Kimberly P. O. V

I entered my car and adjusted everything in place. When I look at the interior rear view mirror, my eyes on the heart shaped pendant on my neck. '16th Feb 1997' was engraved on the locket.I opened the locket inside it and there was a picture of mom first holding me after birth. She looked so young

with a bright smile on her face.

She gave me this necklace when I was just a baby. For her I was the center of her universe. I was the apple of my parents eye or so I thought. Sure my father was not with them when they killed my mother but he joined them after and he also helped them to kill my wolf. He left when I was fighting for my life in the hospital as if I did not matter to him. He betrayed my trust and I will never forgive him for that.

They called werewolves ruthless killers but the only ones I can see are hunters. After the way they killed my mother it was clear that they do not have humanity. They will not think twice to kill werewolves . Whether the whole family depends on that wolf or the wolf is a pup. To them they are their prey.

Soon hunting season is going to start. Hunters are going to Florida as a large amount of werewolf population stays there. I may not be a part of hunters but I keep a tab on them. I secretly went there for the last two years to save the creatures.

My phone beeped, filling me out of my thoughts. O shoot I am late. I started the car, quickly reversed it and drove out of my driveway at full speed. About fifteen minutes later l reached the cafe. I quickly came out of the car and locked it. I opened the door of the cafe and the bell rang . I entered the cafe, saw Anna in a booth at the far corner of the shop.

The shop is very welcoming and homely. The walls of the shop are warm light pink with pictures of tea cups and plates, pastries and cakes. Chairs are white in colour with beautiful designs engraved on them. The tables are covered with white cover, sugar packets, small beautiful vases and spoon sets are kept on each table. There is a cash counter on the left side with a fortune cookie jar and menus. Behind the cash counter Lizzy was standing ,attending to some clients. Lizzy is Mrs McGuire's granddaughter.

Mrs McGuire is the shop owner. Mrs McGuire is a wild and kind hearted lady . This shop was her late husband's gift to her. She cherished this place dearly. Her husband died three years ago in a heart attack. It broke her but it never stopped her wildness, fiers and bold attitude. At the age of sixty she is more energetic than I ever have been in my entire twenty five years. If one part of me is like her then I can drag through my whole day's work without sweating like a pig and walk like a blood thirsty vampire who has been starving for days.

Lizzy waved hand at me with a full blown smile, I gave one of my happy smiles and waved in return. I turned and went to Anna's boot. If a Lucifer's Demons with a trident in hand is standing in front of me then that will be Anna Mary who is ready to turn me Bloody Mary any minute.

I smiled at her innocently "Hi Anna".

" HI ANNA? Bitch I have been waiting for you at least for one hour and you are coming now?".

"Hey I will buy you your favourite Cappuccino to make it up to you ".

" You better be"she said with narrowed eyes and pointing a finger at me.

I gave her a mocking sullender and sat in the booth.

"So how have you been? " I asked her while keeping my bag beside me.

Before she could say anything, a new waitress came to our table, she was in her early twenties,and took our orders. When she went away Anna's face turned firm, her lips pressed into thin line.

"What happened honey? ".

Anna puffed out a breath from her mouth and said " I broke up with my boyfriend ".

" Wait what, you broke up with your boyfriend? The one you were telling me about last month that he is your soulmate and you want to spend your life with him. Why ,what happened? you both dated over a year ".

"Turns out he is a lying and cheating bastard".

" What did Cole do? ".

" Last week I went to meet a client in a restaurant. When I was at the end of the meeting I saw Cole enter the same restaurant with a woman and a one or two year old child . He had his arm around the woman's waist and he was holding the child's hand. First I did not believe in my eyes how he could have cheated on me and he has a wife and child. So quickly ended my meeting and focused on Cole and the woman and he was really Cole".

