other than his mother and his sister." Aemon says, causing Simon to snarl at him, his vampire fangs on full display to make the threat quite clear.

"Do you need me to continue?" asks Aemon with a roll of his eyes.

"No." sullenly replies Simon.

"Your refusal to completely accept your situation is not noble, it is foolish." Aemon says.

"Yea? And what would you know?" Simon begins, only to stop when Aemon's eyes dangerously narrow and briefly flash red.

"I will ignore your misstep for we have more important matters to discuss than your pension to make assumptions." Aemon says as he begins to walk away from the Institute, Ghost and Simon following at his side.

"Ok, fine. What do you want to talk about?" asks Simon.

"Do you see a group chat screen in the corner of your vision?" asks Aemon mentally summons the DGC screen before him.

"You mean I'm not hallucinating?" asks Simon as his eyes glance at the corner of his vision.

"It is not a hallucination." says Aemon as he reads through the recent chats

[The Son of Poseidon: Great. Turning me into a hamster wasn't enough, Circe had to make me hallucinate too.

The Star of Terra: I don't think that this is a hallucination.

The Star of Terra shares a Knowledge File: Introduction to the DGC]

"So how does this group chat work?" asks Simon, drawing Aemon's attention away from the chat. "Do I just… Never mind. I figured out how to access it." says Simon excitedly.

Unable to see Simon's screen, Aemon is left wondering what has Simon so full of excitement.

"Since you now know how to access the display, enter the chat and download the Knowledge File shared by The Star of Terra; it will upload the basics of the DGC into your mind." explains Aemon.

Seeing Simon nod in understanding Aemon turns his attention back to the chat.

[The Scientist: Well, this is certainly interesting. The existence of this group chat not only confirms the existence of the multiverse, but it also confirms the existence of multiverses with no relations to one another.

The Chosen One: How is this possible?

The Star of Terra: Despite the rapid advancement of humanity in my universe, scientists have never found concrete proof to support The Multiverse Theory. Much less the existence of multiple multiverses.

The Chosen One: I've never even heard of The Multiverse Theory before today.

The Son of Poseidon: Me neither and it's already giving me a headache. I'll just ask Annabeth about it after this quest.

The Scientist: @TheSonofPoseidon. Fascinating. Does the Greek god Poseidon truly exist in your universe?

The Son of Poseidon: Like my name says, I'm his son.

The Scientist: Truly fascinating, I have so many questions.

The Son of Poseidon: Maybe when I'm not a hamster

The Song of Ice and Fire: I believe that introductions are in order. It would not do for us to only know one another by our epithets.

The Song of Ice and Fire: I am Aemon Stark of House Stark and House Targaryen, I come from a world of magic and dragons, and I am the Admin of this Dimensional Chat Group.

The Scientist: Fascinating, your world would be considered fantasy on my Earth. But I digress, my name is Emil Hamilton, doctor of many scientific fields of study, Director of S.T.A.R. Labs and one year ago I would have claimed that there is nothing special about my universe. Recent events are, however, making me reconsider such a notion.

The Star of Terra: My name is Jennifer Shepard, Lieutenant Commander of the Systems Alliance

The Chosen One: Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Padawan.

The Son of Poseidon: Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, but you guys already knew that.

The Best Friend: Holy Shit!

The Best Friend: Is this for real?]

Turning his eyes from the chat HUD, Aemon looks towards Simon to see him vibrating in place.

"Why do I get the sense that you are contemplating doing something dangerous?" asks Aemon.

"Who? Me?" asks Simon as his eyes are drawn away from the chat.

"Not you, Ghost." Aemon replies dryly, making Simon sheepishly look away before quickly recovering.

"Dude, that's Anakin Skywalker, the greatest hero turned villain in fiction." Simon says.

Simon's words cause Aemon to internally wince, for he had hoped that this would not happen. Unfortunately it was merely a matter of time before one member of the DCG would acknowledge another member as a fictional character. It is fortunate that he is present to stop Simon from saying so within the chat. He would rather such a revelation happen when all members are the very least familiar and friendly with one another.

"Are you claiming that there are works of entertainment based on his life?" asks Aemon with a raised eyebrow as if he had not already known.

"Yes, and he's really famous, especially since his story is really tragic." Simon says somberly before once more regaining his excitement. "Maybe we can help him stay a hero? I mean he called himself Anakin, so he's definitely not a villain yet." Simon suggests.

"Of course, just refrain from calling him or anyone else fictional. The revelation of the existence of multiple multiverses is world shattering enough, we would not want anyone to experience an identity crisis." Aemon says, causing Simon to nod.

"Right, that would be pretty bad." Simon says, tilting his head and looking at Aemon with furrowed eyebrows. "Why aren't you surprised?" he asks.

"As far as the world is concerned I am fictional, and I am no stranger to mundanes achieving the impossible." Aemon replies with a raised eyebrow. "The author of those works of entertainment must somehow glimpsed through the veil between multiverses." he adds with a shrug

"Right. You probably deal with crazy things like that on a daily basis as a Fae." replies Simon before his attention returns to the chat.

[The Best Friend: Holy Shit!

The Best Friend: Is this for real?

The Star of Terra: Language.

The Chosen One: Language? By the force, you sound like Obi-Wan.

The Star of Terra: There may be children here.

The Chosen One: No one here is a child.

The Son of Poseidon: …

The Scientist: Interesting. @TheSonofPoseidon Did you somehow broadcast your awkwardness through the chat?

The Chosen One: No way

The Chosen One: @TheSonofPoseidon You're a child?

The Son of Poseidon: …

The Son of Poseidon: Di Immortales. Is there a way to stop that from happening?

The Best Friend: I think you might be able to change that in the settings.

The Scientist: And you would be?

The Best Friend: Right. I'm Simon Lewis, new vampire, and I'm pretty sure my best friend is the main protagonist of a YA Fantasy novel or maybe the TV Show adaptation.]

Reading Simon's introduction in the group chat, Aemon can help but laugh for Simon is more right than he could possibly imagine. Judging by the situation Aemon previously found him in, he is willing to wager that this world follows the events to the show as opposed to the novels.

"It's not that funny, is it?" Simon asks awkwardly.

"It is quite amusing to be honest." Aemon replies as he gently nudges Ghost awake. "I will see you later, Simon." Aemon says as he walks away from the Institute while Simon returns inside.

"Later! Later! Later!" caws Huginn as he flies out of the New York Institute and landing on Aemon's left shoulder.




Author's Note: Here's the latest chapter. Sorry it was so late, I was in the hospital. Anyway I would really appreciate feedback for this chapter, especially since I feel rusty and I'm not sure how well I did the character interactions for the chat.