Part 2. Ch. 1 Meeting of Heaven and Earth

Putrid air pervaded the dark street as Fan Zhong strolled down it. All around him hastily constructed buildings sat atop one another, lining the sides of the muddy road. Doorways shut as he passed as curious eyes took a single glance before hurriedly looking away, the sight of him seeming to cause panic in confusion in those that had braved that brief interaction.

All along this occurred all along the plain street as he slowly walked along until finally arriving at his destination, an obscure doorway set into an alcove with some hastily retrieved blankets thrown over the entryway in a vain attempt to obfuscate the door. Sighing he reached out his hand and gently knocked.

"Junior brother Fu, you know why I'm here. Open the door and let's talk about this like civilized men. Don't blame me for being ruthless if you continue this stupidity" Fan Zhong's voice started in a calm and composed manner, menace slowly creeping in as he finished with the threat.

"Hmph, who's your junior brother? Leeches, every last one of you! Go away and tell the Hu clan that Feng Fu doesn't pay debts to liars and cheats!" The sound of a youth came from inside the home, putting on an arrogant tone as trepidation seemed to lurk under the surface.

Fan Zhong's face twisted into a snarl as he pulled his hand back and fell into a 'Voidgate' stance. In a blur, his palm thrust forward and the door exploded into splinters. Mental energy slowed down the falling fragments in his mind as he sped forward, each movement of muscle accelerating the last as 'Momentum of shifting earth' worked to accelerate him into a blur.

Brushing past a few of the splinters that hung in the air to his perception, Fan Zhong entered the building to find a narrow hallway with a staircase to his left. Forward, beside the staircase was a hallway that had two doorways leading to rooms on the right-hand side. Standing halfway down this hallway was a scruffy-looking young man with a slightly round frame.

With shoulder-length hair and light brown eyes, the young man didn't pose much of an impressive figure standing there with his shabby grey robe. This was Feng Fu and his face was still moving into the expression of startled surprise as Fan Zhong approached him, gently striking his head from both sides while driving a knee into his gut.

The 'Earth Receiving Palm' strike rang true and Feng Fu crumpled to his knees gasping for air as he did so. Releasing his focus Fan Zhong felt the world start to move again and his 'opponent' went from slowly falling to the floor to colliding with it in a mere moment. He had made sure to hold back with that technique to make sure the man hadn't died; however, his brow still furrowed as he looked at the prone man wondering if that had been enough.

Finally, after a few moments, Feng Fu seemed to draw a desperate breath, clutching at his chest as he looked up at Fan Zhong with horror in his eyes. Crouching low over the youth, Fan Zhong leveled an imperious gaze upon him.

"Junior Brother Fu, as my elder brother once taught me, experiencing something you're not prepared for is a rather unpleasant moment. Just now, you felt the consequences of being unprepared to meet my expectations. Such a thing happening again is indeed possible, I assure you." He let a small smile creep onto his face while flexing his hand into a fist to emphasize the point. " Now, we're going to spend some quality time together. When you feel like my company has become a little too smothering, just hand over the spirit stones to pay your debt."

Saying this a grim look crossed his face and anger that Fan Zhong had kept smothered for over five years was allowed to peak out ever so slightly. Inwardly the red light of a bleeding sun started to creep into his vision as an invisible pressure seemed to cover the hallway. As he grabbed Feng Fu by the shoulder and held him high, preparing to deliver a few more blows to 'convince' the man, a hand landed upon his shoulder.

"Senior Fan Zhong, that is enough, please." The voice of a young man spoke out from behind him.

Snarling Fan Zhong turned and leveled a gaze-filled killing intent at the newcomer. There stood a man in black and red robes flanked by guards in similarly colored armor who wielded spears with sabers at their hips. Instantly, the two guards became alert, spears coming to bear as fearful eyes landed on Fan Zhong, looking at him like more of a beast than a man.

