
Riordanverse, Olympus

Despite being quite impressed with Olympus, Evelynn cannot find it within herself to marvel at it while still worrying over her Lord. As such she ignores Nightshade's warning about respect and turns into a raven, flapping her wings with enough force to send her flying ahead of the others.

When she arrives in their throne room she finds her Lord leaning over a pillar, conversing with Athena while appearing casual and relaxed, but he cannot fool her for she knows him well enough to see the signs of his exhaustion. She would not be surprised if willpower is what is keeping him up.

With a caw she calls out to him, bringing a genial smile to his face that makes her stomach flutter.

Ignoring the goddess' studying gaze, Evelynn perches herself on his shoulder and preens when he caresses her dark plumage.

"Is this one of the members of your Wild Hunt?" asks the goddess.

Her Lord's head tilts slightly as he regards her with interest. "Goddess of Intelligence indeed." he remarks with a nod of his head. "Aye, she is one of mine."

"I see." says the goddess after a moment of contemplation before turning to leave. "We shall have our first spar in two days. I will see you at the camp then." she says.

With a tilt of her head Evelynn conveys her confusion to her lord.

"She knows that we are not the Wild Hunt of Gwyn ap Nudd. Whether she believes that I am Gwyn's successor, or a young fey with more ambition than sense remains to be seen." Lord Aemon explains.

Just then, thunder booms and lightning flashes as Zeus appears on his throne. With flashes of light, the other gods quickly follow; appearing on their thrones in their preferred forms.

"Congratulations are in order for a job well done. Demigods, present yourselves!" commands Zeus with booming thunder in his voice.

As per Zeus' commands, the demigods step forward while the members of the Wild Hunt approach their lord, standing around him at attention; like sentinels at watch.

Her lord briefly regards them with curiosity before turning to Reina, "Where are my siblings?" he asks.

"They have flown to the Greek camp my lord and await you there." Reina answers.

Their lord hums in understanding before once more paying attention to the gods and demigods.

"You have done well tonight. Not only have you struck a blow to the forces of our enemies by killing Luke Castellan, capturing Atlas, and placing Koios under the sky, but you have also returned the chains to me and brought the Ophiotaurus to Olympus to be guarded carefully by us." Zeus says while many of the gods such as Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, and Athena regard the demigods pridefully. Even the likes of Ares seems to look upon them with some degree of respect.

Unfortunately however, one goddess cannot seem to keep her eyes to herself much to Evelynn's annoyance. Even as Zeus congratulates the demigods, or even when he was conversing with Athena, Aphrodite continues to send smoldering looks at her Lord only stopping when she receives a glare from Artemis and Athena both.

As the council truly begins in earnest, Evelynn finds that she has no interest in the goings of these gods. Were it not for the fact that her lord would continue to interact with these beings she would pay them no minds. As these stand however, it is all but a given that her lord would interact with them for Perseus' sake and Evelynn would not be caught unaware again should something go awry. She would listen to their words, observe their expressions, and take note of their character. Should the situation ever call for it she would possess entire dossiers filled with information on each and every one of these beings.

As Thalia swears herself to Artemis' service, Evelynn makes a note of her being more self-aware than she gave her credit for. As Zeus announces the Ophiotaurus' permanent placement on Olympus, she takes note of the gods' reaction. And even when Zeus announces her Lord's new position as instructor she does not bother to look at her lord but rather which god seems to accept and which do not.

She would not be caught unawares ever again.

Riordanverse, Percy's House.

Seeing her holding Paul's hand while they were supposed to be going over the seminar was not how Sally wanted Paul to be introduced to the other side of her life, especially not when her son brought over friends that are obviously not human.

"Lady Jackson." greets the young man with a nod that sends his long black and white hair swaying away from his ears, revealing that they are slightly pointed.

"Ummm." Sally stammers over her words before quickly catching herself.

Looking towards Paul, her hope that she can convince him that there's nothing supernatural going on is quickly crushed when she sees him looking at the woman with the glowing orange eyes standing behind her son and his friend.

"It's ok mom, the Mist will take care of it." Percy quickly reassures her as if reading her mind.

Before Sally can release a sigh of relief, Paul's words tell her otherwise, much to her dismay.

"That raven turned into a woman." Paul says, his eyes wide while he looks between Percy and his friends.

"Are you sure that your paramour is not clear-sighted?" the young man asks.

"Paramour?" asks Percy as he looks between her and Paul.

"Aye, they clearly hold affection for one another and yet remain unmarried. As such they are paramours." Percy's friend explains, causing Sally to facepalm in order to hide her blush.

Before Sally can intervene, Paul speaks up once again "Actually a paramour implies 'the illicit partner of a married person.' Since neither of us are married we're not paramours of each other."

"Perhaps in these lands. In mine own homeland a paramour is merely a lover, whether they are also a mistress depends on the situation." he explains, causing Paul's eyes to shine with interest.

"And you are?" asks Paul, causing a slight feeling of dread to build up inside Sally. Beings in the supernatural world have never been the most subtle since the Mist hides them, however since he is Percy's friend Sally decides to trust her son's judgment.

