Part 1. Ch 16. Eruption

Chaos whirled in Fan Zhong's mind as he tried to comprehend that thought. Had he truly let himself go to this extent? Thinking back on things he realized that for most of his life the solution to conflict was simple, flee.

When someone such as Zi Bao confronted him, fleeing had always been the only option as he lacked the means to fight them. In this way even when he told the family guards, elders, or even his parents of people bullying him he was exercising a form of running away by dumping the responsibility onto others. However, with such a mindset he had never thought to use his authority to take command of a situation.

With the confidence he had gained after his training that mindset had switched, no longer did thoughts of retreat appear in his mind when he thought of confronting a challenge. It was the opposite in fact as part of his resolve to get stronger had been a crystallization of his desire to never have to run away again so he could save those he cherished when they were in peril. Thus when he had heard of his little brother's plight the blinding fury had commanded him to show no mercy and crush the opposition with overwhelming force!

"Nephew Zhong, I bring you here not to berate you but to make you understand why things must be handled this way. Others may have lost hope however in this old man's humble opinion you will one day be a strong leader for the clan if guided well. When I looked at you on that field I saw not the eyes of a leader reprimanding his subordinates but the eyes of an executioner sending souls to the afterlife. Take that anger and fury, channel it into improving yourself, and learn from these events. Only then will you emerge from the fire of conflict a better man." Elder Wuying calmly intoned to him, not a single hint of patronization or contempt in his words, the old man was truly trying to help Fan Zhong

These words resonated with Fan Zhong and his fears of himself on a deep level. What had ultimately shaken him the most about this event was not even the idea that his entire perspective on conflict had changed, it was the fact he was capable of such cruel and malicious thoughts. At that moment Fan Zhong feared that small part of himself that hid away, capable of pushing him to the extremes of his emotions. In the right circumstances, the surges could be acts of good, such as defending Little White and Wang Qiang.

The uglier side however was that his suppressed feelings could result in him lashing out in an ugly and malicious manner, caring for nothing other than to sate a desire for revenge, fury, and slaughter. At this time Fan Zhong thanked the heavens for having wise people such as Fan Wuying and his father around to guide him through such feelings, perhaps if he was born around lesser men they simply would let him devolve into some savage beast that simply wore the skin of a man. In any case, Fan Zhong felt that he needed to be in seclusion, both to absorb what he had learned and to remain out of the public eye so that matters could cool down.

"Elder, this junior understands. This one thanks you for your wisdom and is ready to accept any punishment you deem necessary, I simply ask that it be carried out in seclusion so that these lessons have peace to take root in my Dao heart" Fan Zhong said in a respectful tone while bowing deeply to the elder.

"Alas if only it were that easy Nephew Zhong. For now, go to the clan training grounds and study the materials left in your meditation hut, they are the basics of arrays and magical tool forging you asked Nephew Cheng for. As for your penance, currently, you are not to leave the clifftop training grounds until further notice, someone will alert you once everything is settled" Elder Wuying said before wrapping an arm around Fan Zhong and bounding off the rooftop

The jarring leaps continued until the elder took a single final enormous jump that brought them from the base of the cliff that overlooked the village straight to the outcropping where Fan Zhong once stood with Fan Cheng facing their father almost a year and a half ago.

"Train earnestly now, and no funny business Nephew Zhong. The observers stationed here are under orders to restrain you with immediate force if so much as your foot leaves these grounds" Elder Wuying casually spoke in his ever calm tone before simply jumping down the cliff face.

Fan Zhong sighed at the amazing feats the elder could perform, perhaps the decades of practice to reach the master realm would be worth it to move so freely among the world. At the moment such things were too far away so he put them out of his mind quickly. Moving to the familiar meditation hut, Fan Zhong sat down and began adding the insights he gained over his trial into the musical pieces he had previously made while training here.

At first, he had simply thought to add the pieces he wrote while living in the forest to his music that was based on the Fan Clan style; however upon his arrival home Fan Zhong had started reflecting on this approach. If he simply kept adding pieces to his insights it would be like making a new technique every time he learned something or perhaps a new chapter in a journal. For something like a memoir or story perhaps continuously adding to the work would be a boon making an ever-growing tale of epic proportions.

