Part 2. Ch. 30 Food and Fate

On the eastern shore of the island, two young men walked side by side down a well-trodden path. To one side of them, the sounds of the water crashing into rock could occasionally be heard. Slight bits of it misted upon impact spreading a moist feeling throughout the air that pervaded the senses.

Overhead birds soared, trilling their song for the world to hear as they eyed the surface of the water for prey. Lining the other side of the path they walked down was a field of tall grass that stretched on for almost 200 meters before slowly giving way to a sparse forest. The trees and undergrowth grew deeper as one moved further inland making it hard to see much past the perimeter of the dense foliage.

Watching the two walk along the path gave off an air of two old friends that were enjoying one another's company after not meeting in a long time. They had run into neither danger nor obstacles as the way Wang Qiang had chosen for them was the primary path used to access the beaches on the northeastern shore by the clan.

Although the cove served to launch their larger ships, smaller craft like their rowboat would normally arrive on the beaches so it was only natural there were paths from them to the southern portion of the island. As the two walked along they simply exchanged experiences that had happened to them since they last parted, only sparing their attention to watch the sides of the road for ambush.

"Recently I've been working on perfecting the formula. Originally it called for five percent verdant sky onions that only grow high in the mountains. Through trial and error me and Sister Yun discovered that the wind Qi provided by them can be substituted with flying sword grass that grows in abundance in the valley's prairies." Fan Yong explained in an excited tone.

"Indeed?" Wang Qiang replied with a bit of surprise as he nodded along with the other man's excitement "Fascinating, flying sword grass is far cheaper and can be loosely farmed with the correct arrays. Last month a group of wandering martial artists stopped in Wang Clan Ancestral village. At that time their verdant sky onions were being sold for 50 spirit stones per pound and flying sword grass was only five for every pound."

"Although the sect provided the ingredients that makes sense given the supplies we had to work with. Normally the storehouses had far less verdant sky onion. The only negative is that since flying sword grass is a natural treasure with only one percent concentration it requires 40 percent more of it by weight than verdant sky onions." Fan Yong sighed a bit as he recalled the memories of trying to fix that exact issue with the recipe. "In the end, the added requirement of refining the metal Qi out of the grass complicates the ingredient chain too much to allow further modification."

"Still, that's a remarkable modification to the original. Even if the resulting broth is less effective from using different ingredients the cost reduction alone is remarkable. For a product that can restore stamina, heal small wounds, and even replenish some of a warrior's mental energy to be produced at such low costs. I'd dare say there are few spirit cooking recipes as desirable in the entire valley for larger clans and sects." Wang Qiang praised Fan Yong's invitation wholeheartedly.

"Hahaha, that should be the case. Even Master Hu Wu thought so, it's a pity that some of the other ingredients are seasonal and lose their potency easily. Otherwise, I may be able to make enough money to remove the bags from under Elder Shun's eyes." Fan Yong laughed heartily as he spoke although near the end of his words, traces of melancholy and fatigue slipped into his voice.

"A practical view for what to do with such a fortune. You've changed my friend, for the better or worse I cannot say. It feels as if you and Brother Zhong are flowing down a river to whose end cannot be seen and I simply stand at the shore unable to follow." Wang Qiang sighed and gave his friend a wry smile.

"That…" Fan Yong found his words faltering in his throat as he carefully examined the other man.

Wang Qiang's appearance was currently rather ragged. Previously his robes had been resplendent and his bearing was that of a scholar who looked on the world as a puzzle to be solved. Now his clothes were ragged and smeared with patches of dirt and sweat marking the toils of the day.

Along his arms and face small scratches that were scabbing over from the fight on the beach could be seen and he walked with a slight hitch to his step while favoring his right leg. The once proud and scholarly posture was missing as he was hunched and slightly huddled as if he wanted to curl into a ball for warmth. Bags formed half circles under his eyes as a deep sense of wariness could be felt emanating from his gaze.

Sharp breaths came from him as his chest rose and fell heavily while white could be found on the knuckles of the hand that gripped his spear. Through all of that Fan Yong could see a resoluteness in his expression and bearing. One that could only be found in true martial artists, those who set their minds on a path and would not be left behind.

Inside that resolve, he could see Wang Qiang's unwillingness to be a burden, to be left behind like luggage. Most of all under everything Fan Yong could see the terror that threatened to grip his friend's heart.

Perhaps the only thing that was keeping the merchant's son going was their casual talk. Words that reminded both of them of more mundane matters, of their hobbies and passions. All of these thoughts rushed through Fan Yong's mind as his mental energy seemed to focus to a point before he spoke once more.