Behind the guards a sound that caused all those in the room to shudder for just a moment. Everyone except for Fan Zhong seemed paralyzed by a primal growl, one that awakened fear of being devoured in the darkness of night. From the doorway an enormous wolf seemed to appear from nowhere, becoming visible as it loomed over the mortal martial artists.

The beast stood just as tall as Fan Zhong and its body stretched out for four meters, a primordial predator straight out of legend. Slowly the killing intent faded from Fan Zhong's eyes and he let Feng Fu slump to the floor, raising a hand to the wolf.

"Calm down Little Brother, there's no danger here" His eyes fell upon the two guards at the remark, dismissing the two in the same breath as he had noticed them.

"Of course, we are all allies after all." The young man in the lead of the newcomer group spoke, trying to inject some jovialness into his voice. "Brother Feng Fu, I am Hu Tai, Junior Manager of the gambling hall where your debt was incurred. We have some matters to discuss which Senior Fan Zhong was so gracious to preempt for us! Now, these lovely clansmen of mine will keep you company for just a moment while I speak with Senior. Please let them know if there's anything you need."

Saying this Hu Tai's smile became sickly sweet before fading to a neutral expression as he motioned for Fan Zhong to follow him back out into the street. As he did so the guards moved further into the building, seeming happy to be further away from Little white. Shortly, both Fan Zhong and Hu Tai were standing a few meters away from the door, next to the wall of the building they had just been inside.

Looking at the youth, Fan Zhong examined him. Hu Tai bore the sharp facial features that most of the Hu clan did as well as soft misty white eyes. His hair was dark with slight hints of green throughout.

Upon the youth's hip was a saber with a large clear red gemstone set into the guard, writhing runes seemed to settle into the gem under Fan Zhong's eyes marking it as some sort of magical treasure. Finally, the nicely made black robes with highlights of blood red completed Hu Tai's attire, the crest of a black saber upon a stylized red container marking the merchant nature of his clan along with their history of martial arts with the weapon.

All of this finished within just a moment as Hu Tai composed himself.

"Senior Fan Zhong, the clan appreciates your work as an enforcer as always. While it's true that Feng Fu hasn't paid his debt back, was that necessary? You must understand that while we may be running gambling halls, the clan attempts to cultivate an image of fairness and there are many debates among the elders where ideas to make more profit are discarded to ensure that fairness is real. Collecting debts is all well and good, however, Wh-" Hu Tai's words were cut off as he met the smoldering anger in Fan Zhong's eyes.

"JUNIOR Brother Hu Tai, what gives you the right to lecture me?" Fan Zhong's gaze darkened and he moved to the side so that to face him, Hu Tai's back had to face the wall.

"Senior, you mis-" Hu Tai started to sweat, panic entering his tone as he started to remember that he was talking to someone two realms above him.

"No, you misunderstand, Junior Manager. I'm in the service of the Hu clan because they asked me for assistance." Fan Zhong's face grew closer to the young man as his killing intent started to radiate once more "How that assistance is rendered is up to me."

Little White had gotten up from his resting position by the door and slowly curled himself in a semi-circle around Fan Zhong, his large vicious maw poised directly over his shoulder. Hu Tai flinched in fear as he tensed, waiting to be struck. Air rushed out as a cracking sound filled the street.

Raising his head, Hu Tai was surprised to feel no pain as he felt small impacts on his shoulder. Opening his eyes he saw Fan Zhong's outstretched arm next to his head, his palm within a small crater that a strike had furrowed into the wall barely a few centimeters from hitting Hu Tai. Small fragments of the wall fell upon the young man's shoulder as he attempted to speak a few times, no words able to reach through his bewilderment and fear.

"Today, I'll be magnanimous and give your ancestor's face. The next time you ask me to enforce a debt, make sure you understand what that means. I'm not here to wax poetic with your clients nor is that what I was hired to do." Fan Zhong sneered as he turned and started walking back up the street to the outskirts of town.