However Fan Zhong felt differently about his music, it was something that was the embodiment of over a year spent practicing and honing himself. When the individual pieces that helped him learn the techniques were combined to solidify his insights Fan Zhong had made many changes so that all of his thoughts and themes fit into a seamless set of pieces meant to be played in a certain order to evoke the correct feelings and emotions. If this sequence were needlessly bloated it would risk losing the effect and for some reason simply felt wrong on a fundamental level. So it went that Fan Zhong decided to take his existing music on the clan fighting style and refine them with his newfound insights instead of simply writing new additions to the score.

The end product was indeed longer and denser than before with some old insights removed and replaced by lengthier and more complex ones. Entirely new sections were added to reflect his experience with the mental technique and movement technique of the clan now that he had insights from using those in actual battle. For Observing the roaming earth Fan Zhong included soft accent notes that seemed to hide beneath the melodies and chords of other parts of the music.

This was to emphasize that Observing the roaming earth was all about noticing the tiniest of movements even within an object already in motion. If one could pay enough attention to detail to notice and pick out these notes then surely they had at least reached familiar realm attainment in a similar or superior mental technique.

Next came additions that incorporated his understanding of the Momentum of Shifting earth. To add these insights Fan Zhong changed the arrangement of the sections within each piece and the order for them to be played in so that it gave one the impression that the music was shifting in all directions, formless and without restriction. Inside of these shifting tones and tempo he also increased the pace of the shifts and base tempo to match the increasing strain and speed of the technique as one gathered more momentum.

With that done night was upon him and Fan Zhong turned in for the day. Upon waking he immediately set about completing his work. All that remained was the calligraphy piece that would adorn the cover and solidify all the work done to this point. It started simply with the core of the symbol being straight and sturdy like the mountains to represent the straightforward and firm origin palm strikes.

Next came the outline marks, to which Fan Zhong added subtle accents to represent Observing the roaming earth. To the outmost lines and marks shifting curves were added to represent the shifting palms and Momentum of Shifting earth. While making the curving lines Fan Zhong varied the pressure of his brush to make the lines become more transparent and ethereal as they moved away from the core symbolizing the ethereal and unrestrained nature that emerged one felt when fighting someone who combined the two techniques.

When Fan Zhong finally looked up after adding the last stroke he realized that it was already nighttime. Shockingly he realized that someone was standing in the doorway to his meditation hut. Leaning his back against the frame of the entryway was none other than Fan Cheng

Fan Zhong's elder brother was much as he remembered him but at the same time different. Normally a firm and solid aura followed the man all the time as if he himself was a mountain. Now that pressure was still there but it was dull as if the foundation of that mountain was struggling to stay up.

There were other signs that Fan Cheng was under some form of stress for instance his normally well-ordered short hair was in a slightly unruly mess and his eyes had the faint forming lines of rings. Telling still were the small traces of dirt maring the splendor of his golden martial arts robes, a clear sign he had come here with some haste without bothering to change his clothes or travel slow enough to prevent such wear. Normally the small cleaning formations woven into the robes given to someone at the master level, usually an elder, would still keep the robes clean. Obviously Fan Cheng had been putting that function through its paces to consume enough energy to weaken it to this extent.

"Come" Fan Cheng simply said with a commanding tone as he tossed Fan Zhong his staff.

Fan Zhong followed with some trepidation and confusion. He was very happy to see his brother as Fan Cheng had always been a shining genius in his eyes, someone who seemed to always have the solution no matter what the problem. However, he had expected some sort of lecture on his mistakes or perhaps a more compassionate talking down since Fan Cheng had a soft spot when it came to punishing him. Now however he was handing him a weapon and they were walking into the training clearing as if to spar as they had for the past year, surely he hadn't come here to simply continue training Fan Zhong?

"Good, let it out. We cannot speak with this weight-bearing over you" Fan Cheng said while nodding at him before falling into a void gate stance.