"The river is one that we all move along Brother Qiang. Whether on a narrow stream that stretches into the distance or unknowingly as the ground beneath our feet moves via grander plans. On that day six years ago the heavens fell upon the fan clan and those of us who remain were swept up by a current no one can predict. However," Fan Yong smiled, giving off a sense of warmth and deep-seated camaraderie. "what we can do is determine how we live our lives within that current of fate. I am still me and you are still you. Besides, I can't always rely on you to pay for the wine."

Wang Qiang looked at him with a stunned expression for just a moment before bursting out with hearty laughter. Fan Yong followed suit and a tension the two of them hadn't known existed seemed to dissipate. Looking at the path ahead Fan Yong motioned for them to stop and the two slowed down in front of a small formation of rocks.

There were several stones positioned in a way to form a semi-circular wall around a cleared-out section of ground. This formation was on the side of the path near the shore opposite the forest. In the center of the clearing were obvious scorch marks and small coals indicating that the site had been used sometime in the past as a camp.

Noticing that the sun was dipping Fan Yong estimated that they had been walking for at least four hours.

"We should stop and let you regain your strength. From what you said the path should end in another hour or two and by then we'll be walking among the various cliffs that border the Southeastern shore. Cover will be sparse and those spirit beasts may spot us. Come and I'll make some of that broth we were discussing." Fan Yong spoke in a light tone as he walked forward and sat down his pack beside himself.

"Won't Senior Zhang Zheng be upset? He seemed rather adamant on finishing this investigation with haste." Wang Qiang was hesitant and apprehension covered his expression as he looked between the clearing and the path ahead.

"Bah! Don't let his grumpy exterior fool you. That old man is simply trying to motivate us. Sit, sit! If he says something then I, Fan Yong, will take full responsibility!" Fan Yong waved his hand dismissively as retrieved a pot stand, some fire starters, and a few bundles from his pack. "Can you get some firewood from the nearby brush? Just enough to get it started and I'll collect more as needed."

After a slight bit more hesitation Wang Qiang nodded and walked over to the tall grass to look for some firewood. In just a few minutes the two were sitting next to a small fire with a modest pile of sticks and branches beside them. As the fire crackled the first signs of shadows set off them from the rocks around the clearing as the sun began to wane in the sky.

"So, Brother Yong, how did you and Brother Zhong meet Senior Zhang Zheng exactly? It seems you all are rather close but I don't remember ever meeting him before." Wang Qiang asked with an inquisitive tone as he prodded the fire gently with a stick.

Fan Yong mumbled for a moment as he took out a set of three circular stone disks from a bundle of tightly bound cloth.

"Well… it would be more accurate to say that Brother Zhong knows him."

Pausing for a moment he inspected the stones, wiping them off with a smaller piece of cloth before setting them in a triangular pattern around the fire.

"Honestly I'm not sure of the details myself. During the years after the clan's fall, Brother Zhong became depressed and rarely interacted with the clan, many times I spoke with him to no avail in raising his spirits. Then one day he and senior showed up at the clan compound. That day there was a spark rekindled in Brother Zhong's eyes that I had thought dead and lost. All of this happened a little over a year ago."

As he spoke Fan Yong retrieved another bundle of cloth which contained a set of long and flat stones. These pieces had lines connecting from one tip to the other and after he inspected them for a moment Fan Yong placed them between each set of the circular stone disks to form a triangle.

"So is he trustworthy then? It seems that Senior Zhang Zheng could've overturned this situation on his own. Is there any point in making us work so hard?" Wang Qiang's tone contained a hint of bitterness as he continued to stoke the fire.

"Hmmmm, he is indeed. If there's one thing I've learned about that old swordsman over the last year it's that everything he does has a purpose. Try not to be too hard on him, senior is a kind man even if it doesn't always seem like it." Fan Yong smiled amicably as he set the tripod stand he had unpacked early up.

Each leg of the stand fit into a slight depression in each disk underneath which was a rune. To finish the whole setup he carefully placed three spirit stones in holders at the top where the three legs met and hung a pot over the fire on a hook that hung from the contraption. Instantly the lines on the long flat stones glowed a slight blue along with the runes hidden under the legs of the stand.

"I know." Wang Qiang sighed in exasperation " It's not as if he is an immortal who could simply sink the island to end this mess. If only the immortals from legends would descend ever so often huh?"

Fan Yong's face twitched ever so slightly as he struggled to control his expression. If Wang Qiang had a slightly better mental technique or Fan Yong had less control over his mental energy then that slight movement definitely would've been noticeable. In his heart though, Fan Yong couldn't help but laugh wryly.

