Part 1. Ch 18. Measuring Progress

"Junior Brother Zhong, it's good to see you. Although I regret we've not had the chance to meet previously, the elders have had high praise for you of late" The man, who Fan Zhong assumed to be Fan Shun, addressed him as he approached.

"Senior, it is my honor to meet the esteem company present, please forgive my inexperience and thank you in advance for your guidance and wisdom," Fan Zhong said while bowing to the group

"Ahh, it's no matter, with such a long assignment you'll gain ample experience. Now introductions are in order, I am Fan Shun and have the honor of leading this assignment." Fan Shun gestured for the unknown man across from him to continue with the introductions

"Teng Lian at your service lads" The man answered with a beaming smile "Merchant by trade, my clan runs our business up and down the Flowing Grass River, however, we are based in Flowing Arrow City. In the coming months, I'll be in your care. Never let it be said that the Teng treat those they employ poorly, just let me know if you need anything and accommodations will be made, within reason of course."

"Su Fen, second in command of this assignment and at your service Sir Teng. Junior Brother Zhong, it's an honor to make your acquaintance" Su Fen said in a relaxed manner, his mind seemed elsewhere.

"Zi Bao, faithful servant of the Fan clan and heir to the Zi clan," Zi Bao said, in a slightly haughty voice, emphasizing the last words as he directed them towards Fan Zhong with a subtle sneer.

"Junior Fan Zhong greets seniors and Sir Teng, sincere thanks for your hospitality. Truly it's my honor to be among such heroes, please instruct as you see fit" Fan Zhong kept his tone pleasant emitting a feeling of subservience and passivity.

In all actuality, he was surprised Zi Bao had been so reserved in his provocations. Generally speaking, during his previous interactions with the youth, Zi Bao could barely contain his contempt and aggressive nature even around elders. Perhaps there was more truth to the reports about Zi Bao being reigned in than he had thought.

The idea brought a smile to Fan Zhong's face, if that were true then this assignment suddenly would become much easier for him to bear. However, at that moment, he saw a slight smile cross Zi Bao's lips. A signal that things might not go so smoothly after all.

"Brother Zhong, it has been far too long since we've seen each other. Perhaps you'd be interested in a bout? That way we can all see your new martial prowess and show Sir Teng the skill of Fan clan warriors!" Zi Bao said earnestly, portraying an honest and upright attitude, the only thing that betrayed any other intentions was the small smile still hinted at by the slight curving of his lips.

"Hmph, since when are you the authority on martial prowess, Junior?" Fan Shun curtly replied to him, leveling a commanding gaze at the younger man.

"Se…Senior Fan Shun, no disrespect was meant! I was simply excited, seeing someone familiar from the same generation." Zi Bao spluttered a reply, alarm flashing in his eyes as he slightly bowed to Fan Shun.

"No matter," Fan Shun said, sighing and facing Teng Lian "Sir Teng please forgive them, however testing Junior Brother Zhong's martial prowess is something that will need to be done. Preferably before we depart. This will be his first time working with our team and as such, I'll need to understand his strengths to assign him duties. Would you be interested in watching an exhibition match? Of course, if you have other duties to attend I understand" Fan Shun respectfully asked the merchant, maintaining his air of professionalism.

"Hmmm, suppose some time can be spared, and the crew could always use some entertainment. If the current schedule is to hold we can spare maybe half an hour to an hour at most, will that do?" Teng Lian replied while stroking a hand through his beard thoughtfully.

"More than enough surely. Junior Brother Fan Zhong, Junior Brother Zi Bao, since you're so eager for a reunion, you may have that bout. However, myself and Su fen will be watching closely. No head strikes or lasting injuries. This is a mission, not a training ground, having either of you injured seriously will hamper our ability to guard Sir Teng. Do I make myself clear?" Fan Shun's last words seemed to echo over them, amplifying the air of authority Fan Zhong had already felt from him.

Inside the older man's eyes, he could see the countless battles and experiences Fan Shun had accumulated throughout his life. This was no idle command, it was an edict from someone superior to him on all roads of the martial path. At that moment, Fan Zhong felt both awed and profoundly moved. Previously, he had looked down on those under the master realm. That level was required to produce the Qi of heaven and earth, which produced marvelous effects. Surely, anyone below this was barely worth notice.

However, the aura Fan Shun gave off was no less oppressive than what Fan Zhong had felt from his older brother or father when he was younger. Now after being around both first-grade martial artists and true master realm experts, such as elder wuying, and experiencing his own journey upon the martial path the difference was plain to see. It was much like a man coming out of being in darkness for an extended time. Able to be blinded by both the sun and a torch, both too bright for the difference to be discerned.

Now Fan Zhong was like the same man whose eyes had time to slightly adjust to the ambient light of the outside world. As such he could look at the torch and see that it was, although still bright, a mere shadow of the sun's eternal glory.

"Yes, senior" Both Fan Zhong and Zi Bao replied promptly while bowing to Fan Shun.

Quickly they both walked to the middle of the deck, as members of the crew moved to clear a space for the two approaching warriors. While they walked Fan Zhong took in the sight of the ship, eyeing his surroundings. The deck of the ship was wide and, aside from a few boxes of cargo that had yet to be loaded, was relatively clear.