Anna breaks into a cry. I did not say anything and let it out when she composed herself she continued " The woman was indeed his wife and the child had uncanny resemblance to Cole and he called Cole dad. When I went there and asked Cole what is this he turned pale and then acted as if he did not know who I am. His wife asked me who I was .Before Cole could stop any of it I said I was his girlfriend for about one and a half year". She cleaned her eyes with a napkin .

"The woman did not believe me so I showed her my and Cole's intimate pictures. The woman went ballistic and started demanding answers from both of us. I told her the complete truth . Cole was forced to say the truth. I broke up at the spot and went home. I blocked his number and him from all my social media accounts. Later I found out he just did not have a relationship with me but with many other women behind his wife's back. How can I be so stupid to think I can get true love". Saying she started laughing but the laugh is bitter.

"Oh honey ".

Anna can be a wild ,outspoken and sassy person but she has a kind heart. If she loves somebody she loves them with her full heart. For that she had faced many heart breaks. She is a person who is beautiful inside out but all guys she dated never cared for her . They only cared for her money. Being rich has its own drawbacks.

"On top of that his wife was four months pregnant".She burst out in another set of tears. I stand up and sit beside her. I gave her a side hug and said consoling words. I move her hairs from her face which are sticking to her face.

" Honey, you are better than that asshole. You deserve so much better than him".

"Why Kim why does it always happen to me ? Whenever I dated I faced heart breaks. Am I not beautiful enough that they do this to me? ".

" Shut up, never say that. You are beautiful inside out and do not ever think otherwise because of some cheating bastard who was just after your money ".

Anna is truly beautiful . Guys in our school used to look at her like she was their dream girl but she was obvious to the attention she was getting from the male population of our school. She dated the worst guys and faced terrible break ups. No boy was interested in me. Who would have been interested in boring nerdy brown frizzy hair with a hazel eyed girl.

Anna is dirty blond with grey eyes, figure of a model and face of a angle.Elegant, sophisticated and a very nice family background that any rich family wanted her to marry into their family. She is her own person. Anna is passionate about whatever she has done with her full heart and has succeeded.

Our orders arrive, I return in my chair. The waitress looked at Anna and her a sympathetic smile and leave. I start drinking my coffee. Anna went to the washroom to clean herself when she returned she look fresh and has returned to her normal self but I knew better. Anna feels uncomfortable when she vulnerable so she tries to hide it with her cheerful self.

She sit on her chair, took her Cappuccino in both hands and asked" How is Jackson doing? Is he going to propose to you or not.Because if he is not then I am doing it. Oh God, you guys are like dated for six years".

I blushed and said "Seven years and yes we are good. He is in North China. We have not discussed anything about marriage".

Jackson is my long term boyfriend. We met in our senior year of school. He was an exchange student we soon heated off. His father is Anna's father's business partner.I never thought a girl like me can get a guy like him. He is handsome, charming , muscular and perfect at everything and me, well the same old boring Kimberly.

The girls from my high school made remember how much I am grateful that Jackson choose me as his girlfriend. Girls used flock around him like honeybees around flowers. Out of all the girls he chose me, an ugly duckling . I never myself beautiful but Anna make me remember how beautiful I am . Jackson is supportive. Throughout the senior year we dated. After school he went to navy and I stayed in state to complete my college. We decided on a long distance relationship and stayed in touch.

We used to fight a lot and we were almost on the verge of breaking up but he returned and we made up. He only returns during holidays. It has been seven years we have been together but it feels like something is missing.

I know I have a mate somewhere . Waiting for him is no use .I know he will be disappointed in me for being a hunter. It's better I do not know him. At least it will save me from heartbreak from seeing him rejecting me and mating with another she-wolf. Suddenly my mood turned sour thinking about my mate with another woman.

"Hey I am getting late for work. I am leaving. Call me later".

" Bye Kim and may God send you a handsome pet owner today".I just shake my head and laugh.

Typical Anna Mary. She is never going to change and I do not want her to change.

"Bye" Saying I exited the shop.