"Elder Brother, what do you wish for me to let out? Forgi-" Fan Zhong began before Fan Cheng cut him off

"Speak like a warrior, you can fight, can't you? Or can you only prance around like some stuck up brat" the older man said as his steely gaze pierced into Fan Zhong like a set of spears heavenly lances

Fan Zhong was taken aback, never in his life had his kind elder brother ever said something like that to him. Inside, however, that familiar anger started to burn and fester, it whispered to him of breaking that arrogant face of this so-called 'genius'. What kind of genius would allow their youngest brother to be beaten so much? However, Fan Zhong quieted this voice with a measured exertion of his will

"This one can fight as kind sage elder brother taught him, it was an honor to learn under one so learned" Fan Zhong retorted back with a slight tremble in his voice being the only sign of his boiling emotion.

"Hmph, can you not even defend your honor? Was my valuable time wasted on someone who can only whore and drink? Do you want to be beaten blue before you can move then? Attack like a man if you're even able to do so while soiling yourself over there" Fan Cheng sneered clear contempt ringing out in his strained-sounding voice.

It happened again at that moment, all of Fan Zhong's hidden fears about wasting his brother's time were voiced here. These words hit him harder than even the earlier events with Elder Wuying and as Fan Cheng voiced his deepest seeded fears it felt like his soul shuddered. Deep down he had always known that his brother noticed his envy, the desire to be as revered as the genius of the clan.

He had always secretly thought, no perhaps hoped, that Fan Cheng harbored secret disdain for him. That way in some small semblance he could drag this heaven's chosen son down into the depths of despair with him if even only an inch. The next thing Fan Zhong knew his vision was completely red and his body moved on its own accord.

Quickly he took three steps forward covering half the distance between both of them while body juggling his staff to gather more momentum, having about five steps saved up. Fan Zhong feigned an earth-origin palm strike with the lower end of his staff as he used the footwork of a mortal shifting palm technique to swing out in an arc to his left as if to deliver downward arcing heaven receiving palm with a kick to Fan Cheng's shoulder. At the distance of a single step away Fan Zhong had gathered 10 steps of momentum through contact juggling and movement. He used two steps of momentum to swing his body low, cutting a counter arc to swing wildly to his right.

Quickly Fan Zhong's staff spun in an arc across his back as the center arrived at his right elbow he left contact with it briefly before shoving the remaining nine steps of momentum into an all things birthed from the origin palm technique. Fan Zhong's palm connected with the bottom of the staff, sending it shooting forward like a lance as his other hand ran across the length to spin the weapon like a drill. In an instant, he had covered the space and feinted twice before sweeping into this final position change and discharging a technique on par with the strike that obliterated the giant bear's face.

Fan Zhong may not have been in a frame of mind to contemplate complicated fighting tactics, however his body still knew that the opponent was far above him. The only path to victory was to go all out and such his opening attack was one aimed to kill immediately. Slowly the barest hint of a smile crested at the corners of Fan Cheng's lips as he kicked the bottom of his staff with the inside of his foot. In an incredibly swift motion the weapon spun into action as he executed a shifting palm strike that had the upper end of his weapon collide with the center of gravity of Fan Zhong's attack.

Quickly the enormous force put into the blow was thrown off and before Fan Zhong could even react Fan Cheng used another shifting palm step moving inside his guard from his left while hooking a foot into Fan Zhong's instep. With a quick tug the youth was falling backward. Finally, before his head hit the floor Fan Zhong felt a sharp blow to the back of his head followed by a force that collided with his stomach and sent the youth flying for ten meters.

"Again, or is that all you amount to?" Fan Cheng asked although strangely the contempt and tremble were missing from his voice

Inside of Fan Zhong the storm of emotions had barely been satisfied and he was on his feet in a moment launching a rapid mix and origin and shift palm strikes. First, he came in high with two heaven-shifting palm strikes. When Fan Cheng tried to counter the second one with a receiving palm he stomped down on his foot while executing a heaven origin palm to drive his staff down from overhead. At first, the strike seemed to be aimed at his opponent's shoulder but right before it was blocked by a clever movement of the upper part of Fan Cheng's weapon Fan Zhong shifted the blow to target the outside of his elder brother's leg.