Not enough, it had never been enough. Hitting that poor sod, enforcing for the Hu clan. None of this had been enough to smother the smallest ember of pain or anger within his heart. It had been five long years of this, of living on the outskirts of Butont.

At first Fan Zhong had simply been numb to the world, unable to feel anything. Fan Yong and Fan Shun had taken care of him then, forcing him to eat and sleep, even making sure his body had not withered away, cajoling him into running. After two years of living within the new Fan clan compound on the western edge of Butont, it felt like an avalanche had crushed his soul.

Every night memories of the fateful battle at Little Green Bamboo Village played through his mind. How he had begged that immortal for Fan Cheng's life. Discovering the remains of the village, the crater where not even bodies remained.

Endless nights filled with words left unspoken, things that he would never get to experience. Then the hardest part had come, remembering how Fan Cheng had fought so hard to save him. Deep in his heart Fan Zhong knew, he blamed himself for Fan Cheng's death, something that had haunted him from the moment the thought entered his mind.

Perhaps that was why the sight of Fan Yong and the remaining clan members hurt him so much. They were living reminders of all that he had lost, all that he had known. Looking down at his bowl of wine within the Shady Parasol Pleasure Hall he could only sigh.

At least here he could forget and stop the memories. Filling the bowl he realized that it was late at night with the sun going down. All around lavish statues and paintings filled the open hall as small sitting tables were organized in neat rows. Stairs led up to the upper level that had thin sliding doors leading to private rooms.

The building was only two stories high and housed only a few dozen private rooms, one of the smaller and more rundown establishments on the edge of the village. Upon those statues, Fan Zhong could see dust and signs of wear throughout the decorations. All around the tables were full of small marks and blemishes and even the doors to the private rooms had some amount of yellowing.

For Fan Zhong, this place had been a comfort during his time alone. A place that never asked questions about where he came from or his story, somewhere he could drink in peace. Looking around he noticed that there seemed to be no other customers about, only the employees slowly moving about and cleaning tables.

They were also slowly removing the spirit stones from holders that powered the lighting arrays within the hall, a clear sign that closing time was coming. As he thought this, a young woman in a white robe covered in purple lotuses approached him. She had a quaint beauty to her, sporting long dirty blonde hair with a toned and athletic figure.

Obviously, the young woman also practiced some form of martial art, evident by her body as well as the practiced and graceful way she moved. Thinking this, he tentatively focused his awareness to see if she had a wisp of mental energy however, just like every time he had checked before it seemed she was still in the Third-grade realm. Smiling, Fan Zhong recognized her as the nighttime manager who he had become acquainted with, Cui Shi.

"Senior Zhong, the hall is preparing to close in just half an hour. Is there anything I can get you? Perhaps senior would like a private room to spend the night?" Cui Shi's tone was respectful and carried some measure of concern, as she spoke her eyes drifted to the small mountain of empty wine jugs next to Fan Zhong's table.

"No need, Junior Sister Shi. This old man should retire in any case, thank you for the hospitality as always." Standing in a slightly shaky fashion Fan Zhong swept his hand over the table, depositing a pile of spirit stones.

Although the bill came out to 300 spirit stones he left a total of 320 knowing that Cui Shi would spread the extras to the workers of the hall.

"Hmph, senior only comes here to drink, ignoring the excellent services of my Shady Parasol Hall! Is it that this young mistress isn't pretty in your eyes?" Cui Shi pouted and her tone gained mock indignation, flashing alluring eyes Fan Zhong's way.

Laughing, Fan Zhong simply shook his head and started to head towards the exit.

"Try again Young Mistress Cui. This old man only has so many spirit stones to spend, you can't swindle them that easily" Fan Zhong's voice was jovial, a rare tone to hear in him these days.

"What old man? I bet you only started to grow hair down there just last year!" Cui Shi laughed along with him, picking up one of the sitting pillows and lightly chucking it at Fan Zhong.