He doubted very little that the immortal would have trouble sinking this island if he wanted to. If the reports about his battle in the plains were to be believed leveling the entire Flowing Grass Valley would only be a slight inconvenience for him at his full strength. Fan Yong had trouble simply imagining that level of destruction and devastation.

After all, he had been to the remains of Little Green Bamboo Village and that had been far less destruction than what it would take to destroy the valley. In any case, none of that mattered as it was dubious if the old swordsman would take action at all. He had been rather clear in mentioning training and Fan Yong was sure they would only receive help if mortal danger arrived.

Doing his best to keep his wry smile on his face Fan Yong simply started to add the first set of ingredients to the now boiling water.

"Indeed, if only the ancestors had time to do so." Fan Yong's voice carried an air of wistfulness as he spoke.

As the ingredients went in he placed a finger to touch one of the long flat stones that made up the base of the array. This was a refining array and he needed to be in contact with it to use his mental energy. Had he been in the master realm such a thing would be unnecessary but that still seemed far away.

Magical Treasures could be used to replace one's body when directly contacting arrays and formations. Fan Yong had been meaning to ask Fan Zhong to refine him a simple treasure to fulfill this purpose if only to keep his fingers from touching hots stones too often. However, the chance had not come up yet and it was not as if magical treasures could be refined as easily as chopping vegetables.

Shaking away those thoughts he focused on the image of the runes he knew existed in the array cycling through each of the three to make sure the reaction was correct. With a combination of this and his appraisal technique Fan Yong verified that the array was working correctly.

"So who is this Sister Yun you mentioned, Brother Yong? Has the passion of the commander whose fort guards the high tower dimmed? Destined to settle down for one true flame?" Wang Qiang asked with a conspiratorial tone in his voice as his face took on a mischievous expression.

The carefully constructed mental runes in Fan Yong's mind trembled and he struggled to keep them intact. It felt like a master realm cultivator had pressed upon his soul as the runes started to show signs of breakdown before stabilizing.

Shooting a piercing glare at the other man Fan Yong breathed in a deep breath before a wolfish smile appeared on his face.

"Sister Yun is a good acquaintance who follows the path of Spirit Cooking in the Reclusive Sword Mountain Sect. Say, since when are you so interested in affairs of the heart? I seem to remember you always having something else to do when the fair maidens cornered you during our gatherings… How about Brother Zhong and I treat you, he is close friends with the owner of the famous Shady Parasol Pleasure Hall in Butont. When we return, let's visit and I'll let the manager know to tell all the beauties in attendance that you are looking for a wife."

Wang Qiang's face instantly blanched and he looked away as his skin took on a reddish tone.

"Stop, stop, you two and your parties. What's wrong with books and ledgers, there are so many wondrous books and ledgers!" His tone was that of someone who had been wronged and he had a slightly sour expression as he turned back to face Fan Yong.

After a moment of staring at each other both of them started laughing jovial all the while the pot of broth on the fire silently boiled.

Later that night the two found themselves walking along a lip that ran along the face of a cliff edge 10 meters above them. The edge was narrow and a fall into the water below awaited them if they lost their balance. Around them, only the crashing of the water into the rock could be heard as the silence of the night was pervasive.

They had been traveling for another four hours since they finished their slight rest and both were full of energy once more. Ahead of them was a corner that according to Wang Qiang's memory should lead to a lower cliff that would overlook the water directly to the cove. From there the lower cliff would slowly decline to be almost level with the water as it curved inward to a circle part of the shore that led to the cove.

There was also a ramp to the right of the upcoming clearing that would lead to the higher cliff which would allow them to reach the cove as well albeit via a longer route. Taking a deep breath Fan Yong looked around the corner. In front of him, the terrain was exactly as described if a bit indistinct under the faint moonlight.

Motioning for Wang Qiang to follow he slowly crept out from the lip and onto the more even ground. Once he was sure that the other man was following him, Fan Yong focused his mental energy on his eyes to look across the water at the cove. What he saw made him intake breath sharply as hundreds of the crab zombies along with dozens more of the larger creature that Xing Zheng had slain crawled over each other at the periphery of the cove.

In the darkness, he could make out squirming forms indicating that there was even more inside. As he released his focus and let his other senses return to him Fan Yong was just about to turn around and inform Wang Qiang when he abruptly noticed the sound of claws clattering on stone. Looking around from the edge of the shorter cliff near the water were dozens of abominations heading right for them.