First Love

“You know who we are, and you let this..thing in here? And you, Cash, how could you bring her here!?” Dandaline shouted at him.

I couldn’t see her because I had stopped fighting with Cash to move and could only stare at the Vampire who was staring back.

I heard a sudden smack against flesh and a soft whimper come from Dandaline.

“Hush, I didn’t ask you to stick up for me!” Leif snarled at her, making me realize I didn’t kill him. Bummer.

“I’m not one to intervene on family quarrels, but I ask you to keep the violence to a minimum. You may be guests here, but there are still rules I expect to be followed.” Zin said to us, never taking his eyes off me.

“My apologies, we will be leaving shortly.” Cash said, loosening his grip on me.

I finally was able to back up and peer around him.