With the ease that one would walk in a straight line, he turned on a single foot, caught the pillow, and gently threw it back to the ground where it had started before turning once again towards the exit. As he did so, the world seemed to spin and Fan Zhong found himself down on one knee. Soon the staff was rushing to his aid and although his mental energy would've allowed him to get up instantly he allowed them to help him up.

Thanking the young man and women that had helped, he continued walking towards the exit! Soon Fan Zhong found himself tipping forward outside of the hall's doorway, about to meet the ground of the muddy road. Instead, soft fur met his body as Little White appeared from thin air, gently sliding under his falling form and allowing Fan Zhong onto his back.

Whining slightly the large wolf twisted to look up and him, worry plainly in its eyes.

"It's fine…" Fan Zhong said as he struggled to keep his eyes open "In the morning, I'll be all… Good to go!"

Barking in assent Little White assumed a semi-transparent form, enough so that he could be seen as a see-through mass, however, unable to be clearly seen. Darkness descended ever more thickly upon the pair as the spirit beast navigated his way through the quiet and empty late-night streets of Butont, only the softly glowing street lights to illuminate the way. Soon enough they approached a small single-story building with a slanted root.

Around the street, similar structures were separated by only a few meters, each one covering around 150m2 of floor space. Drab exteriors lined these outskirt streets as little decoration or adornment colored could be seen. On some of the doors hung worn-out banners or draped clothes set within small cloves that contained the doorways to the quaint homes.

Seeing that he was near home, Fan Zhong took a deep breath to center himself and rolled off Little White's back. As he did so his mental energy focused, a feeling of tension prickling at his senses. Beside him, the wolf was staring at a man who was leaning near Fan Zhong's wide door that had been modified to allow Little White easy movement in and out of the building.

Standing a head shorter than Fan Zhong himself and sporting golden robes that were worn with years of use, Fan Yong looked much like he remembered him the last time he had seen his best friend. Narrowing his eyes Fan Zhong put a calming hand on Little White's neck and simply walked past Fan Yong, arriving inside his home. Here there was a large open space, more of a single room than a home.

At the center of the room was a large mound of blankets and pillows with a kitchen in the corner to his left while much of the rest was empty. Behind him, Little White followed and the exasperated sigh of Fan Yong could be heard as the two simply ignored him. Soon he joined Fan Zhong and his companion inside.

For his part Fan Zhong simply sat down on the pile of blankets, pulling a sealed wine jug over to him and taking a large pull from it. Before he could finish, the jug was pulled from his grasp and quickly set to the ground.

"Brother Zhong! Has it come to this? Do you ignore even your closest friends these days?" Fan Yong's eyes contained hurt and indignation.

Sighing Fan Zhong wiped the spilled wine from his face before leveling a contemptuous gaze at his friend.

"What is there to say? What more do you want from me? Go, leave me and continue to pretend the clan still exists. I have no interest in such games." His words contained equal parts sorrow and bitterness as he only held Fan Yong's gaze for a moment before looking away to stare at the wall.

"I know that you are hurting Brother Zhong, however, the clansmen need you! Senior Shun and many others are trying to hold together but we need you to lead them! Who else can carry the mantle, who else has the right?" Fan Yong's words were calm and understanding, worry covered his expression as he spoke "Will you simply spend your days wilting away here, in the service of gamblers and merchants, while the remains of the clan desperately await your return? I know you, Brother Zhong, the heart of a true hero beats in your chest! Don't let the last days of the Fan clan be those of desperate struggles, come home and we will rebuild everything with our own power!"

"You… know me?!" Fan Zhong's expression turned sour as his sight turned red, killing intent radiating off him in waves "What do you know? Of the pain that beats in my chest! Of the guilt that gnaws at my mind! WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF THAT DAY?!"

