Knox P. O. V

After the day's training I was going through the files of the new circuit. They are quite efficient I could see while we were training today. The knock on the door interrupted my work. The door pushed open and Juliana entered.

"Do you get anything important information from the trackers ? ".

"Yes, the hunters have started arriving. They are living in the West side of the woods in a cabine. They have not started hunting yet".

" Keep an eye on them. Hunting season is about to start in a few weeks. Make sure nobody goes that side. If they attack you know what you have to do. Don't spare any of those hunters".

"Yes I am going to station small groups of warriors all over the pack land and inform the pack members to stay away from there. I should take my leave, I have something to do".

" Yes you may leave ".

I start going through the documents again. Stress is getting on me.