Part 1. Ch. 31 A river bled driver is a river no more

Warm air blew over the campfire that blazed underneath the night sky as Fan Zhong's squad all stared into the dancing flames. Neither the fire nor pleasant breeze could remove the chill that had set into their hearts and none of them had spoken a word since returning from the battlefield. A short while ago they were told the results of the battle, in total two squads worth of legion soldiers had lost their lives in that melee before Fan Shun had arrived from the southern gate.

Zi Lin had bought as much time as possible however after his death the master realm Wei clan expert had started slaughtering the fan clan warriors. Had Fan Shun not arrived when he did, causing the shockwave that had saved Fan Zhong's life, then the only outcome left was certain death for the remaining legion members. In this respect, it was rather miraculous that Fan Zhong's own group only had a single casualty.

There was a cold logic that could be applied to explain this in that their unit was one of the more singularly powerful ones with three second-grade martial artists. However, it had to be said that no human is without feelings, able to examine the death of a loved one with cold logic, and none of them felt anything that had happened was miraculous. At this point, the legion had suffered heavy casualties while also inflicting a heavy blow to the enemy.

During this battle alone the Wei clan had lost 25 men, including the master realm Wei clan expert who Fan Shun slew, at just the southern gate alone. In the main battle at the western gate, the casualties had been lower as it was just a diversion for the attack on the southern gate. However, the Wei clan forces underestimated the fury and swiftness that Fan Ping could bring upon them and they lost another 30 men there as well including four of the elite Wei warriors.

Tragically many of the village guards and volunteers were assisting with the southern gate defense as the legion had assumed it would be the safer of the two due to terrain. Along with the two lost legion squads, 15 village guards and 20 volunteers had lost their lives, many slain while trying to buy time to hold the Wei master back. The loss of life that day was too tragic and it left barely enough legion squads to cover the guard shifts.

During a war council, the officers had begrudgingly split up squads to form full units which had drawn silent grumbling from the already over-taxed legion troops. Fan Zhong hadn't bothered to learn the name of their new second-grade observer, he didn't know if there was even enough time to get to know the middle-aged woman. So with nothing but the whispering winds to keep them company the newly formed Su Fen battle squad sat in silence awaiting the next call for battle.

"Brothers and sisters," Su Fen finally said with a somber expression "today we live to see tomorrow. Remember that each day you see past today was bought with the lives of those who fell here. Savor each and every moment until the day you stop drawing breath, for it was purchased with a heavy price"

While saying this he took out an expensive-looking jug of wine from his pack and removed the seal. The pungent smell of berries and alcohol wafted over the fire mixed with the deep notes of a brew that had aged for many years. Without saying another word Su Fen took a large drink from the jug and passed it to Su Dai

Afterward, she stared at the jug with hollow eyes, as if all the life had drained out of the woman's face. Slowly she lifted it to her lips and took a deep drink before letting out a long breath. Done with this Su Dai let out a laugh that sounded equal parts like laughter and sobbing.

This was like the floodgates opening as she repeated these actions three more times before great sadness replaced the emptiness in her gaze.

"Nine berry wine, junior brother Hui loved this. Whenever he was struggling with a new technique or needed encouragement, elder Fan Yuhei would always tempt him by saying she would have some brought to the training compound." Happy memories seemed to drift across the sadness in Su Dai's eyes as she reminisced, her sorrow deepening as the pleasant memories reminded her that she would never see the young man sighing happily at a jug of wine ever again. "Observer training is harsh for many of the younger generation especially those not from the warrior branch clans or main family. For them life is lived to the fullest, interacting with family and friends while pursuing one's goals. With him, it was a large adjustment to get used to such things."

She paused to take another drink, sighing before continuing.

"As a direct Su descendant I despised him when we met, his talent was low and his bulky frame was annoying. Seriously, how could such a mountain of a man ever move swiftly?" Su Dai's tone took on a tone of petulance as she pouted as if Mo Hui was right in front of her to receive such scolding "However, he was persistent, his hands bled from practicing the flying dagger arts. When we slept, junior brother Hui would stay up to practice mental techniques. Even though I was a cruel senior and assigned him extra chores he did them without a single complaint."

Finally, Su Dai was cradling the jug as if it were the only thing holding her to reality, tears ran down her face as she curled into a ball trying desperately to keep what little composure she had.

" Stupid, stupid boy… why couldn't you just keep making clothes… what's so wrong with clothes" she whispered under her breath between sobs, almost spilling the wine jug.

Su Fen moved gracefully and stopped the jug from tipping over before picking it up to pass the drink to Zi Bao. Next, he scooped up Su Dai in his arms as his eyes revealed the same kind of sorrow that Fan Shun had shown Fan Zhong.