His tone started low but soon turned into a roar, violent emotions surging within his eyes as all the emotions that were locked away in the abyss of his heart were unleashed threatening to scour his sanity away. Fan Yong looked at him not with fear, but pity and sadness. A single tear fell from his eyes as he slowly turned and walked towards the door.

"That day… you weren't the only person who lost everything Brother Zhong. Inside the pain is… unbearable. It must weigh on you greater than any mountain ever could. However, know this, mountains can be lifted and the heaven and earth upturned but not alone. I hope… that one day your heart heals enough to understand that." Without turning around Fan Yong left, leaving Fan Zhong alone with his anger.

Little White looked on at the whole situation, unsure of what to do. Finally, as the minutes dragged on he simply walked up to Fan Zhong and started licking his face, barking happily. Soon his anger subsided and a sad smile tugged at his lips.

With a small sob, he embraced the large wolf who had once been so small, clinging to him like a drowning man in an ocean.


Faint sounds of shouting woke Fan Zhong from his sleep as he looked around his home. Little White had curled into a ring around him and both of them lay on the disorganized pile of blankets and pillows. Outside the darkness of night was thick covering everything under the missing presence of the lighting arrays.

It must have been very late indeed for he knew that the Butont council had been extending the period that the village lights were on until shortly after midnight. Normally they would begin shutting down the street lights around 10 PM to save on the spirit stones that ran the arrays. However, with the war happening in the west, bandits had multiplied as those who were affected by the fighting had also done the same.

Technically the war had ended the day Little Green Bamboo Village had been destroyed with the Wei clan retreating from open engagements and the northern valley alliance simply holding their territories. With the Fan clan gone, however, the southern valley forces had been greatly weakened. Although the Wei hadn't continued their assault the resulting power vacuum had allowed many powerful bandit groups to form, harassing the local villages.

Only the shores where the Wang clan held true and the base of the Green Mists mountain, held by the Reclusive Mountain Sword Sect, were relative safe zones. As one advanced further east, the forces of the Butont council were more present and held higher order however, the spread of chaos had even reached far enough to affect the outer edges of the village. Rumors had been going about talking of bandits kidnapping people within the outer streets or robbing businesses.

This was why the council had extended the lighting period to 1 AM and increased the level of patrols. Increased inside of the heart of the village that was, the outer edges were still rather lax from guard patrols. As he thought this Fan Zhong finished standing up and went to the door, pushing it open slowly.

Even with the low lighting, his mental energy enhanced what light his eyes could take in allowing him to see decently well. Along the street, no signs of activity could be seen with most of the doors and windows shut tightly closed. Suddenly another shout could be heard and although it was faint, to a First-Grade martial artist like Fan Zhong the sound came through as clear as day.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" the shrill voice of a woman could be heard.

He was surprised to realize that the voice was familiar, it was Cui Shi! Conflicting emotions ran through his mind. Fan Zhong hadn't taken action to help any of those who had been attacked, mind, no one had been attacked in front of him like this. Turning to go back inside he heard the voice of Fan Yong echo in his mind.

"The heart of a true hero beats in your chest!" The other man's words struck him like a hammer, forcing him out of the doorway and into the street a step.

Struggling, he tried to forget those words, trying desperately to just go back to sleep and forget he heard anything. Then another voice came to him, one he hadn't heard in five years.

"Live a… goo.." Fan Cheng's last unfinished words resonated through him, striking him so hard he rocketed backward.

It was as if the older man had personally come back from the dead to deliver his signature palm strike directly to Fan Zhong's mind, to shatter the shell of sulking and push him forward. There in the middle of the muddy street tears streamed from his eyes, staining the shabby gray robes he wore. Looking up he saw a wispy figure made up of faintly golden light.

"Live a good life, Little Brother" The words seemed to come from the world itself as a gentle wind blew the golden light away, dispersing it into the sky.

Words tried to come to Fan Zhong but he could only look at the spot the figure had stood in, deep sadness filling his eyes. Slowly, he stood as a familiar air of stoic solemnity surrounded him. Taking a final deep breath, Fan Zhong bowed low to the spot.