At the center stood a wide and tall mast with staircases lining either end of the open space, one leading up onto the bridge and the other down into the hold on the other end. The widest open area was the half of the deck from the mast to the prow, soon both of the youths stood there facing one another surrounded by a crowd of waiting crewmen. Fan Zhong and Zi Bao stood five paces from each other, both looked forward with a resolute gaze before giving a martial salute.

"Since both of you lack mental energy to control precise strikes we will hold this bout unarmed, strike firm and fast until a stop is called. Begin!" Fan Shun commanded from the side where he waited with Teng Liang and Su Fen.

At the command of the older man, all noise in the world seemed to fall away. The sound of the water gently flowing under the ship, crewmen conversing while betting on the results of the bout and even the slightest groans of deck fled Fan Zhong's perception. His eyes were hyper-focused on Zi Bao trying to read the tiniest movements in his opponent.

Surpassing all his expectations, however, the young warrior managed to fall into void gate stance so naturally, Fan Zhong was just barely able to notice the movements. Zi Bao's entire body tensed and burst forward in a single fluid motion. Readying himself, Fan Zhong was only able to enter into his void gate stance by the time Zi Bao had taken his second lunging step forward. This one was faster than the first, an obvious sign he was using Momentum of Shifting Earth. Upon seeing this, Fan Zhong took a step forward at an angle to curve to the outside of his approaching opponent.

By the time his first step was complete, Fan Zhong's Momentum of Shifting Earth working to transfer the momentum into his next action, Zi Bao had already completed his third step. With that the shorter youth shot forward like a spear, an earth origin palm technique forming as he swooped in a low arc cresting upward to connect with Fan Zhong's chest. Caught off guard by the speed of his opponent, Fan Zhong could only throw his saved momentum into a twisting earth-shifting palm. Twisting low and to the outside to dodge the blow and redirect Zi Bao further upward.

Zi Bao, on the other hand, seemed to have no qualms about the direction he was going and slammed his other palm down on his arm, with Fan Zhong's arm still contacting him, creating a vice-like hold. As he continued forward, the momentum pulling along Fan Zhong with him, Zi Bao twisted to turn the bounding forward momentum into an arcing throw across his chest to drive Fan Zhong into the ground. Raising his outstretched leg high he brought it down like an ax to complete a slightly modified, if not effective, heaven receiving palm. Seeing the incoming kick Fan Zhong flexed his core muscles redirecting some of his momentum so that he flew outward at a wider angle. Immediately the latter half of the devastating heaven receiving palm hit him directly in the stomach eliciting a rush of air as he was sent tumbling backward seven paces, crashing in a heap.

As the pain washed over Fan Zhong's body the world seemed to wobble and shake, running in many different directions for a mere moment before he regained his wits. A shaky Fan Zhong stood, spitting a mouth full of bile and blood onto the ground as he leveled his gaze back on Zi Bao who was already approaching. This time he didn't give the arrogant bully a chance to rush him as he stepped forward with two steps of his movement technique faster than ever before.

Quickly, they both covered three paces, as Fan Zhong entered measure he struck aggressively with three palm strikes. The first strike was a shifting palm strike aimed at Zi Bao's outstretched off-hand, quickly this was countered by the shorter warrior with a mortal receiving palm. Seeing this Fan Zhong shifted his momentum to twist his body to the inside of his opponents' stance, pulling back his initial shifting palm and delivering a heaven shifting palm aimed at the shoulder to use Zi Bao's counter to push him off balance. As this landed and his opponent was pushed past him, back open, Fan Zhong planted his feet and channeled all his gathered momentum into an All Things Birthed from the Origin Palm, landing directly into Zi Bao's exposed back.

Off-balance and struck while vulnerable, Zi Bao slammed face-first into the hardwood deck. Immediately after he rolled, dodging the stomp Fan Zhong had aimed for his back. Jumping up, he quickly fell into a void gate stance while taking while his eyes quickly found Fan Zhong once again. Each youth looked at each other, anger and indignation spread in varying quantities across their faces.

A lull started as they began slowly circling each other, silently analyzing their opponent while taking stock of their injuries. Fan Zhong took the initiative, taking two steps towards Zi Bao with the circular steps of shifting palm strikes. He feinted to the outside with an origin palm strike then attempted to catch the answering shifting palm in an earth receiving palm.

Zi Bao quickly shifted as well, setting his feet and putting his weight behind what was originally a shifting palm strike. He switched to an origin palm aimed at the joint of Fan Zhong's offhand, an attempt to break one part of the vice of his opponent's receiving palm technique. Fan Zhong stopped his offhand strike and used his footwork to allow his main hand to deliver a shifting palm strike to deflect Zi Bao to the side. Like this they exchange blows several times, disengaging before rushing forth to clash.

As the bout continued for several more exchanges it became apparent that Zi Bao outclassed Fan Zhong. Fan Zhong managed to keep up through clever combinations and the solid foundation Fan Cheng had given him. However the more they fought, the better Zi Bao had his measure. With time his feints had less and less effect. For his part, the former bully turned clan warrior was just ever so much quicker than Fan Zhong, having ever so slightly sharper reactions as well as his techniques being slightly harder hitting and quicker.

