Green Turtle Talisman

Before Max went to collect the stonesword key, he decided to pay the Bloody Finger Hunter Yura a visit, as he was resting underneath a bridge just before the Dragon-Burnt Ruins. Once he was close, he got off Torrent and introduced himself.

Yura for his part, could be seen sitting beside a fire. When he saw Max, he stood up and observed him closely. Then he spoke.

"Ah, you must be the new Tarnished.

You'd do well to steer clear of Agheel Lake, fledgling.

A dragon roosts there... And it's as fearsome as it it majestic.

So, unless you're mad, or wish to be burned alive...

Stay clear of the lake."

"I see. Well thank you a lot for your warning, I will keep it in mind."

Contrary to what Max said, he then chose to ignore Yuras warning and continued to walk towards the Dragon-Burnt Ruins for the key. Furthermore, for now Max didn't want to continue chatting with him.. As Yura saw Max walking towards the lake he shouted.

"Don't be a fool. Turn back, before it's too late."

However, Yuras warning reached deaf ears as Max just proceeded walking towards the ruins.

The key Max was looking for could be collected from a corpse which is protected by a giant rat. As Max entered the ruins he was greeted by a few dogs, which he just set on fire. He killed the first one from afar with Flame Sling, the second one with Catch Flame after he quickstepped his bite attack and for the third one, Max decided to kill it with Flame Sling. Then Max advanced further into the ruins until he was Infront of a room where the giant rat was.

As Max observed it, he was a little bit disgusted, that's why he wanted to finish it quickly. Therefore, he infused his right arm with some mana and swung with the Dismounter. The sword cut into the rat's flesh very smoothly, inflicting a huge wound. Very soon, it died due to heavy blood loss. Max then proceeded to search for the item he came for. Once he found it, he initially wanted to leave, but then decided to kill all of the zombies nearby. Max walked out of the room with a cold smile on his face. He then took out the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes. From his perspective, now was the perfect time to test them out.

He then rang the bell and you could see that 3 phantoms came out of the container, which then took the appearance of 3 wolves. All three of them looked at Max, as if they were waiting for his command. Max saw this and spoke.

"Leave the zombies to me and go kill the dogs."

The wolves followed his command and ignored the zombies and attacked the dogs. Having the most dangerous enemy nearby occupied, Max went on to slaughter the zombies. He showed no mercy and even felt somewhat relieved. He clearly remembers his first encounter with the zombies. Back then he had to fight for his life, now this can hardly be called a challenge. Max could be seen easily splitting the zombies in half. With only a few zombies left, Max took a small break, in order to see what the wolves were doing. They successfully managed to kill their target, however they still continued to ignore the zombies. Max then realized the reason why. He didn't tell them, that after they killed the dogs, they should then proceed to fight the zombies.

As Max thought about them attacking the zombies, the wolves then suddenly did exactly that. This action surprised Max. To further test this, he then thought that they should back off, which the wolves did. Max continued to experiment, and he came to the following conclusion. The spirits summons can act independently, like in the game and there is also the option that he gives them exact orders on what to do in his mind. With this knowledge Max was very satisfied.

After looting the corpses, giving him around 175 runes, he dispelled the wolves and jumped on Torrents back. He contemplated for a while whether he should collect the Twinblade, which can be found in the cellar, which isn't infested by rats, however he refused to do so.

His new destination was once more the Third Church of Marika, where he found the Flask of Wondrous Physick. He took the long way around the lake, because he obviously didn't want to meet Agheel. Along the way, he met some giant bats and some other enemies, which he ignored as he didn't want to fight them at the moment, because summoning the wolves consumed a big portion of his mana.

Soon they arrived at the Church. There Melina got off Torrent. He then instructed her to wait for him there. The reason he did that, was not to go somewhere secretly, in fact Max doesn't think that this would be even possible, as Melina would definitely be watching. The actual reason is very simple, he wanted to use some spiritsprings and he reckoned that it would be easier without her. The reason why he wanted to use them is simple. They are the fastest way to get up the hill, where Summonwater Village was.

Therefore, Max did as he intended and rode Torrent to the first spiritspring behind the church. Once he was there, he prepared himself mentally for the rollercoaster-type experience, he was about to witness. Then Torrent jumped. It was a breathtaking experience. In literally every sense, because Max really forgot to breathe.

When he landed, he was warmly welcomed by a few wolves, which he completely ignored as he made his way toward the second spiritspring. Using it, he arrived at the top. There he rode Torrent towards Summonwater Village where the Tibia Mariner resides.

Once he got close, he decided to proceed on foot. In the distance, he could see the Tibia Mariner. Fortunately, he wasn't looking in his direction, so Max then stood before the imp statue and inserted the stonesword key. With this action the white illusive wall disappeared, and Max entered the cellar. There, multiple turtles could be seen. Max walked past them, towards the steel door, which he pulled up and there it was. He went to the chest and opened it, revealing the Green Turtle Talisman. He picked it up and could immediately feel the difference between this one and the Haligdrake Talisman, he took before.

Max could sense a newfound energy energetically flowing through his veins. Furthermore, the fatigue he from all the fighting he did today, also disappeared. He felt the need to use all this energy, therefore he started running. He left the cellar and ran to the edge, where he dropped down. Then he continued running towards the graveyard. Once, he was there, he could feel some of this new energy depleted. However, when he stopped, it began refilling himself at a rapid speed.

So, this is the effect of the stamina talisman, thought Max: 'It's amazing. With it I can basically fight without ever feeling tired. Now this is truly a strong effect. A complete game changer.'

Then he began collecting the Golden Runes. He got five Golden Runes [1], one Golden Rune [5], and one Golden Rune [2]. After this he got back on Torrent, and he rode towards the edge underneath the spiritspring was and jumped. Once he was down again, Max immediately dismounted Torrent in order to run back to the church. He really enjoyed the feeling of not getting tired after running at full speed. There he asked Melina to take them back to the Roundtable Hold, in order to spend all the runes, he got. This time he decided to spend around 1500 runes for his body and the rest for his spirit. Initially he wanted to use all of his runes on his spirit once more, but the Bloodhounds Fang he collected earlier, is a little bit heavy for him to use, so Max acknowledged that he shouldn't neglect the strength of his body.

At the Roundtable he saw D sitting on a chair, but he decided to talk to him later. Melina and Max then went back to the room they were previously in and began turning runes into strength. He firstly spent all but 1500 runes on his spirit. This resulted in his mana reserves enlarging once more and Max noticed that his perception of things around him increased, as he could see things in more detail. Then, he gave Melina the rest of his runes. The process was quite painful, but Max endured with no problem. Afterwards he took a look at his body, his muscles grew bigger and became more refined, he then lifted the Bloodhounds Fang from the ground without a problem.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.