Although the impacts from the stomp and connect blow were dull, Fan Cheng's smile only widened as he slammed an earth origin palm into the side of Fan Zhong's ribs. This force sent the youth sprawling onto the ground 5 meters away. These exchanges repeated and soon Fan Cheng was not only smiling but lecturing his younger brother on his technique.

"That was good, your battle intent is strong and you no longer fight like some green dojo disciple. Be more decisive though, when you're ready to take a hit, take it! No flinching!..." Fan Cheng intoned sagely after the exchange with the stomp.

"No no, don't forget your form simply because you wish to hit me. Fighting is ruthless but giving into instincts fully makes you predictable and stupid like a wild beast!" Another exchange and more bruises for Fan Zhong.

"Yes, shifting and origin palms must be mixed, and receiving palms are for punishing mistakes. Flexibility is key, always keep your opponent guessing." Fan Cheng proclaimed to an exhausted Fan Zhong who was attempting to get up but barely had the strength to kneel.

"Hmph, good good, now are your wits about you enough to talk?" Fan Cheng said sadness and exhaustion showed through his eyes as his face now carried an expression of worry.

"Broth… Elder Brother, can you still ask me this? Do you feel no shame?" Fan Zhong asked with mixed emotions while glaring at Fan Cheng.

Currently inside of him hate, guilt and confusion warred in equal measure however his thoughts somehow felt lighter as if the pressure had been removed from his mind.

"Little Zhong… Truly, do you think I mean these things? I say them to drag these emotions out of you, it wounds me deeply but I know these are things you fear deeply. Even if you thinking of me in such a way hurts me, how can I let such things fester? Before arriving here I spoke with Elder Wuying and we noticed a worrying bout of outbursts from you. Not just here but in your trial, thinking back on our day's training over the past year I realized my mentorship had done you a disservice. As your brother, the signs should have been clear, however these hints were pushed to the wayside as it pained me to think our relationship had grown so distant, however it is my duty as your senior and teacher not only to resolve your feelings about me but your deep-seated anger. Once again, are you feeling better?" Fan Cheng spoke as if every word was a trek up a tall mountain and he seemed to visibly deflate when mentioning their relationship.

Fan Zhong recoiled physically after hearing this. Of course, his brother had known, how could you not when they had lived so closely the last year. It pained him even more as he truly felt their brotherly bond had grown quite a bit during his training however this obviously had forced that a step backward.

"I… am fine Elder Brother." Fan Zhong said as he forced himself to a position closer to his brother before kowtowing forcibly "Truly my actions have been not only unfilial but also unbrotherly. Junior hopes that great sage Elder Brother can be magnanimous and forgive this little one for old times sake"

"That could definitely be arranged, Little Brother. For now, speaking with you about this is only my personal reason for coming here but there is also clan business to attend. Fan Zhong as the acting administrator of the Fan clan in place of our father Fan Long I deliver the verdict of the council of elders. Five days from now you will depart on a bodyguard assignment lasting until the end of the year six months from now. If the employer deems our services are no longer needed before the end of the year you are to report to the nearest clan office and serve under the branch head until the time has elapsed. In effect you are exiled from Little Green Bamboo Village until the year ends. Under this exile if you are caught entering the village under any means your exile will become permanent, is this decree understood?" Fan Cheng delivered the verdict in a commanding tone that seemed to shake the air, his aura of a firm stoic mountain seemed to be on the mend.

"Fan Zhong receives this decree and obeys, will this assignment be for me alone or will others be there as well?" Fan Zhong asked curiously

"The assignment will be a group one however the others are not in exile as you are. Leading the squad of four will be Fan Shun who is a first-grade clan warrior his second in command will be Su Fen who is a second-grade clan warrior from a warrior branch family. Finally, there's you and… Zi bao'' Fan Cheng said with a grimace.