"Junior brothers and junior sister, please forgive little Dai this campaign has been hard on us all but her especially. Please drink and think of better times, at least in this, we have control over what happens" Su Fen said in an earnest tone

"Hard… what do you know as hard!... Oh, you stupid boy… Stupid warriors… all of you are so foolish." Su Dai started to slur her words while clinging to Su fen for support and also beating his chest with her fist in fitful outbursts.

With a sigh, Su Fen delivered a bluringly fast chop to the back of her neck and she slumped in his arms. Then with a regretful expression, he carried the unconscious observer to her tent. Fan Zhong, Fan Yong, Zi Bao, and the new observer all exchanged glances with bitter smiles. One by one they took a drink from the jug and said a prayer for Mo Hui, may he be blessed in the hall of his ancestors with a swift and bountiful reincarnation.

After this, the major confrontations seemed to cease with the Wei clan forces mostly launching small raids against the wall or gates. Rationing and guard shifts became the biggest problems for the legion as there were only five functional battle squads available. This left Fan Ping unable to assign two units to both gates instead she opted to have a single unit at the southern gate with two at the western gate and a single unit overwatching the walls.

With this, only one squad at a time was able to rest and with the enemy attacking around the clock in small probing assaults the fan clan warriors became more worn down. During the first week of the second month, a few of the remaining village guards collapsed while on duty, falling from the wall. This resulted in them being injured lightly and requiring some of the observers with medical training to leave their guard squads to help.

Although the legion warriors were normally very stoic when dealing with the residents of Forest Depths Village nerves were fraying and at this point, many of the fan clan warriors berated and insulted the village guards for being incompetent. Fan Zhong had to intervene as Fan Yong openly attacked one of the village guards after the man spat in his face. This surprised him as the normally jovial Fan Yong had been a rare site these past few weeks, instead, he had been quiet and irritable.

Afterward, Fan Zhong apologized to the man with Fan Yong also did the same after the village guard apologized for spitting at him. Thankfully this incident had not spread further and was during their rest period shortly after waking. Both of the young warriors had sat down afterward to eat a meal, as they did gray clouds rolled in the sky as the ever-present wind whispered in their ears.

With another sigh Fan Yong set his spoon down beside the bland bowl of rice porridge that served as today's breakfast.

"Brother Zhong, thank you for earlier. It has been… difficult, these past few weeks. Junior brother Mo Hui has left us for the hall of his ancestors alongside many of our comrades. Every day we fight for our lives as hard as we can so that we may carry their tale home. Meanwhile, we eat handfuls of rice mixed with water, guard, and patrol all day while sleeping for no more than a few hours. This awful life, I'm sick of it! I miss the smell of flowers in the Soft Moonlight Hall, the smell of spicy noodles at that cart in the village. Do you remember the one? It feels like all of this started when we last met there as if this is all a bad dream." Fan Yong's expression became ugly before taking on a melancholy expression "Does this make me so bad brother Zhong? Am I unfilial to the clan and my parents for these feelings? I hate every moment of being here but being here is my duty, as heavy as a mountain weighing on my soul."

Fan Yong looked at him, equal parts pleading and confusion in his eyes. Fan Zhong tried to smile reassuringly and met the gaze of his best friend.

"Who among us wishes to fight knowing we might die? On what day did anyone ask to eat field rations and spend weeks tirelessly keeping guard with no rest? What warrior is eager to meet his forefathers? No brother Yong, unfilial is not an accurate way to describe you both to your clan or your parents. We keep our honor because we endure that duty, this is what shows our worth, our caliber. Besides, what fair maiden won't want to hear the stories behind the war scars of the mighty brother Yong?" Fan Zhong chuckled slightly, widening his smile as he attempted to lighten the mood.

At this, the other young warrior smiled and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Of course, when they hear the tale, we must include the heavenly tower that oversaw the fort which suppressed the earth. Two mighty young masters suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths, side by side!" Fan Yong's smile glowed and the feeling of jovialness around him returned slightly.

With this, the two continued their meal and the day blissfully ended without a Wei clan attack. More weeks passed and near the end of the second month of the siege rationing became extreme. Each person was only allotted two meals a day and the master realm practitioners, who were the remaining four members of the headquarters unit, only took one as they could apparently partially supplement the need for food with Qi usage techniques.

Time continued to pass and the weather began to shift as the summer came into bloom cold night winds gave way to warm summer breezes. Another month passed with only minor skirmishes happening, neither side willing to commit enough for more casualties to be sustained. At the end of this month the food had mostly run out and the logistics officer was projecting that only one month of food remained at this point.

Many attempts had been made to see if a unit could be sent to Sky Splitting Spear Village to request aid from the alliance however, it was a two-week march to even get there and any members sent to call for aid would weaken the main force. In addition, the danger to those who were sent on such a task was very high as only one battle squad could be spared at most to perform such a task.

