Part 8 . Surprise .

It's been an hour and half as Elaine spent consuming all food she saw presented on the table . She didn't even thought of holding back slightest ,It's been a great opportunity since she didn't knew how the maids would treat her nevertheless her arrival at the kingdom as new wife of Ramuel .

But she ignored those thoughts for now until her appetite was overfilled ,But neither she noticed Nero hiding his presence in the ceiling corner ,As small as tiny dark orb barely witnessed by any eyes he remained there since he was passing the kitchen until he heard the rummaging sounds .That was a great discovery for him and perfect entertainment for the day . He was excited to tell the story for his master , His eyes filled with tears from all the laughing he had ,his stomach pained as well as cheeks , Yet he mastered not to make a single sound ,He couldn't tell whether it was new skill created or not .

But he was stopped in his tracks from going to his master as the little princess got startled by the maid entering the kitchen .

It wasn't the maid that surprised him , But the clumsiness of his new Queen as she hurriedly stood up backing at the table from behind and knocking the knife from it down .

Rather moving aside she foolishly tried to catch it " Oh my..." that was the barely audible words she mustered as the knife point pierced through her palm due of her grasping manner and the force she put in ,

The tip of knife was sticking out of other side of her hand ,But she simply stared at it as drops of blood emerged around and soon started messing the floor underneath her own feet .

The maid immediately rushed to her grabbing a towel and trying to solve the situation least a little .

" Princess Elaine ,Please don't move ,The blade is so deep ! ,We should call a doctor immediately before you get an infection or it might get even worse " The Maid was old but she panicked as teenager would , carefully guiding the princess out of kitchen as with another hand she wiped her mouth of any evidence from her not so long enjoyed feast .

Not waiting a moment Nero disappeared into darkness of the spot , Teleporting in instant at his master bedroom where Ramuel resided for awhile polishing his sword as he often loved to do .

"Can't you even knock anymore ?" The young king been clearly annoyed by sudden barge in but he still listened attentively for the cause .

" I would have if it wasn't an emergency stupid master " Nero paced front and back while scoffing back at the absurdness of his king .

" Speak up " a command as always ,cold and sharp it made Nero stop in tracks as he looked over his owner .

" The princess of yours just got injured at kitchen ,I wasn't expecting she would be so used to pain ,Even mice would squeak when getting pierced ,But not a cry came out of her mouth " The devil kept explaining still puzzled of what caused the girl to be so ignorant of pain .In his knowledge only the warriors who went through endless amount of battles would at last get used to pain the same way child would to breathing.But the young lady haven't went through any of it ,She was to young to be so mastered at nullifying it .

" What was she doing in kitchen in first place , Wasn't she supposed to rest ?!" Anger was rising slowly in Ramuel tone and he had hard time easing it down .

" Ermm...that..she decided to go and eat by herself,maids at that time still thought she would be asleep so they didn't disturb her"

Nearly biting his tongue at that explanation Nero still told all about it .

Before anything else could be told Ramuel already got up leaving his sword behind as he hurriedly walked to her room , His temper still high and his knuckles paler then sheet of paper as he clutched his hands in fists .

Regardless remembering the manners and her own private zone he stopped in a dash ,Firstly knocking the door until he heard her soft voice muttering " come in"

Slowly as if it was a sacred place he stepped in already finding doctor sitting on bed edge aside her , trying to inspect the knife carved through her skin .

The scene was uncomfortable sight for weak hearted ones but she simply looked at floor instead , As for the young king he seen more brutal moments when he hunted or been sent into war ,But this particular one pained his heart in way he couldn't explain .

Cursing himself in his own mind he stepped forward Infront his soon to be called wife .

" Were you that hungry ?" he could still see the melted chocolate spot on corner of her lips , Probably she failed to wipe it he thought as he noticed her white dress sleeve covered in brown .

The moment she looked up to apologize he took his chance to wipe it off with his thumb ,Worry crossed his face ,more then smile would at the moment ,Her eyes carried evident pain yet her lips were unwilling to speak of it .He was to familiar with it to know.

