Part 5.

Several hours have passed from morning , and it was already an early afternoon , but Elaine still slept soundly on King Ramuel chest , unfortunately despite the long ride he couldn't close his eyes even for a moment as she continuesly kept snuggling more he tried to adjust his position , So the man himself steeled himself like a statue for hours , afraid to move even one hand since it could result of her waking .

But his curiosity was on the very edge , he managed somehow still few times to brush her soft hairs between his fingers ,in admiration of the crimson red , it was comforting for his eyes .

It seemed for him as the time has stopped , different from the endless battlefields where he thought it would never end . This particular moment was robbed specifically out of timeline and would be forever engraved in his mind , The sun rays itself was dancing through the room almost making her look like a sleeping goddess , undisturbed gentle peaceful with shallow small breaths she took every time . The All mighty Brutal king was fazed by it and more he looked , the more he wanted it to last forever , but the place wasn't safe .

Moments passed and small knock was heard at other side of door before it opened and Nero Peered In . Checking around the room if anyone else inside until he saw his Lord half laying on bed with the fragile future Queen in his arms deeply asleep .He nearly wanted to giggle like a teenager girl but immediately covered his mouth once his Lord shot him a sharp glare with clear intention to kill if noise was made .

"Fu fu fu .. I'm sorry ,The carriage is ready hehe pardon my intrusion majesty ,I didn't thought you would be comfortable"That was clearly Nero provocation as he returned his lord a wide devilish grin after speaking so silently.

Ramuel dismissed it for now but he didn't intend to forget giving his pet a payback for teasing .

" I have another task for you ,all maids who we seen attending today the princess. Tell King Ramus we take them as well ,Later I'll explain him furthermore" Even Ramuel spoke as quiet as possible trying not to disturb Elaine Nap time .

"Ayy you try so hard it's nearly adorable ,but I'll do so " With that Nero snapped his fingers and small black glittering orb appeared floating in air before getting absorbed into Little Princess.

"what did ..." Lord Ramuel asked glaring once again at his devil in agitation .But Nero simply shrugged

" Sleep spell ,will help with her nap time through ride and she won't wake up as easily even if you move a whole mountain. She will wake up once will get rested enough ,so thank me later huhu " With that Nero walked away slowly closing the door and hiding his prideful sassy face .He intended to do everything as his lord told him to ,but some improvisation would have been helpful, he was sure of that .

Few minutes later Ramuel decided to test whether the sleep spell was affective ,He removed his cape entirely from his armor with as light movement as could be done ,and wrapped it around the girl snoozing on him. Slowly getting up of bed and lifting her in his arms along ,Now he was sure she wouldn't wake up as easily, but she still slept so comfortably leaning her face against his chest that he even chuckled shaking his head in disbelief he was facing this type of situation at the moment.

Silently and swiftly he walked out of room directly to the throne room old man still remained with his unreasonable pleads .

Young Heartless King Ramuel held Elaine still as he faced Old Man ,

" Did ..Did she passed out ?! What have you done to her " Ramus questioned panicked and demanding truth .But as his tone octave hit higher pitch Knights appeared at Ramuel side . Supporting their king and willing to do anything at his word .Even Ramus knight Robert had to adjust himself in position to stay still , They all been fearsome .

" Don't talk so loudly, Are you that stupid not to see she's sleeping? if you rise your voice louder even dead could be brought upon " Ramuel responded in low tone but it was to threatening even an idiot could notice .So the king went silent for good .

" Along with my future wife ,I will take all the female maids who's been responsible in her aid and recovery , refuse and I'll butcher everyone in few hours " Not leaving a moment to reply for old king .Ramuel walked out with a gesture for his knights to follow and prepare as been mentioned .While the old King remained in spot , disbelief painted all over his face along with pain ,as his eyes tracked every movement of the Brute Lord .

Moments Later everything been prepared ,The carriage ,and several horses with knights following from behind as agreed ,With same maids being tied to the horses backs and their mouths covered not to let out a single scream through entire ride .All seven of them begged for mercy , blaming Duchess and not taking any responsibility for their done actions .

But if you cause pain for innocent soul ,You earn twice fold bigger in return . That is what King Ramuel believed for years , so he turned his eyes away from their tears and pleas .

Leaving his Horse for Nero to ride instead as he stepped into the carriage , getting comfortable and letting his Future Queen sleep on his lap ,blankets and his cape covered her and the carriage was spacious enough with warm cushions for her to rest on .

And With That the Journey To a new home has started for young princess .Even if unfortunately she would sleep through entire ride , her husband's lap in replacement of a pillow , And the knights in lead from behind and front keeping guard of all sides .

Kingdom Eramus and The evil duchess being left behind , yet even if unknown for how long .

Yet Dracarys Ramuel couldn't believe he was forced to sit in carriage for his wife comfort instead of his most beloved rides on war horses .

Things were truly changing for both of them.