This would also weaken the defenses of the western gate leaving Forest Depths Village in danger of being overrun. After much debating Fan Ping opted against this course of action and instead sent a full unit of observers out to scout the enemy forces for weakness. More weeks passed and by the end of the second week of the fourth month, no word had been heard from the alliance regarding reinforcements coming soon.

So far, the only hope seemed to be an intelligence report compiled by the various scouting missions that managed to view many meetings of the various leaders within the enemy forces. According to this report, the mercenary and loyalist commanders were incredibly unhappy with the Wei clan elite warriors with them only being held here to continue the siege by coercion. With this, the headquarters unit and officers reasoned that if they could kill the Elite commander of the whole force the enemy would scatter back to their homes.

A bold plan took shape, two headquarters officers would lead an assembly of two battle squads each to cut off both the routes between the Wei elite camp for the mercenaries and the loyalists. Meanwhile, Fan Ping along with a master realm warrior that was within the headquarters squad and the remaining battle squad would assault the Wei commander. If they could kill the enemy leader before reinforcements could arrive then the plan would succeed otherwise, only an all-out battle could decide the outcome.

Fan Ping took a deep breath as she surveyed the battle map within the makeshift war room the legion had established. Within these figures lay either the death of all her men or the salvation. Heat pressed down on her drawing sweat from her normally pristine and stoic face.

All around the officers waited with determined faces for the answer of their commander. The table the map lay on was a simple wood table cut and hewn from nearby lumber. Around the room, all the furnishings had been removed leaving a small space that only had the bare wooden walls of the town hall to greet her view.

Along the ceiling hung banners adorned with the crest of the Forest Depths Village elders, those who had served this community and given their all for it. Fan Ping wondered if today she would do the same, for both this village and her clan. In this one moment all the details around here from the martial robes of her officers, which were now dirty and disheveled from months of constant battle, to the smallest cracks and defects in the walls.

As she exhaled and began speaking Fan Ping felt as if she was signing the death warrant of her entire legion, the decision weighed on her as no other had before. However, this was the only way that seemed to give a chance for victory, the only way for some to return home. If the enemy could be routed a group could safely make it to Sky Splitting Spear Village and get much-needed aid and supplies.

"We will attack the Wei Elite camp. Junior brother Fan Shun and junior sister Su Luixian will lead the flanking forces. Kang Song," Fan Ping smiled at her old friend while addressing him "Will you come with me this time?"

The meaning was clear and the remaining master realm warrior of the headquarters unit met her gaze with a smile and conviction stronger than the sturdiest mountain

"Who else can make sure these brutes learn what real warriors are made of? Commander, my staff is yours as always" With that, the burly warrior, with blazing golden eyes who stood almost eight feet tall, bowed until his face touched the ground.

Fan Ping smiled while a single tear rolled down her cheek. Kang Song had been her friend through many battles and they had spent the latter years instructing in the clan village while enjoying time together. She had even considered marrying the man had Elder Fan Yuhei allowed for such a thing.

Perhaps that day would never come however, there was no one in the world Fan Ping would rather fight her last battle with.

"Brothers and sisters, it has been an honor to do battle by your side. Tomorrow may be the last time the heavens grace me so. Know that while I still draw breath the Wei shall never sleep, to me there is no sky under which they shall have a peaceful night until the last scion of these dogs lies choking on his own blood. Go and rest Brother Song, could you please come to stand guard with me through the night? Our troops need rest and its long overdue they've had some" Fan Ping's smile was the warmest any of the officers had ever seen on her face, sorrow and regret mingled in that expression

After this, the commander and Kan Song both relieved all the on-duty legion members to rest while taking up positions at either gate. Both of them took out large numbers of spirit stones absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth stored within and using it to fend off their fatigue. With the two most powerful master realm warriors in the legion putting their auras on full display the legion warriors slept more peacefully than they had in months.

Fan Zhong awoke the next morning to the remaining legion soldiers gathering information. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone wore grim expressions. Fan Ping presented to the legion members and explained the assault plan.

"Before the assault, we will utilize a talisman crafted by the current generation observer leader, this will make it appear as if everyone is at their posts like normal. The largest flaw with this talisman is that it doesn't replicate the sounds normally made by those displayed in the illusion, to that end the village guard and volunteers will attempt to make noise to add to the effect. However, be under no delusion, the enemy will see through this ruse eventually. Today we stare into the maw of death, our only path forward stands through the belly of that monster to pierce its heart. Stand firm warriors and observers of Fan, today is a day that stories will be told about for generations to come. With our blade let us carve our history into the Wei clan in blood!" Cheers went up throughout the village square as Fan Ping finished.

With grim determination the legion moved, intent on meeting the enemy.