"Aemon of House Stark and Targaryen, no doubt you have already surmised that there is more to me than meets the eye." Aemon says, causing Sally's eyes to widen.

"Dude!" exclaims Percy as he smacks his friend in the arm.

This is not what she expected when she decided to trust her son's friend. Then again, people from the supernatural side of the world don't understand subtlety.

With an internal groan, Sally makes her decision.

"Everyone, in the kitchen right now." Sally commands and surprisingly enough they all follow without making a fuss.

"Please take a seat. Can I get you anything to drink? Water? Tea? Maybe some cookies?" Sally offers as they all sit in her small kitchen except for the woman who remains standing behind Aemon.

"Tea and cookies will do." Aemon replies while Percy and Paul ask for cookies.

"And you?" asks Sally as she turns to the woman behind Aemon.

"The same as my Lord." she replies with a nod.

As she sets about preparing the tea, Sally listens to the exchange between her son and his friend.

"Dude, why'd you do that? What if you scared him away?" Percy asks.

"I could not even if I wanted to. That man loves your mother dearly. Is that not so, Ser?" Aemon replies, causing Sally to stumble.

"Umm, right. I do, and I'm Paul by the way, Paul Blofis." stammers Paul.

"Ser Blofis, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." says Aemon.

"You too. Percy, what is going on?" asks Paul.

"Right, this is a bit complicated." Percy says, and Sally once more thanks her son for his kind heart.

However, she knows that this isn't something that they can ease Paul into.

"Paul, the Greek Gods are real." says Sally as she places the tea in front of Aemon.

Silence falls over the kitchen as Paul processes her words and Percy looks at her with wide eyes.

With a sheepish shrug Sally turns around to fetch the cookies, blue cookies just like her son likes them.

"Are you saying that you're a Greek goddess?" Paul asks, causing Sally to chuckle in amusement and appreciation as she places the cookies on the table.

"A well reasoned conclusion, despite being the wrong one." Aemon says as he takes a sip of his tea. "Sally is not a goddess. She is however the mother of a demigod." he explains.

"Percy?" Paul says as he looks at Percy.

"Aye, Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, slayer of many a monster, and a greater man than Heracles could ever hope to be" Aemon says, causing Percy to blush.

"Right, and are you a demigod too or are you a god?" asks Paul.

"Neither. Aemon of House Stark and Targaryen, Lord Commander of the Wild Hunt, and friend of Perseus. That is all the information I will divulge, make do of that what you will for I am here on more pressing matters." Aemon says before looking at Sally.

Aemon's words remind Percy about something because he quickly sits up and looks at Aemon.

"Right, what did you want to talk about?" Percy asks after looking at Paul.

"Do you trust him enough to hear this?" Aemon asks instead of replying to Percy's question.

"Yea, I do. He's still here after finding out plus he makes mom happy." Percy answer

With a smile on her face, Sally grabs Paul's hands and gives him a reassuring squeeze. When he returns her smile Sally feels as if she's floating in the clouds,

"Very well. With the imminent return of the Titan Lord the gods have seen fit to hire me as an instructor for their demigods. I shall train them to survive the coming chaos. However, considering Percy's role in these upcoming events I feel that it would be in his best interest for him to spend his full time under my tutelage as opposed to splitting it between the supernatural and the mundane world." Aemon says.

For a moment Sally processes Aemon's words and considers his suggestion. It's true that it would be better for Percy to train to survive, but she doesn't know anything about Aemon to trust him Percy. Percy himself would know what's best.

"Why are you asking me this?" Sally asks. Supernatural beings aren't known for their consideration of others, so she doesn't understand why he's asking when he could make the decision himself and she would be powerless to do anything about it.

"Even in the eyes of my people he is still a child, and as his head of house such decisions are yours to make." Aemon explains.

"What about his education?" asks Paul. "I don't really understand what's going on, but from context clues I understand that a threat is coming and that you want to train Percy full time for this threat because he has an important role. It's good for him to survive, but he also needs to be educated to be able to live a life after." Paul says.

"His education shall not be impeded for I know experts in all fields ranging from politics, art, mathematics, all sciences, and even etiquette." Aemon explains, much to Percy's growing horror.

"Oh, wow. That sounds impressive." Sally says as she laughs at the look of betrayal her son sends his friend.

"Of course, I hold enough to not only establish a nation, but also rule one. Your son shall have the best education possible." Aemon says, much to Percy's dismay.

With a smile on her face Sally turns to her son, "I think that you should take his offer." she says, causing him to groan while she and the others laugh.

The rest of the time before Aemon leaves they spend ironing out the details, and it is decided that Percy will continue to live home before Aemon would come to pick him up at 7 in the morning. He would then return home at 8.

After seeing Aemon off, Sally turns to Paul and gives him a sheepish smile as she prepares to explain. This is going to be a long night.


Author's Note: As usual, please tell me what you think of the chapter, and if you want to support I have a Patreon at