Unexpected Developments

Westeros, King's Landing

The Red Keep, Lady Alicent's Chambers

105 AC

She dreams of him this night, her lover. Young and beautiful even as his face remains a shifting shadow that melds with the rest of his powerful body. Still, it does not matter for she would always recognise that lone amethyst eye and the shape of his face framed by long flowing hair.

His firm hands gently cup her face, caressing her on the cheek before guiding her to a kiss. As she steadily loses herself in the pleasure of his soft lips, his hand slowly travels to the lace of her bodice and lightly unties it. He grasps her breast with his calloused hand and softly massages them, his thumb caressing her erect nipple and breaking their kiss with a soft moan from her. 

"Speak to me, my Queen," he whispers to her, a knot building in her stomach at the title. "Which do you prefer? A?" while he continues to softly fondle her breast, "Or B?" the massage taking on a rougher turn. 

"A," Alicent gasps.

"As my Queen commands," he replies before once more sealing her lips with his. 

Despite enjoying the taste of his lips, Alicent finds herself drowning in the pleasure of his hands on her breast. They are rough hands, filled with callouses from countless hours in the training yard; they are a warrior's hands, the greatest warrior in all of Westeros. So lost is she in the pleasure they bring that she barely takes notice when the second leaves her face and reaches between her thighs, opening them wide before reaching for her cunt. 

"Yes," gasps Alicent as two fingers enter her cunt. 

"Anything for my Queen," he replies, the title once more bringing her pleasure she has never felt before, more than even his rough hands could.

"Anything?" she moans as he removes his fingers from her cunt and stops massaging her breast.

He catches her gaze, his single, beautiful amethyst eye gleaming as he licks his fingers clean of her wetness.. 

"Anything?" Alicent asks once more impatiently, only to gasp when his hard member presses between her legs.

"Anything," he replies as he plunges his pulsing member into her depths, making her moan.

"I will break everything," he whispers, low and melodic, in her ear, "if it brings you pleasure."

"A bed?" she whispers back in between moans, her stomach tightening further.

"Easily done."

"A man?"

"I will turn them into fragile playthings for my Queen," he breathes, lifting her hips into an arch and passionately thrusting into her cunt.

"A Kingdom?" she moans.

"Castles will crumble in your name."

"A realm?"

"Eight thousand year old dynasty or one hundred year old, it matters not. If it pleases you, they will fall. I am your blade, my Queen. Wield me as you see fit," he swears and with those words the knot in her stomach unravels. 

"Aemon!" Alicent gasps as her pleasure reaches its peak with a final thrust and all she knows is bliss.

With a jolt Alicent awakens, her breathing heavy and her skin flushed. With a trembling hand she reaches in between her legs, finding her smallclothes wet. As she vividly remembers her dream, Alicent cannot help the thrill of excitement that travels down her spine at the thought of a Targaryen at her beck and call. 

Once upon a time the man in those dreams was Prince Daemon, but now it is Aemon, the bastard that fills those dreams. Perhaps it is the sinful nature of the act that excites her, or perhaps merely the power it would afford her to have a Targaryen worship at her feet, but Alicent cannot help the excitement she feels at the mere thought of it; even if such an event is near impossible.

Near impossible, Alicent reminds herself. Should she manage to successfully seduce King Viserys it would be trivial to have him allow Aemon to become her sworn sword. According to some of her father's spies the bastard has not left the capitol, merely sequestered himself away from Viserys' sight and mingled with the smallfolk. Already rumors of Lord Snow have begun to spread through the capitol. The bastard seems to have endeared himself to the smallfolk for they speak of him with the same respect and reverence as they do Prince Daemon. 

Clearly despite being twins Aemon is not the brute that his brother is. He is cunning yet mindful of his proper place as a bastard. He would be a worthy sword for her to wield once she becomes queen. More beautiful than Prince Daemon and just as dangerous. Alicent knows well of his duel with Ser Criston. Aemon may not possess a dragon but he is clearly the better warrior and the more manageable of the two and in the end he would serve her.

PJO World

Location: ???

As a former Old Man of the Mountain, rarely has Hundred Faced come across a mission they could not accomplish. With the expertise of a thousand professions it is not too difficult to carry out an assassination or espionage, yet this one mission given to them by the Lord Commander is one they have found to be particularly harrowing. 

Searching this unknown world of living myths and legends for the whereabouts of the fey proves to be harder than they expected, especially since it is difficult to sparse out facts from rumors while also making sure that the fey they find are truly the ones the Lord Commander searches for. 

In a world where all myths and legends exist in some way, shape, or form, it is quite common to stumble upon the wrong fey for many of the myths overlap. 

The most glaring example was when they found themselves in Boston, believing that they had found the fey of this world's Wild Hunt only to stumble upon the Elves of Alfheim of the Norse pantheon. A mortal race of beautiful and graceful humanoids yet lacking in comparison to their Lord Commander and the fey under his command. 

Now Hassan of the Hundred Faces finds themselves in an unnamed Scottish forest that has somehow survived beyond humanity's touch. 

They have barely been in the forest for a few minutes and already Hassan knows that this is no mundane forest. The woods of the forest look like a jewelry box, a latticework of red, gold, brown, and green. The colors so vivid that it's hard not to gawk and gape. 

