Which Way

The candy apple red paint greeted us once again as we entered the inner hall ways. I realized this time it reminded me of red latex stretched tight over someone's skin.

The door to the boiler room was plain and unmarked which made it even more odd that someone found it to use as an access point in kidnapping Reggie.

“Are the floor plans for the club available at the records office downtown?” I asked Zin as we headed down a metal set of stairs.

“Yes, I’m afraid, though I am unsure if the old tunnels would be included however. The club was originally a townhall, one of the firsts to be built amidst the mid 17th century. When I... acquired it, I was unaware the tunnels existed until our expansion in 1913 when we converted it into a Speakeasy before the ban of liquor and coming out of Others.” Zins words lost my attention as we descended, the boiler room’s massive size drew my attention.

It smelled of damp and musk, reminding me of Lou’s dungeons below oblivion.