Not waiting anymore he sat at her side , wrapping one hand around her head and covering her eyes as he leaned Elaine head on his shoulder .

" Im sorry about it..I was truly starving when I woke up ,and the food in kitchen smelled to ...tempting " she apologized sincerely ,Still worrying whether the king will decide to get rid of her at any moment or torment her like maids did .

Instead he was gentle and somehow refreshing at the sight .He was kind despite what others ever told of him .How his threats and warnings have always been brought to reality with no one ever escaping from their punishment or death .Or everyone's most feared story how he became the king by slitting his own father throat at his made party .The word spread that mother of Ramuel died when he was young ,His father on other hand welcomed all woman's he could ever take ,Always ignoring and abusing own son and searching for another one birthed heir .Until the day Ramuel walked aside him and slit his throat Infront of all people at the party.It been a bloodshed and he deliberately crowned himself as the only rightful king instead of his own father , Instantly earning favor of the empress.He was young back then perhaps less then 15 from what Elaine guessed.

But this man who held her so carefully now didn't seem to be that demon brute king , Others must have mistaken she thought .But it wasn't a stupid choice to be cautious still .

" Pull the knife out " his voice sounded as hoarse and even more pained then she been .

His hand squeezed slightly harder on her eyes preventing her from seeing the sight .In a flash the knife been pulled out bringing along a new burning load of pain as the doctor squeezed her hand to stop the further blood loss and apply medicine along with stitches .

" Stitching will be unnecessary,You may go " With that Elaine sensed as the doctor got up and left the room slamming the door behind shut .

" Stitching ? .." She asked questioningly barely holding back a wince from pain this time as other Ramuel hand traced her injured one intervining their hands together .

" You'll get yourself bloody like this !" She wanted to pull her hand back but he held it still ,Not letting go neither of her covered eyes or the hand .

" Hush ,I know what I'm doing ,So please bear a bit " With those words her hand felt worse then before ,The skin stretching underneath with burning and blood trickling sound.It was an agonizing sound as one would call ,But she still held firm .

" why..why you're covering my eyes ?"

bit focused to much on pain and his spicy and winter like aroma that been dwelling over her senses she asked .

" As a queen you shouldn't be seeing such sights that would unplease woman eyes" His explanation didn't made much sense for her as her body felt more relaxed with easing down flames arching through her palm .

It was hard to tell whether it was his skin that burned so hot or the magic coursing through their fingers .But she didn't cared .

Even at this temporary pain she felt somehow safe .

At last finished they both remained in that position for awhile before Ramuel uncovered her eyes ,Which now stared directly at his just inches away , More Dreamy then others would ever see .

But another words spoken from him been more unexpected and hurtful then the injury had been ,Stripping Elaine of any possible peaceful plans she could think of for her future .

" Elaine Ramus ,I need a Strong Willed Queen ,Not a little child who crumbles over everything in her path ,If you won't meet my set requirements..I believe I'll have to send you far away ,I can guarantee the money you would earn overtime as well as safety ,A partial support of few years for your father as well " His eyes pierced through her soul at that moment ,Leaving it void and shattered of any hopes she had of being accepted for who she was .Having home seemed as idiotic thought in her opinion .Sitting nearby this unknown man despite his kind attitude seemed even more foolish since she knew it could have been merely a pity .

Tears filled her eyes and raced down her chin Infront his gaze and he was taken by surprise and perhaps even fear of causing her to be so broken and scared .

But The young princess chuckled to herself in irony as the tears continuesly streamed down her face .

" I apologize for being a nuisance until now ,I will do my best to guarantee the success of your set requirements King Ramuel .Rest assured I will put my efforts into all matters " Her words been emotionlessly but he could still hear the breaking tone through it ,She hid to well .With those words she pulled her hand away and walked towards the door , looking over her freshly healed skin as if nothing happened.

" Now ,I would like you to kindly leave ,I have to dress up rather wearing this shabby clothes ,it would be generous if you could send a maid in " She held her chin high facing him directly rather avoiding his eyes .Her own sparkled more then jade would .

With those words he had to get up and force himself to walk out of her room .Rather considering it as victory .Somehow he felt defeated by his new made mistake.