"This one understands and receives the order, elder brother." He spoke through clenched cheeks, tears flowing freely from his eyes as the world itself seemed to hold its breath "Thank you… for everything."

Saying this he turned and faced the direction of the Shady Parasol, whistling a signal to Little White. In a blur of transparent mass, the spirit beast appeared in front of Fan Zhong, eyes alert and tail wagging in excitement at seeing such energy in his master.

"Little White, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Forgive this stupid Young Master for having eyes that could not see Mt. Tai. Will you come with me once more, down that eternal path, the one that leads so high into the sky?" Fan Zhong looked into the wolf's eyes, expressing his resolution.

Without a moment's hesitation, Little White gathered energy and howled into the sky with all the might and pride of a Beast King, a shimmering transparent crown of watery energy appearing over his head as he did so. This howl covered all of Butont, startling many as it instilled fear in them as well. Smiling Fan Zhong nodded and jumped upon Little White's back, motioning for him to run towards the pleasure hall.

Although he was fast with his movement technique it was no match for the water wolf and soon Fan Zhong found himself gripping his companion's fur tightly to hold on. For his part, Little White ran forward with excitement and glee on his face, happy to be able to truly stretch his legs for once. In seemingly no time at all Fan Zhong had arrived at the Shady Parasol, a walk that normally took him 10 minutes of strolling had taken the shaggy wolf only 10 seconds!

"Little Brother, go forward and make sure the workers are safe. I'll draw their attention so make quick work." Fan Zhong said as he slid off Little White's back, starting to walk inside.

A small growl and an expression of question greeted him from Little White as he hesitated momentarily.

"Hmph, you don't trust this Young Noble's skill? Come now, I know you're stronger, so you have the more important task! What kind of rescue would this be if we let the workers be injured during the battle? Just come assist me after you've helped them" Fan Zhong shouted behind him, not turning to acknowledge the inquiring expression of his companion.

Seemingly content with that, Little White quickly disappeared and Fan Zhong felt the briefest passage of wind as the spirit beast moved past him and onto the roof with incredible speed. It amazed him how the water wolf could move so slightly when he wished to. Nodding to himself Fan Zhong activated his movement technique, blurring forward and entering the hall.

As he did so he noticed that Cui Shi was in the center of the ground level, with a group of menacing figures facing her and a group of the hall workers. They were dressed in an assortment of leather armor and martial arts robes with a few sporting partial metal armor. Varying weapons were brandished from their hands from spears to swords to wicked-looking crossbows.

In front of the group was a man with a simple martial robe who had a spear at his side. The man was fairly tall, almost Fan Zhong's height, and had short-cut hair that barely left his head. His robes were shabby and black with no crests or identifying marks while the spear he carried looked well crafted if plain.

"Young Lady Cui Shi, I'm not an unreasonable man. Give me the security array key and after a little time with me…" The man leered at her while saying this indicating what 'time' with him would entail "We'll take what we came for and leave. Don't blame me for being ruthless if you continue to be stubborn. It's already hard enough to hold the men back from your workers, who know how long I can ensure their safety"

Hearing these words some of those in the group laughed menacingly, leering at the cowering pleasure hall workers. Sighing Fan Zhong took a close look at the group, focusing his mental energy to examine them. Although they appeared threatening on the surface he could tell that about half the 50-person bandit group were merely untrained fighters holding weapons.

Of the remaining fighters, about 15 of them carried themselves well enough to be Third-Grade martial artists of varying skill. The remaining ten had some wisp of mental energy and were each within the Second-Grade realm with the leader of the group being solidly on his way to First-Grade. Given a few pointers and some years to train them into a disciplined force he thought they could have posed a threat to him however, at present, only the leader would last for a few moments.