The Mystery, called Mist in this world, is the thickest that Hassan has yet to experience, the foliage consists of plants that should not have survived this far in the future, and the animals they have seen thus far are animals of the ancient world; bigger, more numerous, and much more menacing compared to their modern counterparts. 

As they continue on their way through the forest, Hassan becomes more and more sure that they have found their first major clue. Between the location of the forest, and the forest itself, Hassan is quite sure that they have found the entrance to the world of fey or at the very least a convergence where their territory overlaps with humanity's.

With that thought in mind, Hassan mentally sends their findings to the Lord Commander through their link.

"My my, it is rare for guests to visit these days." says a melodic voice from behind, causing Hassan to jump away and land in a fighting stance. 

"Oh my! It's quite rude for one to aim a weapon at their host." says the voice as it takes a sickening sweet nature to it that sets Hassan on edge. 

Before they can even think to retaliate the Lord Commander's voice booms over the link. 

"Sheathe your daggers." commands the Lord Commander, and Hassan obeys. 

"Now apologize." Aemon says. 

"Apologies, we were merely startled." says Hassan to the air. 

In response to Hassan's words the owner of the voice shimmers into view before them and for a moment Hassan believes themselves to be standing before one of the Lord Commander's fey.

Standing at near six feet tall and wearing a forest green and brown rendition of their Lord Commander's Wild Hunt uniform is what can only be a fey with flowing brown hair, fair skin, and ember eyes. 

In his hand is a bow yet there is no quiver of arrows to be seen anywhere near him.

"To what do I owe the visit of such an esteemed guest?" asks the fey.

"Repeat my words carefully Hassan." commands Aemon. 

"The forest intrigued me and as such I found myself exploring your home, which is quite beautiful I must add. Though my journey here has been somewhat harrowing and I would request shelter of you." replies Hassan as he parrots Aemon's words.

Hassan's reply makes the fey chuckle, though there is a sinister aspect to it which causes the Servant to tense. 

"Very good, very good." says the fey with a clap of his hands. "Clearly you have been taught the proper etiquette, though that does make me wonder how; for my people have not interacted with the mortal world in centuries and have long since been forgotten." the fey answers

"My Lord has some affinity with the Fair Folk." explains Hassan. 

"Truly?" questions the fey and for a moment Hassan is nearly fooled into believing him genuine. "Unfortunately we no longer welcome visitors and I will have to escort you out." 

For a moment Hassan thinks to protest before Aemon's voice once more sounds out in their mind "I understand, then farewell." says Hassan with a slight bow of their head before turning in the direction they came from.

As they leave the forest Hassan misses the glare that the fey sends him with narrowed eyes. 

Westeros, King's Landing

The Street of Silk, The Blue Pearl

105 AC

"What do you think?" asks Aemon as he leans back in his chair within his solar in The Blue Pearl. 

The brothel had become something of a headquarters for him in King's Landing. With his gold the building was renovated into the most luxurious brothel in the capital, and with his mere presence none dare to mistreat or cheat the women working there. 

For the matron and her workers their lives have improved exponentially, but for Aemon it is merely the beginning. 

"I agree with your sentiment. The state of the fey may be dire. As beings of nature, humanity's slow destruction of the earth will have most definitely impacted them negatively." replies the Other before adding, "Though do not take my word as law for my people have always been creatures of winter, and winter, unlike the woods and forests and rivers which the fey are connected to, is an eternal force."

"Aye." agrees Aemon as his mind replays Hassan's encounter with the fey. 

The most glaring issue of the encounter to Aemon is the fey's refusal of Guest Rights and request for Hassan to leave. According to his memories from before he became Jon Snow, the fey are not one to refuse or violate Guest Rights.

Unlike humans who see it as taboo that should not be violated, to the fey it is a Law which they must never violate lest they face catastrophic consequences. 

In addition, the fey had been relatively courteous and not at all mischievous by their standards. In fact he expressed more urgency in convincing Hassan to leave as opposed to pranking or tricking him. 

Needless to say the fey's situation may not be that different from Pan's 

Before Aemon can think more on the situation, two ravens fly in through the window, their feathers blending in well with the darkness of the night. 

"My Lord." greets Evelynn with a bow as she and Saera transform back to their human forms. 

Observing Saera, Aemon cannot help but nod internally at seeing her adjust well to her new reality. Under Evelynn's tutelage she seems to have gained a thirst for knowledge and is thriving compared to most mundanes who get turned into vampires. 

"How is Rhaenyra?" asks Aemon. 

"She still grieves, but is slowly recovering. Though as you have predicted Alicent Hightower seems to be attempting to endear herself to the princess." reports Evelynn.

"Fucking Hightowers. Nothing good ever came of their house." sneers Aemon. 

"She also seems to have taken an interest in you Lord." adds Saera. 

"It will be her downfall." Aemon says as he stands. "I will be unavailable for an uncertain amount of time, as such continue as you have and if any situation arises use your judgment to solve it." Aemon commands as he prepares to teleport to Percy's world. 

"Have Dairic and his fey protect The Blue Pearl in my absence." Aemon says before teleporting away. 

Author's Note: Here's the latest chapter. Sorry for not giving you guys a heads up last week. It was Easter and I don't update on major holidays. This chapter I tried my hand at writing smut for the first time. As usual, what do you guys think? Was it good or not? Should I continue adding smut scenes or not?

If you want to support me or read ahead, you at my patreon: patreon.com/servantambrosius