Part 1. Epilogue

Air rushed by as Xing Zheng guided his Azure Sword Qi through the air, forming a path of shimmering transparent azure light that he traveled along. The technique took some effort as he normally used his Azure Water Sword as a flying sword to travel. Recently, before he had departed to see his brother almost a decade ago, his master had chastised him for not having learned a proper movement technique.

Taking the advice to heart he had carefully chosen 'Rivers Flow Through All Things' and had been practicing the technique on and off. He had been on a tour of the lesser region for the last three years in preparation to return to the sect for a short while before returning to the service of his ancestor. It had come as quite a shock when his master had personally contacted him, asking for Xing Zheng to make all haste to move to the small mortal valley where he had found the Senior Disciple of the Infinite Heavenly Sword Sect.

Thinking of the older man, his gaze drifted to Li Cheng who was rushing through the air only 10 meters to his side. Noticing his attention, those black and white eyes turned a sharp gaze toward Xing Zheng.

"Is something the matter, Junior Brother Xing Zheng?" Li Cheng's voice was calm however, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he spoke.

"Of course not, senior. Forgive me if our current pace is too slow, the movement technique is something I've only been cultivating for a decade. It definitely still needs some work" Xing Zheng's voice wavered only the slightest bit as he met the other man's gaze, his words attempting to distract himself from the conflicting feelings that were in his heart.

Thinking of the sobbing young man that had been clinging to Li Cheng's robe brought memories of those he had left in Renhu and even those who had faded without him even knowing. Centuries were spent spreading his Dao and martial arts yet how much of it remained in the world? Without knowing it Xing Zheng's face twisted into a grimace.

"Hmmm, I see. You disagree with my handling of that mortal boy." Li Cheng's eyes revealed clarity as he understood what had drawn Xing Zheng's attention to him.

"Its… It's not that I disagree, senior. It just comes to mind that he was right in front of you. There was pain and misery in that young man that will spread to all those around him. If that pain spread then only more and more will suffer. Surely there is something more that could've been done, surely there is something within our power that could bring him salvation! How can someone of the righteous path such as yourself stand to let him be like that!" Xing Zheng's words started calmly; however, by the end of them, he was shouting with passion and anger.

Quickly, red colored his face as Xing Zheng remembered that he was speaking to a senior cultivator an entire realm above him. Shame filled his mind however, it was not enough to quell the feelings of indignation in his heart! The older man sighed as he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he did so before once again meeting Xing Zheng's gaze.

"Perhaps there is. Perhaps there is something that could save his soul and let him live a fulfilled life. That something may even be within my power. However, what of the next man who was affected by that shockwave and the next one after him? What of all the families and friends that lost loved ones in that village?" Li Cheng's voice built-in fervor as his tone became more stern

"Junior Brother Zheng, it is not that my heart feels nothing for that young man. It bleeds at his sorrow, more than you can ever know." Saying this Li Cheng's eyes seemed to gain a faraway look, sorrow mingling with distant memories in his gaze "What you must know of the righteous faction is that we do what is within our purview, seeking to apply the justice that we can in the world. I could have sacrificed myself and charged into Teng Hanying, hoping that the force of my cultivation would cancel out the destruction.

The older man's voice seemed to echo through the heavens as passion crept into his words."However, what then? What if the demonic cultivator survived? What of the countless people who care for me and are hoping for my safe return home? What of the countless people I could help in the future? Was I to throw myself into the void, simply hoping it would save each and last person that could have been affected?"

The older man's focused gaze seemed to pierce through Xing Zheng, reading and analyzing his very soul.

"Give me the same scenario a thousand times and the decision remains the same. I must apply the justice that I can in the world and be content with that. When I make a decision, my sword sees it through. This is my, Li Cheng's, Dao Path!" Thunder echoed in the distance as if the heavens themselves were accepting the words of Li Cheng, answering his conviction and resolution.

"My choices are my own and I shall live with the consequences, every life saved is merit to my name and every life lost is a shame for me. The will of the heavens is boundless and incomprehensible Fellow Daoist. Was I to tell that young man, Fan Zhong, of a time long ago, of a mother who was tortured to death by bandits, of a sister that was eaten piece by piece by savage beasts, or of a city destroyed by the mere passing of an immortal beast?"

Not pausing for breath Li Cheng continued "Of the years spent wallowing through blood and bile, torment and grief to arrive above it all? I tell you this not to say that I understand his plight, merely to let you understand that there are only two paths when confronted with such things, to move forward or die. The boy was given a choice to accept my condolences and it was his right to refuse them. Understand this well Junior Brother Zheng, those that cannot be content with the justice that is within their power are unsuited for the righteous path, they are simply consumed by it."

The passion started to drain Li Cheng's as he slowly gathered breathing, lowering his voice before continuing once more. "I will say no more on this subject as I do not doubt that your master has thoughts on the subject and I wish to influence you no further, lest my words sway you unintentionally down the wrong path. If you could, take out your flying sword and let us pick up the pace. It will take at least a few months to reach your sect, even moving at your maximum speed and I don't wish to leave my guide to this region behind."

Xing Zheng's eyes narrowed as he mulled the words over. It was a lot to take in and he felt that it would be many years before you truly understood the weight behind the impassioned words of the older man. Nodding in acceptance he pulled on his mental energy, activating the technique to retrieve his sword from its compressed state within his dantian. It was going to be a long trip home it seemed.


Dust filled the air as the walls of the main palace within Wei city shook, a vast sword aura rising as phantom Qi techniques lashed out in all directions. Winds rushed over the opulent tiles as the destructive forces tore apart all of the once proud adornments of the Wei clan. Inside this maelstrom of chaos, Wei Hua knelt on the main stairway.

With his hair in disarray and clothes torn in many places, the young Wei lordling presented a far less imposing figure than he had just a few days ago. At that time he had seen the proud army of the clan off with arrogance and pride in his eyes, confident in his victory. Now all that remained was a broken man, kneeling at the steps of his torn-apart home.

Torn apart by his very own hand while attempting to figure out what had happened that day! A month ago the heavens had seemed to fall from the sky, threatening to destroy the valley. After that nothing but a crater had been left of Little Green Bamboo Village, without a sign of Wei Hua's army or the Fan clan, as if they had all vanished into thin air!

At first, the lordling had kept his calm, sending out his remaining scouts in an attempt to discover exactly where his men were. Slowly, the passing weeks started to take their toll and his sanity became ever more fragile. During a fit of rage, he had snapped, bisecting one of his aids and destroying one of the outer pavilions of the palace grounds.

After that, the descent had taken full swing as Wei Hua's moods started to get worse and worse. This was further amplified when he found out that his most well-kept secret, the silver coin, had suddenly split in half. No longer did it provide the unlimited energy and power that was promised, now only a crumpled piece of metal in his palm.

Without it, his plans were ruined. He had been so close to victory, so close to completing his scheme and then reaping the benefits. It would've taken only a few years to breakthrough after that and begin setting his foundations for immortality. Now he had nothing, only these pitfall mortal lands to tend to.

Wei Hua was a smart man, he knew that without his army the valley clan alliance could certainly muster a force strong enough to defeat him. However, he had the advantage of numbers and loyal soldiers. As long as he kept the mass of untrained combatants between him and them, this stalemate would continue as the loss of life would be far too distasteful for those cowards to commit to.

Sighing, the lordling looked to the sky and cursed the heavens. He would continue and one day find out what had robbed him of this opportunity, all it would take would be patience, something that Wei Hua had always been good at cultivating. Slowly a small smile started to grow on his lips as a new plan started to form…