The result became obvious, as by the tenth exchange Zi Bao landed a combination of two earth-origin palms, one from either side and then quickly delivered an All Things Birthed from the Origin Palm to Fan Zhong's chest. After this, Fan Zhong could barely stand and was left kneeling while coughing up a mouth full of blood while Zi Bao stood over him. Suddenly Fan Zhong's eyes widened in surprise when his opponent raised his leg and snapped it at his head. A wave of air rushed over the deck as Fan Shun burst into motion, appearing as a blur and arriving in between both of them in an instant.

In a motion that neither could follow the older warrior had removed his still sheathed sword from his belt and blocked Zi Bao's kick with it in a casual motion as if swatting a fly.

"That will do, Junior Brother Zi Bao. I do hope you didn't intend to crush Junior Broth Fan Zhong's head? It seemed quite clear to me that he had been subdued" Fan Shun raised an eyebrow while looking at Zi Bao, his eyes seeming to pierce into the youth to probe him.

"Of course not senior, how could I dare? It was only that senior had instructed us to fight until ordered to stop. This one wouldn't dare question senior's ability and so even though I knew the fight was over it had to continue until orders were given otherwise." Zi Bao said in the tone of someone who had been wronged while giving a slight bow to Fan Shun

"Hmmph, at least you know how to listen. That display was adequate at least. Junior Brother Fan Zhong, your fundamentals do you credit, you respond well and without delay. The ability you've shown to form varied combinations with basic Nine Palms Subdue the Nine Heavens forms was commendable. However, it cannot cover up the lack of experience and time spent practicing. I would guess that your attainment in that style is only at the beginning of the familiar realm whereas your opponent's is in the middle. At this point, you simply require time and consistent practice, as well as practical experience to improve. As for Junior Brother Zi Bao"

Fan Shun turned to face the shorter youth "Your technique is sharp, it shows the diligence of your training and parts of the experience you've while on assignments. At this point, I would estimate your attainment will approach the expert threshold within a year. Fast progress indeed, however, if you continue as you are, that will be your limit. Forever stuck at the peak of familiar attainment. The problem lies in your rigidness and aggressive fighting. Taking the initiative in fighting is useful but a sharp mind is as well."

During this time, Fan Shun seemed to take on a sagely tone, obviously familiar with instructing new warriors. "During those exchanges, your opponent used creative combinations as well as a mix of aggression and patience to engage you according to the situation. Meanwhile, you progressed forward as the aggressor regardless of position. With the difference in skill present, victory should have been assured in half the time without such heavy damage being done to you.

Finally, the older man's voice tone shifted back to that of a commander on the battlefield, commanding, and grand. "Think what would happen if this were a battlefield instead of a duel, even with your victory, are you in any condition to engage further enemies? Reflect on this in your training, and learn when to retreat and when to advance. Then, even if your attainment doesn't rise you will be a far more formidable warrior! Now go, settle your things and meet me here in a few hours. For now, further arrangements with Sir Teng must be settled" Fan Shun finished, turning to face the merchant with his last words in a sign to dismiss both Fan Zhong and Zi Bao.

With one last glance at Zi Bao, who seemed to be slumping now that there was less attention on him, Fan Zhong gathered his pack and walked to a crew member who was approaching him. After a quick conversation with the man, he was quickly led to his quarters, a small cabin below deck. Cabin was a generous word to describe the tiny space, it barely had enough room to contain a small table and chair.

Stuffed to the back wall of the small space was a bed, which was slightly too short for Fan Zhong to lay down on it straight. In this respect, the ceiling of the small room was also just barely tall enough to allow him to walk inside. However, this caused the top of his head to brush it, causing Fan Zhong to bend down slightly. With a sigh, he sat down at the table and put his pack on it.

Slowly the adrenaline of the bout faded from his bones and an agonizing pain spread through Fan Zhong's chest reminding him of the involuntary flight he had taken across the deck. Similar pains started making themselves known and soon he was left groaning every few minutes while slumping over the table. A dim candle flickered in the corner, barely illuminating the polished wooden walls. At that moment the darkness seemed to creep in from all sides whispering of loneliness and despair.

Moments like this made Fan Zhong wish for the company of Little white, a small companion to ward away his pain. Slightly before departing the little wolf had gone missing, neither his sister nor little brother knew where he had gone. Although he knew this was a common occurrence, Little White would regularly disappear into the forest to hunt small game, it left him in a complex situation where he had to depart and leave his little companion in the care of Junior Sister Jingyi and Junior Brother Jia.

At that moment a small sound caught Fan Zhong's attention. A scratching sound could be heard followed by a muffled whine, quickly he unlatched the clasp of his pack. Suddenly, a white blur shot forth and before he knew it Fan Zhong was lying back with half of his body resting on the bed behind him, assaulted by an excited Little White. As the small wolf hurriedly licked and nipped at his face a wide smile crossed Fan Zhong's lips, perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all.