Feeling confident that the enemy posed no major threat to him Fan Zhong started sprinting forward, carrying his momentum with each step. Within two steps his figure would've been a blur to the untrained warriors and by the time he was close enough for them to hear him over the ambient noise his speed had reached a level only the elites in the group could handle. Maneuvering himself between the members he came to a stop between the leader and Cui Shi.

"Hmph, looks like we got a hero here boys." The leader said, arrogance in his voice.

Meanwhile, his eyes carried a sign of trepidation. It was obvious that he understood the implications of someone being able to casually stroll past his awareness. However, it seemed that didn't put enough fear into the man as he put on a brave front for his men, perhaps unsure just how strong the opponent was. Fan Zhong went to respond but before he could a newcomer in plain brown robes descended from above, seemingly having jumped from the second floor.

The man had shoulder-length hair and was slightly shorter than Fan Zhong, although not by much, and wore a wide-rimmed bamboo hat that covered his face. As he landed the man drew a sword that was sheathed at his side with the grace and practice of a master. Feeling the energy coming off him, Fan Zhong was fairly certain that the man was strong however, he couldn't tell how strong.

"Lay down your arms and surrender to the local guards. If you do so, no harm will come to you. Refuse and only misery will follow." The man's voice was calm and smooth like a tranquil undisturbed sea.

"Arrogant! Both of you are too arrogant!" Indignation and anger filled the leader's face as he raised his weapon and charged.

Behind him, the bandits hesitated for a brief moment before one of them let out a warcry and charged as well. Soon a cascading effect started and all of the bandits were barrelling forward. The swordsman blurred into motion and disappeared from Fan Zhong's sight as he sighed before pulling a brick from the inner folds of his robe.

Turning to face the enemy he let the slightest part of his anger flow, tempered by the songs he had written so long ago. Momentum flowed through Fan Zhong as he dodged a spear while catching it in a receiving palm form, using the brick as a weapon by placing it on his palm as he struck. His leg kicked outward as his technique pulled the bandit into him, crushing the man's rib cage and inner organs leaving him dead and tumbling to the ground while Fan Zhong found another opponent.

In rapid motion, he struck out with five 'Shifting Palm Strikes' using the brick to add weight and power to each strike. Two of these blows shattered knees while the last three snapped necks to the side as his momentum built. Moving quickly the brick moved in patterns that Fan Zhong had spent years practicing, contact juggling coming to him now as naturally as breathing no matter the weapon.

Two swords, one coming for either side, thrust at him, each one met with a 'Shifting palm' that broke the attacker's arm. Normally Shifting palms weren't so effective however, Su Fen had shown Fan Zhong that was not always the case. Taking his painful memories of the senior warrior he had painstakingly applied them to his style during his years of training right before that fateful day.

Now all this showed true as he downed another three opponents in the blink of an eye. In total, nine bandits hit the ground simultaneously, each of them struck and defeated before any of them had time to finish falling. At last, the leader of the group approached him, spear poised to strike Fan Zhong's back.

Exhaling slowly Fan Zhong let his anger and pain gather to a point, in his right hand. With a single clean motion, he slid into a 'Voidgate' stance just as Fan Cheng had taught him so many years ago. Pivoting on his back foot he turned to face the attack, deflecting the spear with his off-hand while his other hand drove a palm strike into the man with the brick.

The air seemed to vibrate and a low hum echoed throughout the chamber. As the leader of the bandits dropped to the floor a large gaping hole could be seen in his chest as Fan Zhong pulled back the brick he'd placed end-wise on his palm. Slowly the solid natural treasure stone stopped spinning, ending the 'Origin Piercing Palm' technique.

Looking up from the man, Fan Zhong found the swordsman standing amid a mound of corpses made from the remaining bandits. As the man looked up and removed his hat, Fan Zhong saw a scar running down the left side of his face and into the man's robe. Recognition flared in his eyes as he remembered the last time he had seen this man, he was one of the immortals that had been there that day!